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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Yeah, Rick, WTF.. Work? Are you crazy? LOL Girls, does this message sound like a dare to you?
  2. I love modest people They usually have more to offer than the ones who brag.
  3. Ok I can't resist it! I hope Bleu is not cheesy (this is the stupidest joke I've ever made).. Btw, change lilbleu to bigbleu
  4. babe, please don't blow my cover! although nobody would believe you, I'm a pro
  5. lilboy why don't you do that? Lola, I promise, next time I see that guy or any other cute guy reading shit like that, I'll get their # for you
  6. oops, sorry, you did. i was too cracked out to remember PS: the sex board is fun!
  7. don't tell me you have problems finding guys with a good sex drive. i won't believe you. i don't. stop lying! you probably have a freakin waiting list of a 100000000 guys
  8. Lola, you need "one like that" - the guy or the book????????
  9. hahaah, so you ARE a crackhead! I knew it
  10. The only food allowed in bed is either ice cream (personal favorite), whipped cream, or frozen fruit I think I'm giving out too much personal information here..
  11. Well, I was thinking the same thing.. Why would a guy be reading a book like that? To lessen his sex drive? You gotta be crazy! Unless your girl is fucking asexual..
  12. I'm sure we can handle another guy Come with us Art. If you dare
  13. He was one of those cute serious looking guys.. That's why I was so surprised to see what he was reading Would be interesting to see his wild side. Btw, I don't like being spanked
  14. mysteriousss

    Going down

    Cold stuff feels gooood. You can also put some blueberries or grapes or other small berries in the fridge and keep popping them in your mouth once in a while to keep your tongue cold.. mmmm..
  15. mysteriousss

    sex addiction

    Saw a guy on the train reading a "Don't Call It Love: Recovery from Sexual Addiction" book. Should've given him my phone number LOL..
  16. Very sexy if you ask me. Don't like too much hair but that little line is such a tease!
  17. mysteriousss

    Going down

    Call me stupid but how exactly do you use poprocks??? I mean.. I think I had them once but my imagination does not stretch that far...
  18. hahaahahah.. did i look like i'm into S&M???
  19. I'll bring the handcuffs, you bring the drugs, and Virginia will bring shaving cream and a razor Sirdante, are you ready? Your tongue will hurt after this weekend's workout LOL.
  20. PS - your baby is UGLY!
  21. Art!!! You've never even been there!!! Oh you're getting me so mad!!! *hugz* Zoya.
  22. Girl, I doubt that I'm crazier than you But yeah, that Russian blood is definitely something interesting Definitely going out. You're still coming to SF right?
  23. Next time he's in NY, we'll drug him up and make him SHOW us what he can really do All this talk is only that, TALK.
  24. Lola, I came to read Sirdante's message that you and Virginia told me about. All I gotta say is *drool*. If I would've read it before Friday night, I would have attacked him at Twirl Just joking *hugz*
  25. Virginia - yep, I'm soooo there!!! Risa!! Hey girlie Phoenix - you know you love me and want to be MY bitch! LOL.. crazy wise ass
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