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Posts posted by hush

  1. whew.k. i havent been here for quite a while and i had to log on just to say i love james too...even if i dont show it all the time. and james...if you read this...you can have your whip back when i get out of this god for saken place i am spending the holiday....love you. hush

  2. aaayyyyyeeeeee...just gotta say this...you can slap anybody you want on the ass-as long as you say *good game* after!!!

    as for the rules...if i know you i got your back no question...if i dont know you and you look like you need help or a friend i still got your back...

    cant always stay till the last record plays but sometimes i take off my shirt anyway...hee hee-saturday that was me in the seethrough tee with darthmaul bandaids covering my nipple rings...

    and for the rest-good thing someone laid down some guide lines for peace sake. this is a community even if its ruled by chaos and love...if you ask me thats the best kind...

    peace loveeeeees


  3. at the moment...left eyebrow which i only wear once in a while, both nipples, horizontal clit hood...love the ones i got and have taken out belly button, just got in my way, tongue-gave me cavaties which are expensive to fill and the feel of a nice soft tongue on a nice hard cock just seems right. it got in the way of the movement of my tongue...considering vertical clit hood as well and possibly the taint but not sure of the healing time... no tats yet.


  4. now i'm no porn star but i do know a few...and maybe a director or two...that story in its self made a good plot. if i were him i would have already had the camera on! but as it goes no one i know has ever been seduced into film but they all say it happens...all the time. wanna try your hand at makin movies phoenix? got what it takes? or do you wanna write erotica? i know somewhere for you to start....


    by the way-your story got me hot.

  5. its ON this saturday. i will be going to the fetish party at the limelight. laext black stockings, fuschia latex mini and black latex one piece with garters adn cut out breasts. nipples covered in liquid latex and possibly latex gloves depending. this may be the only way for any of you to see me and it will definately be the only time to see the outfit for at least the next six months. you need not be so outrageously dressed. all black will do or anything creative is better. you may pm me for advice on fashion. all women who reply must be serious because i will be putting you on the list. that means free ladies...kitikat i got you but rsvp to confirm anyway. men-before twelve thirty with a flyer is ten dollars. i will bring flyers for you all. we will meet on fifth ave and twentieth steet at twelve sharp. if you have costume or fetish attire planned and do not want to wear it on the subway or street you may come dressed normal and change in the bathroom at the limelight. you must reply or pm me so i know who is coming and can arrange list or flyer stuff. i have to know friday ten pm at the latest. if you are new and curious have no fear you will be among friends and if you find its not for you it is always possible to go to the house party...but once there i doubt you will leave...too much fun going on.

    this is an open invite to all open minded people.

    on saturday on the corner of 5th and 20th at 12 sharp. you cant miss me. long coat freezing my ass off, dark hair, latex legs...who knows-i may even make a sign saying HUSH.

    now start making plans my little freaks-and let the fun begin.

    looking forward to a little debauchery-


  6. all drugs affect all people differently but for the mostt part we all can control a great deal of our trips. if you are with some one who is wigging out-yes hugs and words are good. no-they are great but also do this...get her/him to close their eyes and focus on your voice. keep your voice smooth and even and sort of firm. tell them to breathe measured breaths. breathe with them. after ten or so have them open their eyes. tell them that they are in control. rubbing hands (massage style) will help them concentrate on something else. which is the whole point. stay with them and give them the impression you are the guide. give them something else to foucs on other htaann the freaking out...hence the breathing to get them inn touch with themselves and you and the massage to put them in touch with their physcial bodies on the outside. tactile sense is a good way to ground. also what i always do with my friends is we have grounding points...so if one of us is alone and freaking out we can calm ourselves down. the basic is we sit. breathe. and sing. just beats or whatever and have always found that it brings us back to where we wanted to be in tthe first place. this is of course if they are on lsd or e. find out what they are on. if ist something else this may work as well but ghb-do not let ttheem sleep. under any circumstances. or drink alcohol.

    go to http://www.erowid.org for more info.


  7. oh sweetness!!!! i havee been so busy since then i have not had a chance to get in touch with you or check the board until now...i had a wonderful time that night and cant wait till next week...all latex again baby! do you want to borrow something? wear the necklace again...or maybe not. maybe i will have a suprise for you little one. you are beautiful. and your passion is astounding. kisses and love little one. till next time.


