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Posts posted by chc214

  1. Thanks for the props dgmodel and djmoonshine. This will be my last post as chc214 but I'll definitely be around. Seems like there's a lot of chill peeps here. I hope to get to know some of the people here better. Peace.

  2. There's just no excuse for nose hair, people. None. It's not like losing weight or getting a law degree, it doesn't require much time. Just find the proper instrument then go in there and mow those pesky hairs down. No excuses. And make a variety of different facial expressions cuz sometimes the hairs aren't visible when you're all stoic and shit.

  3. Dude, you're totally onto something here with the fat chicks. Girls always have a fat friend. There are two types of fat friends.

    1) The Funny Fat Friend - This girls is hilarious. She can do imitations and even guys find her amusing, but the girls find her absolutely fucking unstoppably funny. She's a bitch to girls she hates, but if she's your friend she's always fun to have around cuz she can rip on hated girls better than any of the other, skinny girls can. This type of fat girl often preemptively dismisses guys that are way out of her league cuz she knows she'll be rejected anyway. When asked what type of guys she likes she'll cite guys that are WAY fucking out of her league. Thus it's implied that the reason she has no boyfriend or ever has sex is cuz her standards are too high, when in truth she'd date any guy who'd tolerate her fat ass. When in truth she has no sex life cuz she looks like a pink cow.

    2) The Nice Fat Friend - This is the classic "she's got a great personality" and/or "she has a pretty face" friend. This girl is super nice and the hot chicks keep her around cuz 1) she's been a friend for years and/or 2) she's always there to help the other girls out emotionally or otherwise. No wonder she has so much time helping her friends since she hasn't dated since ever. This girl is really nice and shy, she'll converse with any guy who pays attention to her and will REALLY listen and also she'll laugh at every joke he makes. She secretly believes that her "great personality" will eventually land her a decent boyfriend. Nice Fat Friend is easily misled. Any guy who sticks around talking to her for more than ten minutes is a possible husband in her big fat mind. And as soon as you start talking to one of her hot friends as the night progresses she'll slowly start becoming bitter. She'll feel genuinely betrayed and becomes...

    Fat Ass Cockblocker Friend. She's the one that stays somewhat sober due to her weight (high alcohol tolerance and when she sees one of her hot drunk friends hooking up she'll start trying to tell her friend that "she's drunk" and doesn't know what she's doing, that they've gotta leave. She'll do everything she can to prevent any guys from hooking up with her hot friends out of jealousy though she tries to make it seem like she's just looking out for their best interests.

    The best plan is have one guy "take one for the team" and distract the fat chick buy talking to her so that the other guys can all hook up.

  4. All guys don't cheat, as many have already pointed out, but the reason why guys crave pussy so much can be explained in evolutionary terms. Don't blame us poor guys for looking at every hot chick that walks by, we can't help it any more than a dog can for eating a piece of beef that falls on the floor. We're hardwired to be attracted to women, especially young, symetrical women with nice hips (they're better for reproduction you know). Nice skin, shiny hair, symetrical features, nice hips, alert eyes, youth, all of these things are ideal in a mate as they suggest that the resultant kids will be fit and healthy, and healthy babies means the species will survive.

    Guys are programmed to want to shoot sperm in as many women as possible cuz it increases the odds of lots of healthy offspring, which means better chances of survival for the species. Notice how much sperm a male produces. It's not just so porno movies can have lots of facials. Women on the other hand are more selective. Still, they also look for physical features that suggest health and fit offspring (good genes): things like symetrical features, strength, and power. Women crave powerful men cuz they'll be better providers. Women aren't programmed to want to fuck everything that moves, they're much more concerned with stability and protection. Guys don't give a shit what kind of car a woman drives. It's not just social programming that makes women crave rich men, it's genetic.

    So take it easy on us guys. Don't believe that shit about the media brainwashing men into lusting after hot chicks, the media defining for us what is "hot" and what is not. Hot is hot. Guys like hot chicks not because Maxim tells us to like them, it's always been this way. Guys have always like hot women and have always wanted to fuck them. Look how prevalent this is, no media campaign could ever be so successful at anything.

    With this in mind be extra nice to guys who are faithful. Girls can never understand how much love, dedication and work it takes to only have sex with one girl. Guys are fighting thousands of years of genetic programming. And, likewise, guys should have mad respect for girls who aren't gold-digging ho's.

