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Posts posted by alfuckingcapone

  1. How about this question ?????????

    How long does alcohol stay in your sysyem for a urine test?

    Lets say you drink like 10 beers betwwen 3-7pm and then you take a urine the next day at 12pm. so would alcohol show up 17 hrs later ? Lets also say in between those 17 hrs you eat alot and drink alot of water before you get an 8 hr sleep and then wake up and eat and drink alot and work out for an hour before u would give this urine.

  2. Ok a little more detail: Lets say I drink all day (12 beers, 5 shots and a couple of mix drinks) I get agood eight hours of sleep. Wake up the ext day drink alot of water and and have a nice breakfast and lunch a couple hours later and i take a breathalyzer lets say at 5pm. Would I blow out any evidence that I was drinking the night b4 ?

  3. To those who gave me postive feedback.....Thanks !!!!

    Can u get that Q carb shit at GNC ? Does it have creatine in it?

    Like I said this was the first time I smoked in over a year and from what my peoples told me it wasn't more then two hits if even. Can u fail a drug test from second hand pot smoke?

  4. Ok here is the deal. I never ever smoke pot, have not smoked pot in over a year. Friday night got wasted and smoked, not much, maybe a puff or two.

    Have a piss test on tuesday? I know I hear that pot is in your system like a month. Is there still a chance I can piss clean if I just drink alot of water and cranberry juice considering I don't ever smoke and it was only a hit or two at the most? Thanks

  5. Uhmmmm? did I say that? I said the leader are a larger potential threat because they have the capacity to make WMD.. Al queda is getting rocked by our troopes and weapons that John Kerry voted against. You can be sure of that. Next time read more carefully please

    So what are you saying ?

    It's ok to just bomb, go to war with a country because we feel their leader is a threat, he might have WMD's ?

    Well, our country has WMD's and people all over the world, i mean, i was in europe a couple of months ago and they hate Bush, thay hate america now because of Bush and people around the world compare Bush to Hitler, they think he's trying to take over the world.

    FYI the whole world hates Bush

    So, would it be ok for other countries to say lets go to war with America because Bush is a threat and he does have weapons.

    everybody in the world backed us up when we went to war in Afganistan, everybody backs the war on terroism, but we lost that trust and back up when Bush lied and told us, the american people, lies to get revenge for the guy who try to assisinate his father. Mr Bush said it himself.

    It's a mess in Iraq now and was it worth the lifes of over 1,000 of our troops to go to war with no plan, no support ?

    Where is the link between Saddam and 9/11 ?

    There is none, but their is a link with Saddam and the name Bush ? BINGO

    This is the guy you want running the country ?

    I rather have a president telling lies about getting head anyday

    then one who lies to go to war for his own agenda.

    If you guys vote Bush into office another 4 years just be ready for war, war, war, war, war, the question is just "who's got next game"

  6. also lets not forget people that we are the world's #1 power

    but great things don't last forever

    one day you can be on top and the next on bottem

    the world works in mysterious ways

    the game of the world is like a poker game, the pot gets around sooner or later

    once it was thr romans then the english and so on and so on you get my drift

    look at russia, where has war gotten them ?

    i just hope mr warhungrymachine aka G. bush isn't that guy who will end are term of world power.

    i hope this counrty's head isn't getting that big

  7. Originally posted by trancerxn112

    i seriously cannot believe so many people are against war... this is the same man who ordered his troops to set fire to ever oil well on their way out of Kuwait... this is the same man who tried and failed to assasinate our former President... this is the same man who ordered brutal torture methods which involve mutilation of genitals, whipping with electrical cables and cutting small incisions into people bodies... wtf this guy needs to be WIPED the fuck OUT. How safe do u really feel partying on friday night when night clubs in Bali, Israel and Colombia are being bombed with abandon open your eyes people and stop this liberalist bullshit.

    true that kid.

    we need to open are eyes he is evil. but this is the same guy that we used to back. do you guys actually know anything about are hisotry when it come to foreighn policy? we help made this guy to fight iran, we backed this fucker back in the day. they had a long war with iran and many many people died on both sides and we got what we wanted

    the guy was just as evil back then and we didn't give two shits.

    now a phrase i hear all the time from war hawks " the man gassed his own people" true he did but what took us so long to conndem him for that? we backed him when he did that. i do think he is a fucker but we also in a sense help created him. i think it's funny how people who never pay attention to the news about the world all of a sudden think they know everything since they just started watching it after 911.

    why is almost all of europe against war? maybe becasuse people there no the facts. we are the one's picking the fight? It's all about money/oil/revenge

    why not Korea? from what I hear they have a missle that can reach the west coast now. but we are thrying to take a diplomatic approach with them. but they are the more sooner threat. why not try to take a diplomatic approach with iraq? makes you think! like cm says in hardball " more then 50% of americans back this war becasue more then 50% of americans think this war is revenge for 911!

    we need to work and finish the war with terroism and those al quaida scumbags. ask yourself this. do you think bombing iraq and killing innocent people will make us more safer in this country?

