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Posts posted by bionic

  1. "JP" - Whats the rave about???

    Music - This is the best part. Musically JP did astonish me back in his prime which in my opinion happened from 1999 to 2002 with his notable live cd releases. But before that He used to play Hard and I mean Hard Tech until he switched his style when he came into SF. After SF closed the guy has been on a constant shipwreak. I think the last decent party that I think was 5/10 was his performance on 2003/2004 New Years Even @ Exit. JP has NO CREDITABLE RELEASES in my words. I mean doesnt it say something when no other DJ will play your records on his set. His Record Company i think pressed 5 records if im correct. WOW fellows that is a big number. JP IS A TRISTATE DJ, NOT WORLDWIDE so how do you even dare to compare him to other WorldWide DJ's as Morillo, Sanchez, Carl Cox etc. The guy is not even recognized outside his borders. JP never gets invited to major House Music Festivals around the World like "Sensation White & Black in Amsterdam", "InterCity Conference" in Brazil, "Thunderdome Festival" in Belgium or others around the world.

    And shame on you if you dare to talk about WMC. WMC is nothing compared to in scale and budget and the amount of people who attend the other music conferences that I have mentioned.


    he was past his his prime post 1999. 1997-1999 was the best.

    he does have a couple of credible releases.

    he is a new york dj.

    i don't think anybody disputes that.

    although i'd imagine it's gotta be pretty tough to branch out when you're locked into the contract he had at sf having to play every weekend and not allowed to play another venue within a certain radius.

    don't know why you're upset.

    i don't think jp is.

    i haven't gone out in yrs yet alone to a jp party.

    i was a regular circa 97-99.

    you don't have to like him, you don't have to like his crowd.

    you also don't have to go.........

    when he has a line around the block and have to shut the block down b/c of all the people trying to get in. the man is doing something right, and that is GETTING PAID.

    the man is a cash cow.

    i agree with almost all of the criticisms about his partys lately.

    thats prob why he's dropped the age to 18+.

    when you get older and have a chance to expereince other scenes, other dj's and different environments, you have no patience for what goes on at jp parties these days.

    i moved on so will you.

  2. HAS anybody been to CLUB SOL in Manhattan, NY???? DONT even bother gettin in line if u are not female, white, almost nakedly dressed, model-like appearance because u are not getting in. If u are a man, be sure u are tall, athletic built, and have money to bribe the bouncer to let u in because you will be waiting for hours in line. Not even the regular white man can go in without freezing their B___ off first. Money is very impt for MEN to get in. MIND YOU that the bouncers that are doing this biased, racist thing are off minority race themselves, black and hispanic. SELLOUTS are what they are. IF this is the door policy for this night club, then F--- YOU.. There are hundreds of very nice clubs in new york that dont treat you like dirt. In a few months this club will not be as hot as they think they are.

    or maybe you're just really really ugly?

  3. ahhh some of you youngin's wasn't around.

    Well, after the "old" SF closed down and Junior and the owner Mr. Grant had a tiff...they refused to work with eachother anymore.

    Mr. Grant opened up the new SF and Junior stayed in the old SF venue, but name changed to Twilo.

    Mr. Grant hired Eddie Baez for (gay) friday nights and JP (unkown) for Saturday night straight party.

    Eddie and JP were also business partners starting "Deeper Rekords" outside of SF.

    Mr. Grant asked if JP wanted to ALSO do friday nights at SF. JP (behind Eddie's back) took the job and hogged up the whole SF weekend. He also screwed him out of the Deeper Rekords business, too.

    While done with screwing Eddie, he kept extending his party hours to compete with Junior doing afterhours at Twilo...which is where everyone went at dawn when SF ended.

    So, now his company is his own AND he has 24 hour parties (only JR did that).

    Now, Junior has become a health nut and went back to normal party hours, supported by his fans....and JP will soon burn out.

    There you have it in a NUTs shell.

    I doubt very much Calderone has anything to worry about......JP sux.

    ........and if Twilo had been more str8 friendly during regular Saturday hours, you would have had more straights go there...but, they wanted it exclusively gay in the early hours...who can blame....Str8's know how to ruin a party.



    you got it backwards hun.

    jp had fri nights and baez had saturday nights.

    the fri party took off bigtime and baez's sat night party wasn't cutting it.

    grant asked jp to do both nights and baez had moved to the tunnel.

  4. Exacly what I mean...I guess with a user name of muscles your hard headed too.

    To make it easier on you, when you work in the DARE program you get to meet specilized areas of departments that are trained for things that happened. They do things for a reason, they didnt mean to catch one kid, shit they might have 4-5 kids caught, but those 4-5 will leak info. I have seen it happen before.

    I know this is a touchy subject but the Iraq freedom we are doing (also known to me as war) but we were told there was some illegal weapons of distruction. All I know is they really didnt find anything anymore serious then Korea would have. Nonless now it seems we are there about oil...weird right?

    Same thing here you go and get 1 kid and who knows what that might bring up....not to mention the cost Platinum will have to pay in court so it makes money for the county.

    ummm, what?

    it's like one giant cluster fuck of ramdom thoughts haphazardly thown together.

