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Posts posted by saigray

  1. What would we each be?

    I think I'd be the baby clown in the clown Family...you know, sort of lost in my own world and constantly in danger of tripping over my oversized shoes or wandering into the lion taming act!

    I think Xpander would be the amazing contortionist from the ORient, who twist himself and his flannel shirts into various shapes to wild D&B.

    Quoth would be the drunk-on-stiltz....Will the NEXT heineken make him fall over?

    Highmay can catch Sexxy BabyDee, Fiery Desire and Snoozie, after they do trapeez shows in lots of sequins to epic trance.

    Barvybe would be the Emcee with Barmenace as his comic sidkick

    And Lavendermenace would be the snake-charmer.

    WHo has more???

  2. Before this all drifted off into "paying your dues" chatter, the question raised a basic issue that DJing has that other forms of musicianship don't. (See attached picture)

    Maybe I'm just trying to raise hell here, but the reality is you are PLAYING RECORDS, not creating the MUSIC....anyone can put a record on a turntable... you don't have to read music, write melodies, harmonies, etc- there are no schools, no curriculumns, no scales and proper fingering. There is a very DIY vibe about DJing, and until you actually stand behind decks and try and beatmatch, it seems easy. Even then, learning to beatmatch is really not an "artistic" endeavor. There is an illusiveness to what makes someone a good DJ vs a great DJ that allows everyone and their mother to think they have what it takes. Particularly because a huge part of it comes down to taste- the Dj's selections being the material- and everyone likes their own taste, so until you get out in front of a crowd, how do you know if your taste sucks or not? And with the influx of new "electronica" fans, this is made more intense -Unless one has a thorough appreciation for the skills it takes to create great sets, the "art" of Djing appears like an easy road to the top of MOUNT COOL!

  3. Okay, this wasn't me but....

    the first time I had a real club Xperience, I went to Cream in Liverpool with these two kids, one of whom took more than a couple pills.....half way through the night, Tristan comes over and curls into Tara's lap mutter something. She looks over the crowd which is brightly dressed and glittery, and says..

    "No, I don't see the ships...no, there are no pirate ships sailing through the crowd" That's right, the dancers became a sea on which incandecent pirate ships (think Goonies) was drifting throughout the night....


  4. Originally posted by djjonstephen

    Thats terrific pal...........save that $25 for WMC.

    Think of all you can get with it.......two small pizzas or two packages of t-shirts or a taxi-cab ride or an umbrealla when it rains on you raving maniacs or a dildo so you can just use the real thing next time you decide to fuck yourself over and miss one of the best nights this year in NYC.


    Listen, we all know your just pissed because you were really hoping that Saturday would be the night Phuturephunk had one too many and you would finally be able to make your move and take advantage of his poor inebriated state, but just cause you didn't get to mack it to him at DD doesn't give you the right to get all hostile.....there's always next time.

  5. Sweet sweet night. The crowd was awesome and included some of my favorite new friends, the set-up was beautiful and dreamy, and the music was DEEP perfection.

    CP represented quite well in terms of close-out ratio...lots of tired headz on the coat check line at 9;15! BUt kiddies, why don't you all move forward more? I love hanging with the group, but on a high energy night like saturday, I just can't be in the back... MUST DANCE!!! ALL NIGHT!!! Still cool catching quick hello's on the way to and from the bathroom ;-) I just love all your friendly faces.

  6. For fucks sake,...I thought that stephen was JOKING about the Exit-to-Vinyl migrations...but you're all serious aren't you?

    I never go in for the "Vinyl was so much better back in the day" bitching, but you have to worry when people shamelessly discuss going from Exit before vinyl....at least be discreet if you're gonna be dorky!

  7. You two are ridiculous...where have YOU BEEN??? I'm here in NYC, going out all the time, and I never see either of you. Orchad, especially, I know you are out there somewhere....Do you ever go to Vinyl, or are you gonna make me go to cracktory to find you? How bout Deep Dish on Saturday? Or else lets find a lounge to pre-party at least and catch up. And you, Mikey, I expect a PM personally inviting me to meet you beneath the "ball" at S&D in April...and how bout Boo? You feelin' ravey?

    I am NOT random....you people are the lurkers! (lovya)

  8. I think you know you can count me in!


    I have NEVER been RAVANGED by a DJ like that....I had NO POWER TO STOP, NO CONTROL OVER MY BODY, my legs were screaming for mercy but Richie just WOULD NOT LET GO. I was held, against my will, by shear musical magnetism till 3;15. The risidual heart throbbing kept me up til 4;30!! Around 2;30 I lost most ppl, and I began to become truly worried that if someone didn't pull me off the dancefloor I would be forced to close out...thank God, AL found me and pushed me out the door or I might still be there (which I'd prefer over being here at work trying to get my ears to stop ringing!) And while I'm going off, can we all agree that Magda was a REVELATION? (Mugz, not only breaks DJs are hot, this girl was the hottest)...what kind of warm-up DJ pounds you into the ground so hard that I swear if Ritchie didn't show, it would still have been worth it. In fact, I was drenched before his magesty even arrived at Baktun. It was all downhill from there...eventually I just hit a point beyond tired, where everything kept goign without me telling it to...just moving.