    As for the israel/palistine conflict we need to be more involve in hellping both sides. the only time you hear us talking about helping the pals get a state is when there is a bunch of sucide attacks. now it's been quite so lets forget about that for now and not move foward on the political proccess. no we will just wait for more attacks, sharone will contiune to demolsh more house, ruin a already terrible economey, keep people in there own houses on lock down and while doing this will create more people saying"wtf i'll go into a mall and blow myself up becasue in the 19years i have lived my life has sucked. making innocent israeli the victims.

    come on people the only time you haer us talikng about working on peace up there is when there is sucide bombing going on.

    making there cause a tactic that might work. we need to work hard on this shit now when it's not going on. the sucide bombings have stopped but the houses will continue to get smashed and in a month or two the cycle will start again.

  8. Originally posted by tribal

    israel has to always give, give and give some more. give the golan, give eastern jerusalem, give parts of west bank, where do you stop?

    what is the israelie govt giving? If you call occupying land, bulldozing home and making people live like shit, to do something no other but to blow yoursel up giving then i'm sorry my bad.

    tribal can you please tell me what is all this giving is?

    if you think palestinians will be a peaceful nation by acquiring more land from israelis, you are mistaken. completely mistaken.

    ok whats your solution tribal? leave it as it is since things are so peacefull right now? We need to forget about the pass and move to a political process at all means and give both of these people the peace they deserve. I think anything is better then the solution now.... isn't it look at the losses in both sides.

    Did you read my reply? I was pointing on the issue in what J303 said Sharon is peacefull and fuck ALL the pals. Do you agree with him? Tribal i have read many of your post in the past on this matter and you bring up some good points for your pro israel side. I respect what you got to say, but i was trying to voice my opinion on how people in the other side suffer too.

    I did say Arafat has to go too but i think Sharon too.

    Good night all


  9. Originally posted by j303j

    at least sharon is is trying for peace. he is doign more then arafat.

    :laugh: :laugh: R U joking ?

    Sharon trying for peace:eek:

    Bro i think him and Arafat are both bitches but at least Arafat has in the past has sighned peace treaties but they did shit for his people and his people out of no hope react with terrible acts of terror. I agree Arafat should be done with but Sharon makes things so much worse.

    It wasn't even close to this bad untill he took over.

    Let me ask you, do you think him building more and more settlments in the palistinians lands show he wants peace? People all over the world are talking about giving them the west bank and gaza and Sharon wants to build more settlements. Bush said it has to stop and Sharon still came to Washington with his peace plan, witch by the way, shows no hope for the palistinians.

    I think your so uneducated on the whole matter and to say something like " i don't care for any of the palistinians at all becasue of Araft is like me saying " i don't care for any of the israelies becasue they voted for a war criminal in Sharon. I'm sorry to hear about your friends but the palistianians not to long ago would get shot at if they stepped a foot outside of their homes and were on 24 hour curfew. Many died because of ambulance not allowed in and many people are left homless.

    I saw a program on sunday night on cbs about israelie soilders(high rank) refusing to serve for your so called peace boy Sharon.

    Didn't you flipp out on sassa for posting up an artice about the masscure in Jenin? Didn't you say something like we should ship her to the middle east? At least Sassa didn't go saying something like i don't feel sorry for any of the israelies but you did reffering to the other side.

  10. Originally posted by j303j

    will you ever go away. im gonna buy you a one way ticket to the middle east and you can pick a country to live in. please never come back.

    Hey bro what the fuck is wrong with what sassa brought up?

    I think sassa makes a good point and the article is good.

    It's just people like you who sit up in your high horse being ignorant when somebody feels sorry for the palistinian civillians too. What, they are not people too? I think it's sad over there for both parties and it just takes a few bad people on both sides ,but way, way, more palistinian civils are being killed. Every one the IDF kills they claim is a terrorist. So why won't they let the UN investigate? Did you know the other day the IDF killed a mother and her two kids? They said it was a mistake. So I guess it is ok, right? We all know if it was the other way around, it would be all over the news for 2-3 days.

    I watched an intresting program on cbs yesterday, i think it was dateline or something like that around 6 or 7. The program was on how high rank IDF soliders are refusing to serve becasue they say this is not serving there country by what they are doing in occupying land. They had a mother who's son served for the IDF and was killed not to long ago and they asked her "do you feel your son served and died for his country" and she said " no i don't, my son did not believe in what he was doing, he was against it".

