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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Sure Just wish I met ya all before going coz I'm sure we'll pass each other by at least 10 times a day LMAO.. Who have you met from the old cp??? We gotta know some of the same people..
  2. Sweet.. I'm gonna try to go before PVD also.. Nothing better than Howells in bed .. Oops, I mean Bed..
  3. Blah.. I hate this shit already.. ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!! I gotta come in either way tomorrow.. I got no vacation days left from those freakin' snow days and then the damn flu I had.. Mothaf)(&*#)(%$*($!!!!
  4. Awwww.. Armin is so cute I'll catch him in Miami but knowing me, won't have a camera with me AGAIN.. Grrrrrr Anyway, great pics!!!
  5. It's f*ckin' FREEZING outside already.. Uuuugh, plzzzz I need some sun :mad:
  6. I'm very impressed with the lineup but damn it, how many nights in a row can ya spend in the same club???? Man oh man.. I really hate missing ANY of their parties but shit, I think I'll lose my mind if I'm in the same club even 2 nights in a row (flashback to 2 nights at Arc, felt like I was there for 2 years *shiver*).. Oh welll..........
  7. Damn.. That's nice.. I so wish I could go :(
  8. Yeah, that's some seriously f*cked up shit.. I hear they are working on refunds/make-ups for those who weren't able to get in.. I'm sure they won't try to screw people like this, coz that would cause all hell to break loose (people are pissed off enough about this).. But again, no surprise, considering what happened in RI.. NYFD had to do something and of course Roxy and other places oversold the tickets by probably 3 times the capacity Oh well.... I guess I was lucky to be sick at home, caughing and sneezing my brains out..
  9. Exactly.. You can still get in, of course.. This is just a way to make it easier and cheaper(?) for the people who know for sure they are going there 3-5 times..
  10. Davai Tolko ya potom za seba ne otvechau
  11. LOL.. That's a good one Now go do it!!! (just not to me)
  12. Haha.. To steal a phrase from one of my friends *bitch*slut*whore*
  13. Haha.. I know, I've already been told that I'm a shame to all alcoholics and russians I was so sad to hear that LOL..
  14. tiny - maybe I should stay away.. I can't handle alcohol for shit LOL.. vic - hmmmm, how much do you charge? March 8th huh? Hmmmm......... Nice.. Although I think I OD'd on Arc for quite some time.... suavee - I'm with ya on that one.. I never heard him before but that shit sounded horrible.. We were hanging by the back door which was still closed.. I kept looking back to see if they opened it... And as soon as they did, I RAN in there LMAO..
  15. Hmmm, ok.. I can hardly keep up with all this shit.. I need to hire an assistant for figuring out the schedule....
  16. Yeah, I bumped into her early in the night when we just got there.. But I spent most of the night in the back room since I hated the shit Talla was playing LOL.. And I'm scared of Wet Willies.. I heard about that place the whole time during the last trip.. Especially if Kat is around, shit, I'm in trouble LOL.. Me and her got 100$ tickets at the shore last summer for walking down the street with LITs in our hands LMAO....
  17. I highly doubt it Have fun there!!! I so wish I could go
  18. That sucks I've never seen them live before, but I really liked them!!!! And they played this one song that I'm going crazy over trying to find it... But they didnt play long enough, Danny went on at 4am.... I wish they kept going for a few more hours, but no :( It was definitely worth the trip, and believe it or not, it was PACKED!!! But since I spent Saturday night at Arc also, I was almost delirious by the end of the 2nd night.. Are they gonna be at WMC??
  19. I can see TRYING to find a date and potentially a husband at a show, but damn, actually getting MARRIED is too far.... What people won't do to get their a$$ on TV!!
  20. JANUARY: Ambitious and serious. Loves to teach and be taught. Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses. Likes to criticize. Hardworking and productive. Smart, neat and organized. Sensitive and has deep thoughts. Knows how to make others happy. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Rather reserved. Highly attentive. Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds. Romantic but has difficulties expressing love. Loves children. Loyal. Has great social abilities yet easily jealous. Very Stubborn and money cautious. Pretty on point.. Have a cold right now actually LOL.. And the money caution thing is bullshit.. I can't stay on budget.. I spend everything I make
  21. I missed it Are they gonna rerun it on Thursday???
  22. This story is quite unbelievable.. But it coulda happened at any club.. Bouncers in most clubs are complete morons and look at the people as if they are cattle (even though sometimes it sure feels that way).. I still can't believe 21 people died in that..
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