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Posts posted by babyface526

  1. Thank you for your suggestions everyone. Last time I went to AC we checked out Caesars and the Taj mostly, but I was curious to see if there were other casinos worthwhile to check out. We probably will end up at the Casbah (the Taj Mahal nightclub) on Saturday night so it should be a lot of fun altogether.


    devilwmn.gif I may have a baby face but there's a little devil that stirs deep within me

  2. The worst feeling in the world...

    ... leaving SF at 8:00 in the morning to be hit with the bright daylight, cold air, and long walk back to the parking lot feeling like a complete crackhead while promoters shove flyers in your face. But God knows the night of partying has made it worth it.


    devilwmn.gif I may have a baby face but there's a little devil that stirs deep within me

  3. I guess I am in the same boat as Blueangel because my boyfriend always tells me I have the "cutest little baby face" I guess it just stuck.... the numbers are for May 26, an important date that I keep close to my heart.

    I wonder if people still think I have an infatuation with the singer Babyface? cause that ain't it!!!


    devilwmn.gif I may have a baby face but there's a little devil that stirs deep within me

  4. Originally posted by greekstud:


    Without the music there would be no clubs. It's all about the music in one way or another. I'm not going to hang at a country music club or bar because I like the couches and hot guys that are there. Although I have not read your past posts that someone mentioned where you tried to gather the same information but in a less-civilized way, I can somehow believe that this poster is correct because as your responses in this thread progress, they make you seem like more and more of an asshole.

    *waits patiently for greek geek to fire back a pathetic insult*


    devilwmn.gif I may have a baby face but there's a little devil that stirs deep within me

  5. Thanks to the mention of it by StacyChase, I decided to check it out. Since mine is detachable with many different spray settings, I decided to see if my showerhead could help me out and it sure did. If only my boyfriend's tongue had a super-fast, super strength setting for clitoral stimulation...


    devilwmn.gif I may have a baby face but there's a little devil that stirs deep within me

  6. .... I am wide awake. It's about 11:00 on Saturday morning, and there is no doubt in my mind you all had an amazing time last night. My apologies for not being able to make it but as I mentioned to some of you at Liquids, I WILL MAKE IT OUT!!! I swear!!!

    And speaking of Liquids, I can't stress enough how glad I am that I decided to show up there. It was really a trip to meet some of you who I actually talk to on a regular basis. smile.gif

    I'd just like to say that it was so great to finally break the ice and meet you lovely people. I wish I could have chilled longer but our time will come.

    Trippintrance64- Yes, I recognized you first, but thank God I did because I would never have gone over and introduced myself if I hadn't seen you. How do I hold up as an arm rest? Give me a call soon or email smile.gif

    Myrlin- don't get mad at me saying this but you are soooooo sweet and nice. I mean that in every way possible (even in the dirty, kinky way) thanks for introducing me around and hopefully we'll chat soon.

    Az-tec- finally nice to see my #1 client. We'll have to further discuss the implications of my essay. Hope to talk to you again soon

    MissKittie- Happy birthday again. I hope you had a great time at Liquids and Twilo. Thank you again so much for giving me the info abt. Liquids smile.gif

    Tyco- you must be one of the sweetest people I have ever met in my life. I hope you had a great time for your birthday as well. Thanks for the chat and I still will buy you a drink, I promise you that.

    Quanto-Magnus- yeah, baby. I know you like my attention to detail cause I remembered you were ibhugh smile.gif hope to chat w/ you soon too.

    Melichacha- it was so nice meeting you too. Al has told me inthe past how cool you are and I definitely agree. Maybe I'll actually come down with him to RU sometime to visit, since I'm really not that far away

    EZDreamer, Shadowchaser, and everyone else I may have met but forgotten, as I said before, it truly was a pleasure and I can't wait to see you all again.

    Well that's it for now... look at me with all these shout outs like I've known you guys for years... oh well, now you all can put a face to the little devil in my sig smile.gif


    devilwmn.gif I may have a baby face but there's a little devil that stirs deep within me

  7. Hey DaVe, I've never posted to you before but nice to meet you and this photo gallery looks pretty good smile.gif I just wish it wouldn't take so long to load.