  5. 2 month invstigation and all they got were 1 drug arrest????

    that night.

    doesn't mean they don't have the scoop on the other crack heads that go there and who's doing what.

    you don't think that 19 yr old kid, who's life is pretty fucked, isn't gonna start naming names to try and un fuck himself.

    you wanna play you're gonna pay......

  6. Dude, you dont even know the dress code at Crobar.


    Or any other club for that matter


    ok sweater4u, if you've got the time to dig up a thread from feb 04 shortly after crobar had orig opened you're more of a loser than I originally thought.

    be proud of yourself, you're an over achiever

    and its one thing to want to know what the dress code is, and another thing to stuff your mohair sweater behind a speaker, lose it, get it back, and then whine about it.

    i used to go out a lot, a long time ago, when you had to dress up to go to the roxy for big roxy fridays and even going to SF you had to dress up - not even jeans.

    since i don't go out anymore but for once in a blue, i just wanted to check, b/c obviously things have changed, apparantly for the worse....

    oh and starting a sentence with "Dude", absoultely brilliant.

    -and just a thought, instead of them "stealing it", maybe, just maybe, they thought it fell behind the speaker and they brought it to the back as opposed to leaving it seemingly forgotten about back there so someone actually didn't steal it.

  7. This is true, he now has the power to draw large numbers. He does have a long history as a DJ in nyc and other parts of the world. I remember going to hear him admist the buzz he had going back then. So granted he has put in his time and has paid dues to get his name as recognized as it is ..

    The last point i will present on this matter is this, when the people in other cities are talkin about him, do you think they are saying ".... yeah and BORIS from CROBAR will be at CLUB XYZ tonight .. yeah i hear he is hot shit in NYC ... I think we should check him out " or they are saying " .... oh and BORIS is spinning tonight, i really love his tech-house/tribal style, last weekend i heard he dropped TRACK XYZ and right there i knew that i had to go out and check him at the hamptons ..."

    Im going to say that a good percentage of the crowds he attracts are going to say phrase one in reference to who he is and how they know him.

    who care what phrase they use, as long as they're talking about you.

    it's when they stop talking that there is a problem.

    this whole thread sucks.

    like fast says, doesn't matter if you like him or not.

    people need to at least get their facts straight.

    for people who say crobar made boris.

    i feel bad for you that you you obviously missed big roxy fridays.

    without a doubt one of the greatest partys...

  8. I'm 32.

    I was in full swing going out when i was about 24-27 after that I slowed down.

    It depends where you are in life. There is no age rule book that says when you should start or stop going out.

    For me, It was perfect insofar as I was out of school, single, living on my own in the city, and making money to be able to party like a rockstar when I wanted, how I wanted and with who I wanted.

    As I got older, my "going out" group of friends started to diminish and there weren't as many people into the big night out anymore usually b/c of girlfriends that were turning into fiances and also the scene was changing too.

    I met my gf shortly after I turned 30 and suddenly going out didn't seem to matter much.

    We do more casual things these days but will still strap on the dancing shoes and get out for a night once in a while.

    My gf is 8 yrs younger than me and is just as happy doing the casual thing as she, b/f i knew her, had also done the club thing too.

    Neither one of us miss it, but still have fun getting out together to hear a good dj and get our groove on.

    Now a days we leave when the bar closes as opposed to just getting there when it closes.

    different storkes for different folks....

  9. Maybe he's trying to reinvent himself. Probably not a bad idea since his usual boom boom sound is terrible and there's never a vibe at his parties. While he's at it, he should work on his technical skills since those are questionable at best. People assume that he's this great DJ b/c he draws crowds when he spins. Not really true though. Crobar basically made Boris who he is. They signed him on as a resident and through successful promoting, were able to establish a strong fan base for him. Has nothing to do with talent.

    crobar made boris who he is?

    i'm curious how old you are?

    also to brain surgeon who said give that room to tsettos, hahahahaha

    he couldn't come close to filling that room.

    he couldn't even keep tempts filled and the crack head white trash loosers down there had no better options and still he couldn't fill it.

    crobar has made a name for itself and will draw a crowd for the venue and rep the club has on it's own.

    but it takes a name and a talent to really pack that place over and above the numbers that are going just to go and right now, boris is that name.

  10. wow is this an old thread.

    yes, kenny ken, is doing doors here in the city

    alig is still in the slammer

    richie rich is part of the designer duo heatherette along with travor rains

    he's still in the city and is out and about.

    james st james - wrote disco bloodbath, and is now doing guest spots on "america's next top model" (my gf makes me watch it with her, lol)

    amanda lapore - is around the city too. i see "her" walking around chelsea a lot.

    thats all i got for ya...

  11. Hollar..

    However, I've spoken with 'the man' himself and he's assured me he's never even heard of the Ibiza set and I'm just left to guess all of those similarities were just a very rare coincidence.

    It happens....I stand corrected.


    what's he gonna say.?

    yeah i heard it and copied it b/c i suck too much to program my own shit.

    of course he's gonna say he never heard it.

    he sucks.

  12. Danny Howells is easily in the top five dj's in the world IMO, he freakin rocks it everytime I've seen him. you can see by his face he's loving it too. I'm from England and we're coming to NY on Wednesday, was hoping someone wicked was gonna be on over there when we're there....can't wait for this!

    anyone got any tips on good warm-up bars for beforehand?

    i see you're from newcastle..

    i can't belive you signed owen


    a bitter reds supporter...

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