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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. I LOVE natural tanning. Nothing better than lying out on the beach and getting all chocolaty But I hate tanning salons. They give you this orangy tan that doesn't look like real tan at all. It's funny though because all of our sorority girls on campus used to be bright orange in the middle of december in Upstate NY. Guys used to make fun of them all the time asking them if they can rub suntan lotion on them. Also, I don't think it's very healthy. I mean natural tan is bad also, but tanning salons, how safe are they?
  2. Nice to know there are still good decent people in this nasty world huh? That was really nice of her. I'd do the same though. Can't imagine keeping someone's money or wallet.
  3. Oh how convenient. Thanx Addaboy, I actually needed to do this since I just got my citizenship this year. No Commie jokes plz!!! Internet rulez! We only get lazier and lazier with it...
  4. you know i'm there, right? grand marnier it is Vej! i don't have a preference and can leave from work whenever. hope to see you all tomorrow, zoya.
  5. Hmm, that really doesn't make any sense.. If she wasn't interested, why would she be sleeping in the same bed with you? If she was, how can you not even wanna kiss someone? Even if you don't wanna sleep with them. Wierd. I'm a girl myself but I don't think even I understand it.. Sorry, don't even know how to explain this.
  6. Haha, that was great. I love JP and I could hear the actual music from your booms and crashes. Really funny
  7. I never eat a lot. Just can't. But I can eat a TON of ice cream. Not literally but you get the idea...
  8. There should be a vote for "neither". Democracy my ass. 2 choices.. and great choices, too..
  9. Oh you're heartless. I feel really sorry for your gf
  10. I've only met a couple of people from the board and didn't get to spend much time with them anyway. You guys make me laugh though. But I hate you also since I'm constantly distracted from work Most of the people here are really funny and cool, except for occasional stupid posts. But that's bound to happen in any community.
  11. I think it tastes NASTY. I couldn't even finish one can. Worse than NyQuil I swear.
  12. Nothing bad about being a blonde. As long as you're not a "dumb blonde" Just joking.
  13. Chris - what have you been doing with your POOPY? Do we even wanna know?
  14. btw, Bre, hope your day gets only better SMILE! it's almost friday silly joke - kinda fits the scenario A blonde is taking an elevator to another floor in her office building. There is a man in the elevator with her. She smiles and says "TGIF". The guy smiles back and says "SHIT". The blonde is confused. So she says again "TGIF". The guy repeats with a smile "SHIT". The blonde asks they guy:"TGIF stands for Thank God It's Friday", why do you keep replying "SHIT"?". The guy smiles and says:"SHIT stands for Sorry Hunny It's Thursday". Old joke but still cute
  15. vejita - you're gross! now i got a lump in my throat and can't finish my breakfast..
  16. Oh no, the credit company will definitely pay for it. They'll probably have a good laugh at these charges, too. Most of the fraudulent purchases are probably not cheap. If I would even dream of using someone else's card, I'd buy diamonds and expensive shit that I wouldn't buy myself. Insane..
  17. Ok people, tell me if i'm the only one bothered by this. Does the concept of a "nice/considerate thief" bother you at all? I don't get it. My sister lost her wallet with about 10 credit cards in it and 2 bank cards. Along with all her documents in it. She cancels them but not in time. We get the bill and what do we see. Payless Shoes, Toys for less, Discount Jewelry. WTF??? I mean, is there anything wrong with this picture??? This woman (obviously) went to get her nails done 3 times in one day (probably brought her friends along unless she got herself a nice triple manicure), went to a beauty salon twice and bought a shitload of CRAP from all these discount stores. Including the CHEAP toys for her kids. WHAT THE HELL??? I mean, if you are going to use someone else's credit cards, you might as well live it up and buy yourself (and your KIDS) some decent stuff. This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my life! Maybe she was trying to save my sister some money ) Or maybe she's just plain old cheap and is not even aware that there are decent stores around. Just wanted to share this insanity with all of you.
  18. i never talked about it with my parents around (they don't live in NY). so i never had to use any nicknames for it. but i like your ideas and will use them whenever i need to hide it all
  19. I like the tickets idea. Candy is too obvious I think. Party favors is even more blunt
  20. Those gymnast guys were pretty HOT. And that Russian guy who went last was just a cutie... Figure skating is the best for women though. They have PERFECT bodies (in most cases).
  21. That'd be my ideal ride home. Too bad I take the subway to work )) Maybe I should smoke a joint on the train!
  22. wow Addaboy, that's really nice of you. i love it when ppl are so supportive and kind. good to know there are still some nice guys out there too.
  23. hehe, sorry everyone hates rejection. that doesn't mean that you have to be scared of asking someone out. i'm f.
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