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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Yeah right, it's safe.. Suuuuuuure.. This stuff f*cks up your hormones, one way or another.. But better him than me LMAO..
  2. LMAO.. I'm not a government employee.. The client is gov't.. And yes, I also think it's a JOKE when they go nuts over 3" of snow (I'm originally from Russia, went to school in Syracuse, and up until a couple of months ago lived in NYC, so I know all about real snow LOL)..
  3. LMAO.. That's crazy he'd admit it like that.. But that sums up quite a large part of the male population (and female I'm sure) LOL..
  4. Depends on what kind of cancer it is and on lots of other factors.. He's definitely lucky and I hope he has a very long and healthy life..
  5. That's horrible I got a very bad family history when it comes to cancer so I know how I'm dying.. But I don't care about how I die, it's a nightmare when it's someone close to you.. Definitely one of the worst things ever.. Poor lil girl
  6. We are never closed for snow.. But my boss is a whimp and stays home when it snows That means I can f*ck around online all day So yes, I hope it snows!!!
  7. AND she's HOT.. Not that I care but damn, that girl BANGS it out.. Can't wait
  8. Wow.. That's awesome.. And I was surprised to see The Crystal Method at Ultra last year.. Although the bad side is that they will have 6 insane djs up at 6 different tents at the same time.. WHAT TO DO??!?!?!?!?!
  9. Sweeeeeeeeet.. Ultra is my favorite of all WMC.. Nothing beats being out in the sun, barefoot on the grass, dancing your ass off I love it..
  10. Hehe.. They were probably in the same spot as the night before @ DT.. Coz I talked to the 3 of them by the bar also LOL.. And they were all rather TALL!!!
  11. Hey, I thought you stopped with the SF bashing.. Guess not 3 years of this shit and you still didn't get tired of it huh
  12. You guys are going!!! Niiiice Yep, we went to JP 2 years ago, it was ok, all SF heads and nothing special.. Last year I didn't go and went to Space instead.. But those hardcore JP fans went to both last year.. I heard it was nothing special though.. But of course that depends on who you ask and all that good stuff.. Definitely not going this year but it would be fun to go just for old times sake.. But f*ck it.. I spent enough time at SF for 5 people LOL..
  13. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. Cookies I need to go get some RIGHT NOW!!!!
  14. LOL.. KISS IT BIAAATCH :tongue:
  15. Hope ya feeling better girlie!!! *hugz*
  16. Oh man.. My heart goes out to you and your family.. Take care of each other..
  17. Sweeeet.. I made the mistake of missing PVD last year at WMC, but won't happen this year
  18. Hehehe.. That's cute.. Thanx for the cheer-upper
  19. Oh man.. That's so sad and depressing... The most useless deaths I can think of (useless is a bad word but I'm blanking on the word I'm looking for at the moment)..
  20. It's very different when it happens right under your nose.. I was driving back from the Bronx to Brooklyn at like 4am on a highway.. There were maybe 2 or 3 other cars around, and then I see 2 cars speeding up real fast behind me.. They were FLYING, obviously playing around with each other.. Then one of the cars tried to pass a car that was in front of me but he was going to fast and musta steered a lil too hard.. So his car literally stood up on the left 2 whells, then he musta steered the other way, coz it went on the 2 right wheels.. And back and forth like that 3 more times.. And then he shot across the highway and rolled a couple of times.. That shit was SCARY.. But guess what, he got out of the car, walked around to his friend who pulled up behind him.. I looked like this His car was totally wrecked but the guy was one LUCKY mofo to get out of this one alive.. And everyone around him was lucky he didn't cause anyone else to crash.. These idiots piss me off...
  21. That's scary.. I hope the person/people in the car had every lil gadget to help protect them.. But then again, in some accidents it just doesn't matter.. And yep, I always get the smartass comments that girl, you got a sports car, why don't you just floor it? Sorry but my life is worth a lil more than a 5 minute thrill.. And more importantly, the other people driving on the road who might become victims of someone's stupidity or recklessness.. But some people just don't learn unless it really hits close to home..
  22. Not bad at all!!! Hmmmmm... Definitely gonna try to make it.. My girl is on the list, whoohooo (Misstress Barbara )
  23. Not bad.. Might actually come out of retirement for a couple of these
  24. Who's gonna spin at the Tronic party??? If it's Frankie and Adam, I'm f*ckin there!!!! Same goes for a few of their other regulars... I'm getting really hyped up now Just lemme put my dancing shoes on and here we go
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