  5. I was watching a PBS show about Second City Chicago. It was the filmed like 5 years ago, maybe 7, who knows?, but Tina Fey and Rachel Hatch, both relative unknowns, were members at the time. Tina Fey looked like shit. She was thirty pounds or so heavier and her hair had no style. She looked 15 years older than she does now.

    Anyway, she was kind of cute when she was thin but she's slowly gaining back those missing 20 pounds. She's the head writer of SNL you know. The first female head writer ever, and she is pretty darn funny. You can see her on Sundays for free at the Upright Citizen's Brigade Theater. Rachel Hatch is there sometimes also as well as Horatio Sans.

    Maya Rudolph is the real babe of the cast. She's freakin' hot and her Donatella imitation makes me bleed it's so funny. And what a fun body. Woof.

  6. Girls who look like their butts might be a tad small when they have clothes on look awesome in a bikini. A girl whose ass looks big but nice in jeans, her ass will look huge naked. Jennifer Lopez's butt is too big imo. I like butts that are small but round. Anna Kournikova's butt in 2000 was the shi-zot.

  7. I don't like fat ankles. A girl's leg beneath the knees should look like a champagne glass, not a beer mug. No matter how hot she is everywhere else the fat ankles is a deal breaker.

    Long necks. I don't like it when a girl has too long a neck, a la Jennifer Love Hewitt.

    Gummy smiles. I don't like to see three square yards of gum action when a girl smiles. Meg Ryan has a gummy smile.

    Girls with big cocks. There's nothing worse than getting a girl naked and noticing that she's got a fully functional penis.

    Girls that smoke. You can put up with it for a while but eventually it becomes a nuisance.

    Retarded chicks. I don't like it when a girl's got the Down Syndrome. They can't have a conversation worth shit and they're often overweight. And it's embarassing when they start yelling at the movies. But they're good in the sack.

    No upper lip. Girls with no upper lip don't look good. Can't deal with the chicken-ness of it all. I like full lips unless it's all jacked up a la Esther Canadas. Her lips looks like a caterpillar running towards the end zone.

  8. Did any of you ever hear that comedian who riffed on about how athletes always thank Jesus but never blame him for losing?

    "We were doing good until Jesus made us FUMBLE!?"

    I was forwarded a chain letter explaining all the ways in which God saved lives on 9-11, conveniently leaving out the part about 3000 people dying needlessly. Get used to it, this is the way religion works. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Your mom is dying of cancer so you pray. She lives, it's because of God. She dies, it's because God wanted her to join Him. Religion has absolutely no predictive powers, that's why it's religion. You can make it anything you want to be, like a Whopper. Have it your way. I have nothing against religious people but I have major issues with religion. It inspires murder, hate, intolerance, ignorance, and mayhem. The world would be better if people could just be decent for reasons other than Hell or an invisible ghost telling them to do so.

  9. Film a retarded guy counting to 180.

    Do a porno film. A hot chick discovers that her TV is broke so she calls a repairman. While she waits she starts stabbing her cooch with a veiny dildo. She says stuff like, "Uh, that feels wonderful. I sure wish it was real."

    She looks up and sees the repairman. He says, "I came here to fix your problem, tell me what's broke." And she replies, "My pussy is leaking. It's alll wet. I need a hard cock to plug it up." Then they go at it for the last two minutes. Guaranteed "A." Good luck.

