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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Ooops, did I say that outloud LOL.. Suuuure, PLUR, global warming, aliens,... whatever floats the boat
  2. Haaaaaaaaaahahaha.. Can I be myself while I do a few lines???
  3. EWWW.. I was gonna have lunch but after that pic I think I'll wait till my stomach settles a bit.. He's seriously my worst nightmare of a man LOL.. Gross in every aspect.. And yes, last night's episode was garbage.. They just showed pieces of old episodes.. And nothing happened!!!!!!
  4. Some things never change.. Good old dj bashing... Gimme some popcorn please and a ..
  5. I think he'll pick he slutty one.. Doesn't seem like he has even 1/2 a braincell and I don't think he's ever seen a pair of decent tits in his lifetime.. But the only reason he'd go for the other chick is because the slutty one seems to be a lot more sophisticated.. I also heard that after he picks the final girl, he will tell her he's not a millionaire and she'll have a choice of getting 100k or staying with him.. And after she makes her choice, she'll be told me is indeed a millionaire.. Dunno how true that is but we'll see I can't imagine anyone falling for this dude.. He's every girl's nightmare if you ask me...
  6. Valentine's day is coming up.. Show him how you REALLY feel LMAO..
  7. Yep, definitely.. I had a lot of fun sitting my phat a$$ on those soft cushions and drinking while listening to Danny.. Sweeeeeeet
  8. DT is right but no matter what, there will be 1-2 people who will OD and NYPD will still be on the club's ass.. That's it, I'm moving to Italy.. I heard over there you can't get arrested for possession.. Only for selling or possession of large quantities..
  9. I'm a total Howells whore, especially in Bed.. I can't wait
  10. LOL.. I got one that says IF IT AINT STIFF IT AINT WORTH A FUCK I wore to to the SF underwear party a couple of years ago Girls kept saying to me TRUE DAT LOL..
  11. I shoulda kept my mouth shut but I can't LOL.. My friend found a few funny ones.. Check out some others:
  12. This is the shirt I'll be wearing
  13. Exit's capacity is like 5,000 I think.. I used to be an SF addict.. Hate Exit but still don't want to see it shut down, just because that will make other clubs more vulnerable to shutting down.. This sucks so bad, but I hope they are able to bring those clubs back.. Although it's just a matter of time now
  14. ASSHOLES Are they gonna close all bars too now to stop people from becoming alcoholics? Cmon now.. If people wanna get f*cked up, they'll find a way and a place!!!
  15. My thoughts exactly.. I couldn't have asked for a better lineup myself..
  16. Believe it or not, but I haven't watched the movie yet.. Been meaning to for years.. One time I rented it but wasn't in the mood so I only watched like 10 minutes of it.. And the last few years are a blur due to clubs so I still haven't seen it.... But NO POT BELLIES plz
  17. Wha? Going over my head.. Sorry, I'm a lil slow today..
  18. You're sweet, but not naive - though you like to be babied like a child at times. You prefer to have a bad boy by your side, but sometimes have problems understanding why he has to run off to take care of business. You want to settle down, yet deep down inside, you are excited by the surprises life throws your way.
  19. Last year almost EVERYONE I knew was there.. Like 100 of us.. Sick shit LOL.. A lil dangerous though This year fewer people are going coz noone has any money..
  20. Haaa.. Sausage Fest!!!
  21. Whaa?? Are you serious? Hot milk is my nightmare from early childhood trauma in Russian kindergartens and elementary schools.. *PUKE*
  22. LMAO, sorry.. I'll try to keep it PG
  23. Hun, I know that.. But in pgiddy's case, he meant that they were expendable for being LAZY.. At least that's how I read it.. I coulda been wrong.. I ain't gonna argue over this or nothing like that.. Just sayin...... Sore subject with me obviously..
  24. I hear ya.. Hard to know exactly what people mean when you don't know them.. Oh well
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