  8. all you have to do to avoid the shower shite is to take a bath with your mate and clean eachother off slowly and lovely. or get double shower heads...ummmm. ymmmmmmm. leaving nfk's place now with a wobble in my step. hes laid out in on the bed still moaning...what a woman i am.

  9. we just ran out of condoms and NFK is running to the store before i figure out how to do a misskittie and dont need him any more...he is running despite a torn ligament in his groin...you see he gets a little too excited and the mamouth rod between his legs is too much for the rest of him to bear...we have been fucking all night and i still dont know what he kisses like...when i want to tell him how good it is i reach for my cell. i personally need a little more affection than he can provide. i like body contact every once in a while...when he gets back i am going to make him show me this amazing ability first hand so i rest my sweet pussy for a while...whew.


  10. hey. make sure your bf's fingernails are super clean. is he cut? he may be harboring bacteria if not and may not realize it. do not go from back door to front door with out cleaning feet (metaphor-hee hee). only wear cotton panties that are not too tight or pants that keep your kitty from breathing...if all else fails and it keeps reoccuring-go to a nutritionist-you may have devlolped a rection to wheat or yeast or may not be processing it the same way you used to...if you have lots of itching or inflamation for temproary relief make a paste of warm water and baking soda and put it on a pad or paper towel and sit on it for ten minutes. do not insert.-i figure you wouldnt but had to make sure. the only other thing i can think of is soap or douche-DO NOT EVER EVER DOUCHE. it fucks up the natural balance of your body...there is no reason for a woman to douche ever. fucking feminine hygine industry is trying to convince us we smell bad and our periods are embarrassing...humph-an industry of men... and speaking of...i didnt know pheonix was a girl.

    pheonix-this is a forum for sex and if that shit is fucking up her sex life i see relevance-and am glad if i could help.


  11. DAMN LEXXXI BABY. there is a reason for all those x's in your name huh> whooo eeeee chile! i aint got a bigun but we can go shopping for one if you want...shit. you gotta come out some night and meet the rest of the girls...what are you doing wednesday? pm me.


  12. hello all...i have had a few people ask so i decided to re post the info and add a little...

    the party is called ZEN WARP. the entrance is on 20th st. you must be in all black or some sort of costume or fetish gear to get in. if you go to the house party and try to get in to the fetish party you will be denied-but you can go down to the house party when you have entered the fetish party and still come back. this is to sort out people with closed minds or icky guys who will try to touch women who have not invited such...like last week i went in a thong and black liquid latex (a little extreme-you all dont have to be so out there-i enjoy it) and i was comfortable because i knew at the fetish party no one was going to harass me. there is always some sort of show-a master or mistress and his/her submissive. spanking or bondage or flogging or all of the above. velocity child usually does a show involving knives and fake blood. master steelo usually has a few submissives on stage and performs rope bondage and whipping (flogging-a flogger is a whip with many tails and does not usualy hurt bad and often feels good when done propper) my girl syren is an amazing domina who also does shows with master steelo. all sorts of people come but it is mostly younger people. there is a lot of trans gendered kissing among myself and friends. there are some of the most creative and outright awesome costumes to see and the atmosphere is friendly. coversation is easily made. for all of you on this list-you are more than welcome to come with me to this party. i will introduce you to my friends and answer questions.

    the music is usually gothic industrial with a hard house techno edge but honestly in stillettoes and latex-i dont dance much. not my thing anyway...i like house best. notforkids has been coming weekly to witness my debauchery and often participate. its a good fucking time.

    this week i dont think i am going because of a halloween party at my friends place in BK but i will know for sure on thursday and will post it. any girls who know for sure they want to come can be put on master steelos list by me. sorry guys but you know how it is. i think its 10 or 15 to get in and i usually go around one or two...any more questions? feel free to let your replys fly-i would love to hear what yall think.


  13. NFK-ugh. you should know by now its not a sex club but a fetish party!!! big difference...just go to hellfire and see why.

    deb-hellfire is a sex club in the meat packing district hudson and 14th. but dont go alone espically if you have never been. too many guys. if you want to go i live around the corner from it and will take you to check it out if you want. i need two weeks though because i will not go with out a guy and my personal submissive is a large well built many who will escort us if youd like. its better that way. oh. and its a s&m type club. i kinda figured you figured that. go ahead and pm notforkids-he can tell you i am not scary and about other parties he has been to. you never know until you try.

    you can pm me too if youd like. if you come saturday to the fetish party at the limelight let me know by ten ish so i can put you on the list...that is if you are a girl...you are, right?



