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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. I expected everyone to say home, so I got in 2 hours late, and guess what, EVERYONE is here!!! WTF.. I'm bored to tears and even a 3rd cup of coffee is not waking me up And my head hurts...... I still have flashing in my eyes from those damn lights at Arc..
  2. LMAO.. You guys are so funny.. *singing* Love is in the air Everywhere I look around.......
  3. I'm jk guys.. I'm gonna have to find you somehow at WMC to say hi You seem like a bunch of cool cats
  4. Where is this party gonna be?
  5. I'm getting more and more excited 5 weeks to go!!!!
  6. Hey, it's all good.. It's not a contest I get very sleepy from alcohol too.. Unless it's LITs LOL.. Hmmmm, I'd check out Sander.. I know last year he was at Nikki Beach during the day I think... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. We are there Sun-Sun also!!!! Oh man, my favorite thing is to arrive there, check in and go to Ocean Drive for lunch/drinks.. Oh mannnnnnnnnnn I'm so craving it right now.. Clay?? Cool, a few of my friends are staying there.. We're staying at Tudor.. Or possibly going to a condo about 15 minutes away coz it's a lot cheaper, but I'm resisting that move coz I'm lazy LMAO..
  7. Me It says "An every day feeling of superiority.. the russian way!"
  8. Noooooooooooo... Ok, someone please talk to Danny next weekend.. He must be doing another party other than Fri night!!! Cmon now PS: (tiesto inside) LOL.. I almost freaked out when I didn't see him on the list.. whewwwwwwwwwwwww..
  9. Damn, you're a party machine.. Holy shit girl.. You just don't stop do ya LOL.. I have no idea whats going on there Monday night, but I'm sure something FUN will Where are you guys staying?
  10. Seriously I skipped PVD last year at WMC thinking I'll see him in NYC the following week.. Ended up being sick for 2 weeks.. So anyone who can go out the 1st week back from WMC gets this look from me :eek:
  11. Lucky bastard I burn to a crisp.. And then peel.. And only then turn a lil darker.. S*cks I hate tanning salons..
  12. I'd get this instead
  13. The Clevelander in Miami.. Gotta love that place
  14. Time to start getting some tanning sessions!!!! I hate fake tanning but you guys shoulda seen some of the pics from 2 years ago LMAO.. I was SO red..
  15. Damn, you're quite the party girl huh? I wish I had enough energy to do it all.. Enjoy!!!
  16. Nice!!! Even though that Exit night was horrible.. Music was good but damn, I had a totally miserable time..
  17. I'll be getting drunk at the Clevelander or something similar!!! Whoooohoooooooooooo.. I can't wait (I need a drink BAD) LOL..
  18. Coz I'm going to NYC this weekend.. And I don't think I'll be able to go next weekend, unless I take the dog with me LMAO.. We'll see though.. It'll definitely be awesome, no doubt about that..
  19. Awww, you're so nice!!! Haven't been to DH since September There is a 10% chance I'll be there.. I do need to party a lil before WMC, just to be a lil more prepared.. Hmmmmmmmmmm.....
  20. Wheeww.. Good to know no puppies were harmed in the process I'm getting used to it already.. Just felt like venting and bitching a lil coz I'm so damn bored..
  21. Well, here is a lil story of how I almost got a heart attack driving in this lovely town called Washington, DC.. Being extremely annoyed driving on Massachussetts Ave every day, I decide to take a risk of getting lost and take Connecticut Ave to get home.. So I'm driving in the middle lane, minding my own business, when this guy passes me on the left (on the other side of the yellow double line from me) and is just cruising next to me.. I see cars coming in the other direction and this dude isn't moving!!! He's just chilling there, smoking a cigarette and cruising right next to me.. I start FREAKING out coz all I see is that guy is on the wrong side of the road!!!!!! 5 seconds later I see the USE 4 LANES signs and slowly start to realize what it means.. WTF is wrong with this city???? I swear, I'm gonna sue someone for almost having a heart attack... Jeeeeeeeeez.. Done venting
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