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Posts posted by awkwardscience

  1. Here are mine:



    Aids Vaccines and New Superlube . . .

    Two huge steps towards ridding the world of Aids.

    New Vaccine:

    Aids Vaccine Thread


    The New SuperLube:

    A nonprofit group of doctors (International Partnership for Microbicides) is

    working on a magic new product that can stop boys getting HIV from girls

    and girls with HIV giving it to boys. Prof. Richard Markham who is the

    director of the Center for AIDS research at John Hopkins University

    Medical School in Maryland said, " The new product is a microbicide that

    could be applied as infrequently as once a week or even once a month.

    It's transparent to the user, and controlled by the woman, which is an

    especially important in the developing world. The process involves

    engineering the normal bacterial flora of the vagina (lactobacilli that are

    related to the bacteria in yogurt0 to secrete a product that inhibits HIV


    I read an article on the lube in VICE magazine, I'm sure you can do a

    search on google to find out more or grab a mag . www.viceland.com



    I can make a dildo from my very own Penis . .

    "Quickly and easily make a super realistic, high qaulity life-size rubber

    copy of ANY size PENIS & BALLS in intricate detail!!! Just add water."

    Go fuck myself ! Sure . .




    We have some problems overseas, I guess . .*shrugs*

    Anything interest you lately?

  2. I love typing random shit in and then hitting I feel lucky . .

    Try it sometime for shitz and giggles..

    for instance...

    When I typed "Mindless Raver Drones"

    this came up:

    "An Artists’ Guide To Drugs"

    It's a doc that automatically downloads..Read a a bit, it's funny..


    "genre snobs and poop discuss"

    This is what came up:


    This is off the first one

    "Dance To Trance (With The Aid Of A Fistful Of Mitsubishis)"

    Ecstasy and dance music have (mis)spent a long, chequered past

    together, from the early ‘Balearic’ vibes fuelled by Oakenfold and chums

    returning from Ibiza with bagloads of pills to the drug-deaths scares of the

    tabloids, but Trance and Mitsubishis is undoubtedly the 18 year old rave

    monkey’s current idea of a banging night out.

    This is off the second one:

    "However the love of freedom overrules this, and I consider both

    homosexuality and drum n bass and rap music all to be compatable with


    ROFL ...You have to read some of the shit on these sites...

    My sides hurt...

  3. ^^It's not dying for say, but actually getting stronger and more

    powerful...Consider it to be the juicehead of the galaxy...It keeps

    stockin up on droids and getting bigger and bigger, and then one

    day boom, heart attack...

    "The Dutch scientists calculate that if temperatures keep climbing at the current rate the Sun will be unable to sustain itself."

    I hope it's bullshit, but if it's not I am having more unprotected

    sex then a Korean hooker...

  4. Underground, at least in my eyes is a state of mind...

    Like psychojo said it's more of a community of educated

    individuals coming together for no other reason other than a love for the music. . .. Profit, egotistical nonsense, exposure are

    all things that are left waiting impatiently at the front door...

    Commercial events/venues are all seeking to be recognized and sought out . .They want to be noticed and benefit in some

    materialistic way....

    Perfect examples would be the difference between these two





    Do you like the play on words . . It's 2 opposite sides of the coin..

  5. It's more like . . .

    Commercial/Not commercial . . .

    I'm more into the party ::cough::Rave scene, and with that

    I have had a chance to witness the commercial side which are

    parties thrown by SOE,True crew, etc and then of course the

    not so well known production crews like Crash On mars, Blackkat,

    Renegade virus,etc.

    They are definetly different scenes within a scene and it's

    a matter of taste more than anything...

    Ya, dig.

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