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Posts posted by lcarey

  1. Personally, i get picked up and carried away by the music at twilo like no other place in the city. the djs, the sound system, the people who are still there at 7am, all combine like a drug to keep me going, even when sober. It's not for everyone though, as i unfortunately found out friday night. I went w/two friends who i thought would like it, and we ended up having to leave an hour after we arrived because the place was giving them a bad trip. there's always next time for pvd, and when your two friends are curled up in the corner you gotta go. i still can't understand why they don't like it, but i do know good, cool people who absolutely can't stand it.

  2. according to my drugs and the brain prof from last semester, and i'm pretty sure the now standard definition.

    if you spend >50% of your time in drug-related activities

    this usually involves looking for a supply. the first thing an adict must do when entering a new city is find a dealer. the old definition was based on withdrawl symptoms, which are always the opposite affect of the drug. level of addiction has to do almost entirely with the drug, ie. all herion adicts are at one level, which is diff from cocain addicts. the only factor i can remember right now is: what % of adicts will keep using after a close friend/relative has died from the same drug. herion is the only thing where after a brother/wife/child/parent dies something like 90% will keep using.

    one of the most popular philisophical debates on drug abuse/legaliztion is free-will. society exists to provide freedom, which can be positive(you are allowed to do this) or negative (we won't let you do that). if drugs remove free-will (control your life, you spend >50% of your life looking/taking) then negative freedom says that to make you a free-willed individual society has the right to not let you use drugs.-my bastardized mixture of Hegel and Vihvelin

    as far as my personal definition: do they enjoy clubbing? yes because they go. can they enjoy it w/out E. sounds like not.

    I think when your enjoyment goes from love of an activity on the drug, to love of the feeling of the drug-in-and-of-itself, you're an addict

  3. I was tripping on DXM, which is very nice when taken outside and w/out E, and I was walking down a path to the river at dusk when both my friend (also on DXM) and I saw this complete siluette of a lady walking a dog about 25-50 yards off the path, in the field. they walked for a while, got to the river, and vanished. DXM is not a hallunicagen, and only makes lights bounce slightly at doses much higher than we did that night, so i consider it more a ghost than a hallucination.

  4. Dangerous Drugs, are really a gift of God to mankind. Instead of them doing him harm, they should really be the means of preserving his health, and making his life a state of continual happiness. ...

    The life of a drug taker can be a happy one, far surpassing any other; or it can be one of suffering and misery; it depends on the user's knowledge.

    James Lee, The Underworld of the East, 1939

    i got this from Drugs, Morality, and the Law. which is looking pretty good so far.

  5. so, is security at twilo going to be replaced completely by undercovers? i went with a couple of ephedrins and two power bars in my pocket, figured the worst they'd do is make me trash them. mabey i wish they had, i'd be sleeping now..

    anyone been to raves where you buy a pill of e, and can go back to the spot you bought it and get a free 5 or 10min massage? we need something like that. even just a circle of pple giving back massages, nonsexual, that you can jump into and out-of as you feel the need.

  6. Trevor was incredible, and just kept getting better as the night went on. or maybe i was getting more delerious. but 7:30 closing??? come on. i left when sasha was playing at around 9 last friday, and i was all set to go another 2 hours this morning. it was good meeting people in real life.

    who was that in the limo? i don't remember your name.

    hmm, where to go tonight....

  7. how true are these?

    19. You pay more each month to park your car than most people in the U.S. pay in rent.

    In Colorado i paid $450/month for a house: two bedrooms, kitchen, living room, bathroom, huge basement, yard, and, of course, driveway that parked three cars easy.

    39. You live in a building with a larger population than most American towns.

    oh yeh, population: ~225

  8. where would you say is the best place to crash (apartments don't count) in the city? i usually go into the nyu library when i need some rest, but last weekend it was closed and i ended up hiking all the way up to barnes & noble up by lincon center. this is more for those of us who don't live in new york. you can only drop by friend's/relative's houses for a shower and a nap so many times...

  9. to quote Frank Zappa:

    'who wants to ride on an ironing board

    i've tried me one

    that ain't no fun'

    you've got to be able to grab ahold of something. especially once you get to be around 30, girls look downright frightening w/out a bit of meat.

    but i don't get the fat fetish at all

  10. flavored condoms don't have lubricant on them. the lube is what (i imagine) tastes terrible after sex. my ex-gf wasn't too fond of the flavors, but we only tried them to see what it was like. i liked one, they're pretty nasty. plain, unflavored, unlubricated latex doesn't taste like much, which is what dental dams are made out of. and latex transfers heat and texture better than saran wrap. all in all, the only reason you'd want to use a condom/dental dam is so you don't get oral herpes. the nurse at my school (17,000 students) said there's been 1 case of ghonnorea(sp?) of the throat in the 7 years shes been here, and that was a gay guy. there's no evidence of anyone ever getting hiv from oral sex, and in fact an article just came out saying that saliva destroys the virus, so straight guys and lesbians are safe. semen is too salty for the saliva to affect the virus, so a girl could theoretically get hiv, though again, no proof that it can happen.

    personally, i ask before i go down. if she's got genital herpes/crabs she'll know. chances are i won't get hiv or ghonorea, and syphalis(sp?) and chlamydia are very easy to cure, so long as you catch them early.

    i could just keep typing until my meeting at 8:30 but i won't

  11. do raves count? i was at a rave outside of Madison. i forget who it was, but during some one's set, a guy in a big purple(or silver?) alien suit with two dicks came out and started having sex with big bird, or some muppet. (my memory of the three days is very spotty) then two girls jumped into a pool filled w/baby oil and started having sex. around this time a couple of couples just started dropping into the grass to one side of the stage and started fucking. it was a very odd trip.

  12. from dictionary.com:


    pl. penises or penes

    but my favorite:

    Important derivatives are pencil

    fact from biology of human reproduction:

    the glans (head) comes from the greek for acorn, because that's what it looks like

  13. Originally posted by gmcs3:

    The Froggy position!!!!! thats what i call it and guys go crazy when i do it!! i also wanna know why almost ever guy loves doggystyle? Why do u find it so good?

    Both doggystyle and girl riding you if she arches her back a lot, work because they put all the contact on the underside of your dick. that's the only very sensitive part of the shaft.

    the things you learn being easy...

  14. Originally posted by vj604:

    What does stern know? He is by far not the most informed and intelligent person around...i listen to him, religiously but most times hes terribly misinformed.....

    then why listen? personally i can't stand him

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