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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Haha.. The orgies were the SHIT!!! And yes, I see SO many people digging up these old hillarious posts with funny pictures.. It all seems like a lifetime ago but it's fun to read them for sure.. to all the old school folk
  2. Yes, I was really bored today LOL.. A High School student in Oakland, California, received a homework assignment in his Ebonics Class. All he had to do was put each of the following words in a sentence. This is what he did: 1. Rectum...I had two Cadillacs, but my ol' lady rectum both. 2. Hotel...I gave my girlfriend the crabs, and the hotel everybody. 3. Odyssey..I tol' my bro, you odyssey the jugs on dis hoe. 4. Stain...My mother-in-law axed if I was stain fo dinner again. 5. Seldom...My cousin gave me two tickets to the Knicks game, so I seldom. 6. Penis...I went to a doctor and he gave a cup and said penis. 7. Catacomb...Don King was at the fight the other night. Man, somebody give that catacomb. 8. Foreclose...If I pay alimony this month I'll have no money foreclose. 9. Undermine...There a fine lookin' hoe in the apartment undermine. 10. Disappointment...My parole officer tol' me if I miss disappointment they gonna send me back to the bighouse. 11. Income...I jus' got in bed wit de hoe, and income my wife. 12. Honor...At the rape trial, the judge axed my bro' who be honor first? 13. Fortify...I axed the hoe how much, and she say fortify. 14. Israel...Alonso tried to sell me a Rolex; I said man, that looks fake; he say, no, Israel.
  3. Buckwheat & Darla were in school, and the teacher asks Darla "How do you spell 'dumb'?" Darla says "d-u-m-b, dumb" The teacher says, "very good, now use it in a sentence." She says "Buckwheat is dumb" Now spell "stupid". Darla says "s-t-u-p-i-d, stupid". The teacher says, "very good, now use it in a sentence." Darla says "Buckwheat is stupid." Then the teacher calls on Buckwheat and says "Buckwheat, spell dictate." Buckwheat stands and says "d-i-c-t-a-t-e, dictate". The teacher says, "very good, now use it in a sentence." "I may be dumb, and I may be stupid, but Darla say my dictate good!"
  4. One day little Johnny's teacher was teaching the class about agriculture. To help with this, she was showing pictures of farm equipment. She puts up the first picture, "What is this a picture of class?" she asks. Little Suzy puts up her hand and Johnny sticks up his hand. Of course, the teacher just knows that Johnny has something dirty in mind and picks Suzy. "What is this Suzy?". "Its a rake". "Very good, now can anyone tell me what this is?" she asks and points at the next picture. Johnny's hand shoots up and, little Anne politely puts up her hand, and once again the teacher ignores little Johnny. "That's a pitchfork" says little Anne. "Very good, now can anyone tell me what this is?" the teacher asks once more. Dead silence, only one student has their hand up, and of course it's little Johnny. Seeming as though no one else was volunteering, the teacher asked Johnny. "OK Johnny, what is this?". All of a sudden Johnny realizes he doesn't know the answer. "UH, UH, its a shovel, yeah, it's a shovel." "No Johnny, this isn't a shovel. This is a hoe". "What?!?! My sister's a hoe, and she doesn't look nutin' like that!!"
  5. How the hell did she manage to wear clothes in these movies? And WHY was she wearing clothes in fetish movies? wtf?? Although that means they should be able to show them on national TV LMAO..
  6. You're not the only one bored.. I'm about to start snorrrring here.. I had a roast beef sandwich on rye.. Still hungry and seriously craving ice cream.. Or at least something sweet....
  7. Probably some commie-hater who didn't submit the request when your friend ordered.. I swear, sometimes I think they f*ck things up (like names) on purpose to annoy me... But you should be able to get flights.. Last year I got plane tickets at the end of February with no problems so keep looking..
  8. That wasn't for you! That was for how mean you guys are to me with these
  9. Good luck with this, it's quite rough out there right now.. I know that 2 places are hiring computer geeks like crazy now.. Transportation Security Agency and Homeland Security Agency.. Both need heavy computer expertise so check it out.. Don't know any details though..
  10. LOL.. Ok, sounds nice I guess.. And why are you guys constantly giving me the face? I'm getting a lil worried here....
  11. LMAO.. You know that's not a very nice thing to do, right? I love mah baby, so no microwave for her LOL.. But thanx for that very helpful suggestion
  12. Ahh, boys will always be boys But my puppy is the surest way to pick up ANYONE you want.. Noone can walk by us on the street without going OMG she's so gorgeous, she's so sweet.. She jumps on everyone, wags her tail like crazy, just soooo damn adorable.. But a guy walking her would look wierd, or very gay LMAO.. Here's her baby pic.. Here's what she looks like now..
  13. Thank you!!! I just hope it gets warmer soon.. The puppy doesn't get cold, but I sure as hell do...
  14. Do you guys know any dog parks around Southern Maryland or DC? I have a puppy that I really need to take to a dog park and let her run loose for a while.. I'd really appreciate any suggestions
  15. Sowwy, my bad.. I was sure I was on russianmatchmaker
  16. Where's Miamia? LOL.. Don't sweat it though.. One thing I learned is that no matter how hard you try, you always find better deals on EVERYTHING but AFTER you already got yours.. So just till you get to Miamia (don't mind me, I'm a dork)
  17. I missed it :mad: Didn't tape it either.. Musta been quite funny
  18. LOL!!!!!! That def sucks.. But I'm very glad not to be in your building right now.. Sounds pretty dangerous to me...
  19. I don't know you, but happy birthday
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