    TWICE in 3days, I had my physical limit violated by Ritchie Hawtin, and LOVED IT.

    I want a big t-shirt that says "I survived Hawtinfest 2002". Anyone who was at both shows knows what I mean!

    SHout outs to you all! Somebitch, I was wearing a bright orange Technics t, and bouncing around like a Mofo...hard to miss.

  9. Originally posted by roha3000

    For those of you who don't know, the secret DJ tonight at Baktun is Mugz's long lost sister. He hasn't seen her in so long that he actually mistook her for Liza Minelli at the Cox party the other night. I heard she really isn't all that great behind the decks. Definitely not worth a $3 cover. I am staying home.

    Dude, you honestly had me LOL, the whole office thinks I'm nuts! Great meeting you on Saturday, and I will see you tonight in Joe G's car, outside of Crobra's basement to watch Mugz dog spin happy hard core!

  10. I hate to rain further on peoples parade, but what happened to "live and learn"....I have never heard of, nor attended a large event (and I don't mean a typical night at a large club) that did not have a huge line problem in the 12:30 to 2am range. I'm sorry but line management and crowd control are not what big parties are know for, and while SoE is not an exception, they are hardly the first to have this problem....It's as if a bell goes off at every pre-party in NY at around midnight, and suddenly everyone is ready to dance NOW> and can't figure out that if they wanted to be DANCING at 12;30, they needed to leave by 11. It took me 1 time arriving to PVD/Twilo night at 1, to realize that by coming an hour early, i would get inside 3 hours earlier, to make me go whenever possible on the early side. The one time friends delayed, despite my warnings, we arrived to a 2.5 hr line at S&D, only to be told by ppl who arrived 1 hr earlier, that they'd waltzed right in. THAT SILLY PRE-PARTY IS NOT WORTH IT, ppl. BEING FASHIONABLY LATE IS NOT WORTH IT. You paid for a ticket to listen to GREAT MUSIC, starting at 10pm...why risk missing 1/2 of what you paid for?? Especially when you can see that its pouring rain outside and that whatever line there is will be twice as miserable as usual?

  11. Originally posted by clubmouse

    yea, sasha and digweed....they could be playing in an alleyway in the worst part of the city, where im guarenteed to get mugged and shot, and then charge 300 for an hour set, and everyone else there is a tourist, and id still go...id go reallly reallly reallly fucked up, but oh hell yea id go....S&D march 30th in philly,road trip, scotty scribz, i know your down, check the philly board for info, lllllllaaaaattttttterrrrrrrzzzzzzzzzz


    MIKEY>>>Coming up to NYC so Sai no have to go down Philly, YEAH! Miss ya, babe. WE ARE GOING TO OPEN AND CLOSE THIS SHIT, no?

  12. Oh shit, and thank you to my friend Dave for bringing me to plant for the pre-party, were Carl Cox personally promised me that he was going to rip shit up for us.

    For all who were at President's Day last year, when I told him that was my best night out ever, he said that that night was his best night out ever too, something really special, and that he was so excited to come back to us in this way. SO FEEL BLESSED NYC, Carl feels the love and love us right back.


    I do not have time for the naysayers...this was a gift to us from the djs, the promoters and the heavens...cause if you think the rain didn't have something to do with the lack of cheesy ass girls in high heels and jerzy boyz who were planning on "checkin out the big party" but headed indoors instead, I think you are deluded. After the unbelievably musical exctasy created by the DJs, what made Saturday such a stand out for NY was the delightful crowd that represented through the fuckin storm, and the puddles and the slippery stairs, smiling and dancing in wet shoes, and dare I say, PLURed more than any I've ever experienced...the Delerium Fairy could barely contain herself, running into one favorite person after another, meeting brand new best friends on the dancefloor, bonding with a beat and a neighbor, and then all of us emerging to a silvery calm and happily warmer morning after a stormy, in all senses, evening- magic!

    I love too many of you to name while at work, but if I saw you, met you, stood next to you, or otherwise encountered you saturday night THANK YOU! Thank you to the kid who let me wear rawkin cybersweatshirt while waiting to go upstairs, thank you to tall british dude, who kept lifting me up so I could see the crowd from above, thank you to Joe whatshisname for going to his brother's aid and keeping the party from being shut down, and thank you to Bev for the afterhours.

    Whew... I just got way to excited...must try to go back to earth, try to return to earth... work, work,.....BAKTUN...work...

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