  10. Practicing three hours a day basketball (it's a sport) and watching your weight really doesnt justify the money they make or their unwillingness to play for their country.
    This attitude is very much like that of a person who asks a celebrity for an autograph, is turned away, so proceeds to yell and scream at said celebrity. The autograph seeker fails to realize that he may be the hundreth person that day to have asked, that maybe the celebrity’s mom died that morning, or that, in general, that he has feelings like any other person and would like to perhaps be simply left alone. But he’s a celebrity, you say, it comes with the territory, so quit whining! Fine, fair enough. Let’s just say it’s justifiable for you to think that celebrities should be incredibly considerate of fans and it’s justified for a celebrity to want to lead something resembling a normal life where they’re not asked to be a monkey by every person who recognizes them on the street. Basic human rights should also apply to celebrities and rich people. I say if they don’t want to play for a game that means nothing to them or their country, then let them no play.
    Think of an electrical engineer who puts in all those years studying to get into college and then gets a degree. He/she designs the lighting system for any commercial building, every time a light goes on in that building, a service is done to overall community.
    Hopefully this person is getting paid for their efforts. If they’re donating their time and skills, then bless em. But if they’re doing it cuz it’s their job, then they’re just doing their job. I’m a little tired of people wanting special attention for simply doing what they’re paid or in some other way obligated to do. It’s like what Chris Rock said about guys who say “I’ve never been to jail!†You’re not supposed to ever go to jail, idiot, you want a damn cookie? If you have a job, do it well, and don’t expect people to always throw parades for you for doing what you’re supposed to do.
    The construction worker, the teacher, the fruits of their labor contribute more and continue to, well after they die. What does a basketball player do that is truly useful compared to every time you cross a bridge designed by an engineer and built by construction workers, and maintained by toll collectors - this benefit so much more than any basketball player and compare it to the cost - the individual cost of the average worker to average cost of the basketball player.
    What a construction worker builds in Buttfuck, Alabama mostly benefits the people of Buttfuck. You can’t take such a rigid pramatic stance on life. In case you haven’t noticed, a lot of people love sports. It brings a lot of people a level of happiness they don’t get anywhere else. My grandmother hates everything on TV except soap operas and baseball games. Tell her that the Detroit Tigers aren’t important. While construction worker collectively do contribute a lot, it’s ridiculous to compare then to athletes. It’s like comparing a mailman to Steven Spielberg. Who does more? Depends what you’re quantifying. Athletics, when monitored properly, is one of the purest forms of happiness there is. There’s nothing like participating in and watching sports. There are rules and for the most part people are expected to play by them; this is a refreshing change of pace to the crappy, random going-ons of regular 9 to 5 life. A lot of people live and die for their team, can’t wait for the season to start, rightly or wrongly to these people (and there are millions of them) sports are important.

    And athletes get paid what they are for simple economic reasons, for no other reason. They generate billions so are paid millions. In case you haven’t noticed people in the US are paid according to how much money they themselves can generate. Recent CEO and stock bullshit aside, athletes, musicians, movie stars, and other highly paid people are paid a lot because they are “worth†a lot. Basically, if you think something isn’t worth the asking price, you don’t pay for it. If somebody was trying to charge you 10 bucks for an apple, you wouldn’t pay, right? That’s basically how it works. There are exceptions, but owners pay athletes a lot because they draw fans, sell jerseys, and adds value to the team. Simply, the owners are smart business men and wouldn’t pay an athlete a penny more than they’re worth. And don’t underestimate what a successful sports franchise can mean to a community. A professional team brings millions of dollars into the community. Hotels, small businesses, restaurants, the people employed by the team, parking lot attendants, etc., they all benefit from the team.

    Watching your weight and doing drills benefit no one but themselves while other people work to benefit everyone for fraction of the money they (basketball players) are paid. Plus the fact remains that there are special forces in Afghanistan risking their lives while Kobe Bryant does sprite commercials for millions and refuses to wear the colors of the Country that gives him the opportunity to make all that money.
    Again, it only “benefit no one but themselves†depending on how you see things. If bringing happiness to people’s lives and millions of dollars into the community means nothing, then you’re right. I wouldn’t live in a country without sports, but that’s just me. These guys “deserve†money they make considering they operate within the capitalist system. Special forces don’t make as much money because the US Military isn’t a for-profit organization. It doesn’t generate revenue. A basketball team generates hundreds of millions of dollars so it’s no wonder they would pay millions to its most valuable employees. Think carefully about what a basketball team does, how it generate income, and think about how important Kobe is to the LA Laker.

    I understand the points you’re making but they’re mostly rhetorical ones. There are simple answers to all of your questions unless the questions are taken in a philosophical light, in which case why wouldn’t mothers, who give birth to each of us, be paid more than the founder of Microsoft? I mean, if it wasn’t for his mom, would Bill Gates even be alive?

  11. Excuse me while I go cry for grown men getting paid millions for playing a childs' game. C'mon now, neither baseball nor basketball is a hard job compared to what the average construction worker or policeman has to do on a daily basis.


    This would be a totally different topic. (You'll be crying all by yourself.)

    But just for the fuck of it... A construction worker's job is much tougher than that of a cops', though less dangerous.