    PS- I love that you try to respond to mostly everyone that posts a message to you. It seems like you get a lot of requests for help with answers to random questions. Glad to know you're around in case I ever need ya! smile.gif


    devilwmn.gif I may have a baby face but there's a little devil that stirs deep within me

  8. Showerhead was something I had not considered. Thanks for the tip...

    I find usually though that if I am flipping thru the channels and I pass Spice, it gets me so worked up I think I will explode. I have been way oversexed lately.


    devilwmn.gif I may have a baby face but there's a little devil that stirs deep within me

  9. I never thought it would be possible but I have finally come to realize that I am an addict of masturbation. I do have a boyfriend, and yet I love the time I "spend" with myself. It excites me just to think of when the next time I will be able to get myself off is. Does this make me weird?


    devilwmn.gif I may have a baby face but there's a little devil that stirs deep within me

  10. My ideas usually come to me a sI go, but one hit me today and I felt unusually brilliant:

    My boyfriend and I have gotten in the habit of watching the Sopranos together and I found today a little cart in the mall that had a charcoal sketch of the men of the Sopranos, you know: Tony, Christopher, Big Pussy, Paulie, etc. It's in a really nice frame for him to perch on his newly painted wall. Think of a gift that will hold a little bit of meaning for the 2 of you.


    devilwmn.gif I may have a baby face but there's a little devil that stirs deep within me

  11. Just to throw in my own $0.02:

    Claudio, I think you are extremely sexy from the pictures I have seen. What adds to your attractiveness is your wit (in producing a post such as this) and your unique and thoughtful way with words, which keeps me readin all your posts. It is for these reasons and more that I would love to rip your clothes off as well.


    devilwmn.gif I may have a baby face but there's a little devil that stirs deep within me

  12. Originally posted by vj604:


    You can't deny that you wouldn't love to have the insane amount of money that Rodriguez is going to make over the next ten years either. Simply put, it would be nice to have that kind of cash. That's all I was "whining" about.


    devilwmn.gif I may have a baby face but there's a little devil that stirs deep within me

  13. All I can say is that you are getting much representation at Kean University. I went out to my car after class today and saw mad flyers for Roxy Fridays all over the parking lot. Mad props for your promoters over there for getting the word out.

    Thinking of checking it out myself but I may be persuaded into skipping Firday for World Saturdays... whadda ya think? Baez or Tsettos? return of the Exit melodrama... or should I just do both and give your name at both doors???


    devilwmn.gif I may have a baby face but there's a little devil that stirs deep within me

  14. I'm going to go with Nay on this one for a great reason:

    How annoying is this- when you are out on the floor and there is a slamming song playing that slows down a bit to let you catch your breath and take in just how much you are enjoying yourself. The song's beat deepens and you feel your spirits rising and heart racing faster as the music builds up and gets closer and closer to what you anticipate will be the greatest release you have ever experienced when just before you reach the top.......

    ..... someone asks if you got any E.



    devilwmn.gif I may have a baby face but there's a little devil that stirs deep within me

  15. Yes, frodo, the list is still open. However, as there seems to be a lot of work to be done, I will now be accepting applications for my services. If you can give a good reson for need of such services, you will be added to the list.

    Please direct your queries to Myrlin for he is my pimp.

    And Andy is in charge once the line-up has begun. Since he was rightfully first, he gets to oversee all transactions that occur after our session is through. smile.gif


    devilwmn.gif I may have a baby face but there's a little devil that stirs deep within me

  16. It has come to my attention that there is some uncertainty as to the proper order in which my services will be conducted. Since my original propopsal stood as an alternative to Andy who was having a shitty day, he is entitled to first dibs, naturally. (All who have no idea what this refers to should look up his post "Ever had one of those days"by Az-tec)

    Since there has been a bit of confusion with the order, please see this updated list that reads in order of who lives closest to me as proposed by j303j:

    1. Az-tec- because he was rightfully first

    2. Myrlin- because he is my pimp (PM him for possible discounts)

    3. TrippinTrance64- because he is so nice to me and claims he can pleasure me best, plus he's like 15 minutes from me.

    4. j303j- because N. Arlington is slightly farther than Trippin

    5. Shadowchaser- because Englewood is a smidge further than j303j

    6. petrol- because his profile indicates residency in the state of NJ

    7. glowball- because staten island is still far and i know you were havin a bad day too baby.

    8. fuzzywuzzy- even though he is a newbie he still reponded. too bad you didn't say where you lived cause you at the bottom of the list!

    ** All please keep in mind that Andy is first but i assure you that my seconds are not sloppy seconds.

    Thank you and good night.


    devilwmn.gif I may have a baby face but there's a little devil that stirs deep within me

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