  14. welcome to the horny people board. its cool. if you check out the archives yu can find the answer to almost any question...got any goods to share? i gotta run right now-got a hottie downstairs on his motorcycle waiting pateintly for me....

    see you.


  15. like clean skin with that man smell mixed in....

    think you will be having your way with me, NFK? i think it will be the other way around in the begining...lots of wonderful things to teach you...you know there is a propper way to spank? you will soon find out. muhahaahaaaa. i cant wait to have that fine chocolate ass over my lap. to find out how how many it takes to bring the heat to your flesh...to see if you really will switch once i have you in my grasp...oh notforkids...i will wisper in your ear when it gets too much "shhhhh now darling, hush...."

    glowgirl: intrested at all? maybe you can watch...that is if NFK doesnt mind...you have my invitation to deviation anytime.




  16. wheeee!!!! love the bath tub! right on. but i agree that it is no substitute for mind blowing sex. the first penetration always makes me moan...yummm...you deserve good hard dick attached to a man that knows how to work it! i am sure there would be a line around the block of suitors if you posted yur address but if you just hold out a little while longer you wont have to. out there is a man with your name written all over him...

    and to NFK-i lied this morning-i dont havvee your work #-sorry-too little sleep. call my cell now and syren and i will meet you at PP...you got the # right? cool.

    love all yall


  17. i just couldnt resist that neck of his...after sinking my teeth in and feeling him tense i let go and gave him my innocent smile, batting the lashes and holding my breath...and then notforkids bit me back...

    stay tuned for the unfolding pornogrophy of hush and notforkids...after my corruption of him is complete i may be telling you tales of him turning me over his knee...lol. hee hee hee.


  18. oh la la la! now i got the short breath thing and my legs are crossed and squeezing! i'm not at work unfortunately (where i COULD take care of this feeling) but on my way to purple passion in a minute for liquid latex...my outfit for saturday evening. hey NFK-you coming? (to the party you perv) wink.gif thanks divalicious for begining my day in the best possible way-turned on...oooohhh la la. go and get your self a man-or you could always just takee a bath instead. wink.gif


  19. well..i dont shave because i HATE shaving. have very sensitive skin...but i do WAX...everything. its borderline obsession with me. not only do i get the legs and pits done but the arms too...and for my privates-i get the brazillian bikini wax. they do it all from front to back and for four weeks you have the smoothest most beautiful nana...ass too. there are several salons in new york that do it. its under fifty$. but let me tell you this-if your girl gets it done you better lick and kiss her like she is fucking godiva chocolate because that shit hurts for the first day the first two times you get it done. reward her bravery. any questions ladies you can pm me.


  20. lol. i am a girl. yes the guy was willing right away. i was not his first though he was mine. yes i have done it again since then. yes i liked it but... its something that is not for everyone and i dont think i would want a lover who wanted it all the time...i mean after all i am the girl...just not maybe the girl next door...or then again...>devilish grin>


  21. heeheehee. luv the strap on! the best part about it is that you get to fuck some one the way you'd like to get done. of course if it is an anal virg then you have to take it slow and be patient...but i know what parts of my body drive me crazy when my lover takes hold of them-when i got a bottom i like to hold on to his hips and enter slowly, in out, in out, until the deep thrust, one hand on his hip or the small of his back and the other in his hair or around the back of his neck...i talk in a low voice encouraging him to submit, telling him to relax, letting him know how much this is turnig me on...have yet to expierence the dual sided ones...i imagine that takes a little more coordination...but love love love the strap on...for all you men out there have no fear-nothing replaces the real deal cock-and i have never fucked anyone that didnt ask me outright for it. hee heehee. shhhhh.


  22. now now! dont you go spreading my devious deeds all over the bbs! the name is hush-for a reason. lol. and to think we were tame that saturday in compairson with the weekends past. my ladies loved you and wanna know when you are coming back...if you know whats good for you-you wont disapoint them! you got cojones for coming solo-props to the fearless notforkids...it was fun wasnt it? hee hee hee...see you next weekend.


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