    Being a surgeon is much tougher than working a subway toll-booth, but most people would consider the doctor much better off. Why? Money and creativity. One person sits in the toll booth and depending on where they're stationed and at what time, they may mostly be reading magazines, but is this the type of work people want? No. Most people would much rather have an interesting job that requires tons of effort than a job that takes no effort but is boring (like working the toll booth). Plus the doctor gets paid more, though not as much as a musician, though the doctors work is more "important" (saving lives, right?).

    So, though I see your point about the cop, I think the average basketball player actually works harder than the average cop (remember that not every cop works in LA or NYC, some work in Buttfuck, AL, where they mostly cruise around doing jack shit). But since the basketball player is paid way more for doing something that most would consider fun, they're job is considered cushy. But lets not forget the work they put in to become good enough to go pro. You don't have to practive three hours a day and watch what you eat for ten years to become a cop. You may think that Michael Jordan just go lucky and shouldn't complain about anything but give him and other successful people some credit for having put the time in so that could arrive where they are now.

    If you really want to "cry" for somebody who doesn't deserve it, cry for people who don't do shit because their parents are rich, or models who get paid for being born with freakish genes. Athletes at least have to put some work into it. Or maybe you just don't like sports or are resentful of anybody with fame and/or money.

    Who knows.

  12. It is the easiest sport to be a professional........
    You may have just wrote this to make a point, but aside from the fact that basketball isn't, this comment is impossible to qualify.

    Baseball can't compare to basketball in the physicality department. Consider: If your team is up, mostly you're sitting in the dugout, or maybe standing at a base. Everybody, starters included, are be sitting down, chewing, talking shit, doing nothing, anywhere from 40% to 60% of the game. In basketball, if you're playing, you're at least standing whether or not you're in offensive or defensive mode.

    If you're not batting in baseball you're mostly standing in the field, the ball is in play for only a few seconds of every minute played. Again, you're standing, playing with your cock, spitting, and doing nothing. In basketball you at least have to hustle across the length of the court whenever the other team gets the ball, or when your team gets the ball.

    Compare the body fat of basketball players and soccer players to that of the average baseball player. Sports that require lots of running will only allow the fittest athletes to succeed. You will not see a fat striker in soccer and there are very few even chubby basketball players.

    Running = physically grueling. Basketball has a lot of running in it. Baseball doesn't. Baseball teams play double and even triple headers. Basketball players don't.

    And as for the people playing for the US team... Maybe those dudes would rather spend time with their 8 kids.

  13. Not to take anything away from Yugo, but the game would not have been close if these players were there. What I cant believe is that these players with not put on the national colors and play for their country - I find it disgusting.
    I really can't blame them for not playing. The NBA schedule is arguably the most grueling in professional sports and except for a couple of the players you listed, most were playing late into the post-season. These guys make their livings playing for the NBA so they should probably save their bodies for the season, rest up, and spend some time with their families.

    It was unreasonable to think that the US would remain undefeated until the end of time, it's good to get the first two losses out of the way. With the US's best players the US would NEVER lose, but how important is that really? I don't mean to offend but it's not like the US is like other countries where everybody lives and dies by a national team. I had no idea the US was even playing internationally until I heard about the losses, and I don't think I'm exceptional. Most people simply don't give a fuck.

  14. there will not be much truth in the scene described by you unless you experience it yourself first. even if you get the 'first hand experience story,' it'll still be the copy of a copy and that's not good enough.

    go and try to get it yourself. of course, you're running a risk, but that's how the real writers work.

    It's not that integral to the story. I just wanted a basic understanding of what goes on, and I already have it thanks to a couple of PM's.
    Seriously, I think they're giving you good advice to leave the scene out. I have tried to write screenplays myself (without much luck) and I have to say, if you haven't experienced it or write something from a place of truth (even if it's fantasy or scifi), it shows.
    It's okay, bro. Thanks for the advice but I'm not going to let the failure of those who went before me dictate what I'm willing to or not to try. :) No offense.
  15. I'm writing a scene where some guy is trying to score some X. What is the most realistic way of depicting this event? What type of club would he go to? I was thinking of putting him at an Exit-like club where tons of sellers hang out, but if you have any special insight that could make the scene less generic, please let me know.

    And would he likely get the real thing, or some aspirin? What is his likelihood for success?


    Some NYU guy

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