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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. I don't like the topic of this post... Gets me mad every time I see it... Grrrrrr...
  2. Haha.. Brandie. He's probably sitting in front of a voodoo doll or something and using telepathy to contact every girl he knows IM me.. E-mail me.. IM me right now...
  3. steph, I'm not judging you.. it's your life.. it's just that in my personal opinion, it's as disrespectful to yourself as it is to your bf to cheat. i cheated on a bf too. 3 years ago. more than that actually. i never felt WORSE in my life. i never felt lower or dirtier either. i promised myself that i will never do that again. and haven't done it since. never will either. but it's only me.
  4. Oh shit.. I IM'ed you before reading this post.. Too funny..
  5. Now you check yours Thanks hun, you're sweet..
  6. Being friends with someone is not exactly "subjecting" yourself to them.. Unless I'm misunderstanding your point..
  7. Why do you use different names to post? I AM an exception! I thought I sensed sarcasm in that sentense
  8. Oh shit! I don't even wanna know what that would do to me... Permanent brain damage..
  9. I was wondering where you've disappeared to.. Thought maybe you found a dumber bunch who knew even less about sex so you can teach and preach to them Hope everything is going well. Work sucks, so take a break and party! *hugz* Zoya.
  10. Huh??? That wasn't even funny... And not all girls are stupid!!! I know I'm not
  11. Hehehe.. I'd keep my control chained to myself. God forbid someone decides to play a trick on me at work or something Scary.. Although I'll take a man over a vibrator ANY day..
  12. Hmm.. naughty and dirty? How would you know???
  13. Oooh it worked (thanx Lola!).. Ok here's my $0.05. I get about a 100000 times more sensitive when I'm on e.. My whole body becomes ultra sensitive and every touch (especially cold) gives me such a rush.. Love the feeling. I don't know why you get numb, definitely strange.
  14. Isn't it wierd that I can reply to some posts and not others? I wanna reply to the sex on E thing but I can't Oh well.. I don't get it..
  15. Hahahahahahahah.. Oh my god that was funny Am I glad I'm not a blonde..
  16. ANNOYING.. I can't reply to anything
  17. mysteriousss

    So... who's horny?

    Me? Fangs? Whaaa? /me didn't get it...
  18. That's very hypocritical if you ask me... What goes around comes around also. Don't forget that. As the old saying states:"treat ppl the way you wanna be treated"..
  19. mysteriousss

    So... who's horny?

    Oh boy, sorry to hear you're having nightmares
  20. mysteriousss

    So... who's horny?

    Steve, you are such a sweetheart.. *blush* *hug* *blush*
  21. No offense taken here.. You're right, a lot of people are stupid/blind/naive/idealistic/etc/etc/etc... They'll learn some day..
  22. mysteriousss

    So... who's horny?

    Oh my god James. You crack me up! ClubNYC orgy lol.. Bring the whips and other kinky stuff that you like. Some ppl on this board are pretty raw
  23. It's really confusing and difficult to be alone after a long term relationship. At first it's hard, but after some time goes by, you realize a lot of things that you've never stopped to think about before. About yourself, about other people, about life in general. I believe soul searching is the appropriate term. Just take your time getting over it all. If you rush into another relationship, it'll only make it harder on you and your new gf..
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