    So I guess you want to send me too, to the Middle East becasue i feel sorry for the victim in the other side.

  11. Originally posted by msoprano13

    i dont know about that one.....the states is the only supporter of the israeli govt. we put them there and the palestines were physically moved off the land...this wont stop until palestines gets recognition as an independent state.....

    and i agree with you on the oil issue but not the terrorist issue....you see all the mixed reports coming from the white house telling isreal to attack then no to......fucking all bull if you ask me but thats another story

    Ha ha Bush right now is the laughing stock of Europe. He goes sighns with a un resolution telling Sharon to end his siege and then a couple hours later goes on tv and seemed to be supportive of Sharons actions :confused:

    Then he adds Syria to his axis of evil club accusing their govt of shipping weapons or some shit like that to the palestinians and then when askd " Do you have proof" he said "no"

    Then with Arafat, reports question him if will give Arafat a call telling him to put a halt to the attacks , he repies " I don't need to call him, he got my message loud and clear. Whats a matter, he refuses to call him because he is a terrorist? But when askd if Arafat is a terrorist, he repies he is the leader of the palestinians and partners for peace in the future and won't say that word...terrorist. Well Mr. Bush if you think he is the leader and your goal is to acheive peace between both sides, don't you feel it is important to talk to him? No, because you give him no respect, but you want him to try hard to please you.

    As for Sharon goes......do you really think your brutial actions are going to stop the sucide bombers? No, it ain't, it will cause more hate towards your people and you Mr. Sharon are making your people the victims of terrible attacks. The truth is Mr. Sharon never wanted peace, he instead wants an excuse to kill them all. The cease-fire we keep offering does no good for the palestinians, it is only for the security of israel, it does not show any light at all at the end of the tunnel for the palestinians to want to live to be able to see a state for the their independence.

    The sad thing about this whole conflict is that both the palestinians and isrealies people are victims of Sharon and Arafats big chest game the last 30 or some odd years.

  12. Occupation is terrorism

    occupation is terrorism

    i repeat occupation is terrorism.

    Sharon will be the cause of World war 3!

    He will do what he always does, attack Arafat and his police then call on him to arrest terrorist after he just finished demolishing another headquater of Arafat and his police. Even if Arafat makes arrest, where will he put them?:confused: Does Sharon think his tactics will stop the sucide bombers? No, he does not think they will, in fact he knows there will be more and thats what he wants.

    An excuse to kill more pals! It's funny how the UN ,almost all of Europe, almost the whole world knows what Israel is doing is wrong, but people in this country have no clue, but it is not there fault that are media is so one sided that all they see when they open the tv is how many israelies died today! Here is a fact in the last 18 months, close to 1,200 pals have died and close to 400 israelies have died.

    You guys can do the math.

  13. Wow!!!! What happen to this thread? Well, here is my 2 cents.

    Why the fuck are you people over reacting to how they feel about us? I bet if we did a poll in this country, on how we feel about them ,it be the same.

    As for the Pal/Isr conflict. It's all Sharon's fault! Things have not been that bad, down there untill he stepped in office! He wants no peace and just like Islamic Jihad and Hamas don't want to see the excistence of a Israel state, Sharon wants to drive all the Pals into the dead sea and those idiots like Hamas and Jihad are playing right into his hands. The sad thing is most of the deaths have been innocent on both sides. Sharon is wanted for war crimes in some countries and the UN condems him all the time, but why is Bush supporting a terriost. Are counrty is fucked up, they keep saying Araft needs to crack down, but when he does try to, Sharon fucks it up.

    First off, I think Arafat sucks too, but com on now ,he is irrelevent. Right? So thats what Sharon says and then he keeps this guy in house arrest and blows up his police authority and then you want the guy to do more. Why should Arafat try so hard to help Sharon out just to please America ,a country that has supported Israel and gives them the tanks and so on, to make his people live in proverty? It is a pure fact, it has not got this bad since Sharon took over! His tactics are what is making his citizens the victims to terriosim. Even at one point in this conflict, Hamas and Jihad said they would stop the attacks, but what did Sharon do, entered more Pal territories and killed more people, so it only lasted 2 weeks because Sharon knew that if it lasted longer the ball would be on his side from the UN and the whole world, to make peace with the Pals. When one comes to the point to blow themselves up and kill innocent people, the question that should be brought up is why. Most of us can't sit here and really feel what pain is brought upon these people. They can't get to work because of checkpoints and there houses get demolished. They have lived there whole life in house arrest. Sharon has entered territories that have nver been entered, he is egging a fight. I say put these two enimes for decades, Sharon and Arafat, in a room and let them kill each other ,because both of them hate each other and are causing some much death on there people because of a grudge they have on each other forever. Let Mr Perez take over for both sides because he is the only one who really wants peace for both!

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