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Everything posted by misskittie

  1. Well, the meet is at their house. From my understanding, the parents are really awesome people and extremely excited to meet who their son is bringing home. So I saw, why not a cute lil hug for both parents? It shows you're open, expressive, comfortable with yourself and the situation you've just been tossed into. You don't think it gives you an edge being you seem so loveable and carefree?
  2. So you're dating a new guy or girl and then comes the ever so dreaded day when they say, "I want you to meet my parents". Instead of letting the panic settle into your body and running for the hills screaming, you accept the challenge. Now, the question is, when you meet them initially, what do you do? Do you shake their hands? Give them a hug? Do the hug-kiss combo? Or, just simply, and rather pathetically, keep your distance in order to avoid any and all bodily contact. (this giving off the feeling that you believe they have some disgusting germs and are too beneth you to even greet with courtesy and respect) So, what's your method for meeting the parents? I don't want to hear how you kiss their ass. I want to hear the best way to ensure that both you and they are comfortable with the meet and greet.
  3. Pfffffffffffffffffffffffft - I did beat them already. "America Meetup October 2001" Escorted from the restaurant by NY's finest. Off to Centro Fly (denied entry) After hours apartment party Closed the night off with Vinyl Oh yea, that was the best EVAH!
  4. LOL There were quite a few deliciously scrumptious straight men there but I was so toasted, I couldn't strike up a conversation! *btw, since when do straight men, "prance"?* Next Vic party is the 7th with the following on the 21st. From what I'm hearing already, I'll be there the 21st with fuckin' bells on!
  5. lol it's a Calderone party - what do u expect? a lotta hott, sexy gay men prancing around to some hott, tribal beats!
  6. I wasn't id'd but I think it may have been because we were comped. I guess Fernando didn't want to bother --- but that's a-okay with me! The only thing they are really tough on is the search - but big deal. It's a big club and they have a HUGE liability over their head so you have to respect it. Besides, if you don't know to hide your shit properly, then you don't belong going out.
  7. Well fuckin' get on that man! MAKE IT HAPPEN!---Or I'll be at your competitor that night for some good, old fashing, Carl Cox.
  8. *cream* Fuckin' Crobar makes me forget we had a down time! NY IS BACK!
  9. NYCclub15, you going to the next Vic-Extravanga? I have word that it's going to be even MORE amazing than this one. I'm gonna head in with a few ladies if you're interested in meetin' up. It was sooooo good, I can't even begin to think of what he's going to be like when I have sneakers on to get my groove going!!!! I'm still giddy!
  10. America was great from what I remember. We had CP'ers, VIP'ers, EZ and NB heads. The afterparty at Myne was a complete and fuckin' mess --- not by my doing but by the owner's himself. I apologize to anyone who came - can we say that I'm really embarassed about his unprofessionalism? Either way, I had a slammin' time that night...what can ya do?
  11. Oh my WORD! Victor is simply UNBELIEVABLE! My friend and I arrived a little after 5. We walked right in after speaking with Fernando. Strolled in, saw some peeps LEAVING (cuz they apparantly can't live the rocktah life) and then, we waited on coat check for nearly ONE HOUR. That was the only truly terrible aspect about Crobar. The music was off the hook. Vic was KILLING me with all the track teases. I got so excited to think we'd here this track or that and then he'd mix back out. All in all, Victor did NOT disappoint. Without a doubt I would have stayed until closing but my friends were exhausted. This was a treat --- NY OFFICIALLY has their super club back! NOTHING is even CLOSE to what this place is! Can't wait till the next Vic -- although this time, no stilletos, sneakers only!
  12. Not me - relationships are overrated. I can't stand having a guy up my ass - well, you know what I mean.
  13. I saw you Friday? lol jk - I totally remember that conversation at the bar in F14! Regina gave me your info earlier today - u're IN bebe! xoxo
  14. I saw you Friday? lol jk - I totally remember that conversation at the bar in F14! Regina gave me your info earlier today - u're IN bebe! xoxo
  15. I saw you Friday? lol jk - I totally remember that conversation at the bar in F14! Regina gave me your info earlier today - u're IN bebe! xoxo
  16. Well if you plan to come, better hit me up with an email: CMPBLLKATH@AOL.COM Otherwise, you can't get in. You have until Friday the 23rd to submit your names. By 5:30 pm....thanks!
  17. Well if you plan to come, better hit me up with an email: CMPBLLKATH@AOL.COM Otherwise, you can't get in. You have until Friday the 23rd to submit your names. By 5:30 pm....thanks!
  18. Well if you plan to come, better hit me up with an email: CMPBLLKATH@AOL.COM Otherwise, you can't get in. You have until Friday the 23rd to submit your names. By 5:30 pm....thanks!
  19. I'm happy with that! You two ladies can toss me around like a piece of meat. I may even do a little dance for you lovelies as a "thank you". *we should be kissed and kissed often* xsmoochx
  20. I'm happy with that! You two ladies can toss me around like a piece of meat. I may even do a little dance for you lovelies as a "thank you". *we should be kissed and kissed often* xsmoochx
  21. I'm happy with that! You two ladies can toss me around like a piece of meat. I may even do a little dance for you lovelies as a "thank you". *we should be kissed and kissed often* xsmoochx
  22. I've deceided I'm still coming as long as you find me a hottie to plant a nice juicy one on me.
  23. I've deceided I'm still coming as long as you find me a hottie to plant a nice juicy one on me.
  24. I've deceided I'm still coming as long as you find me a hottie to plant a nice juicy one on me.
  25. http://www.pixel17k.com/_sets/download.html iI've been pulling the sets all morning. There's some hott ones on there...check it out before the site is removed.
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