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Posts posted by bmitch1114

  1. My friends and I drive down to NYC on occasion. We actually used to go down there a lot and then I moved. I usually organized our trips so when I moved they ended. But now that I'm back I'm trying to get something going again and my friends are all up for it.

    I hate to admit it but you are slightly right about the boston scene. The music is pretty good but the people need to relax and have more fun.

    Well, if you are planning on hitting the big apple let me know, we could get a big group together.

  2. Allright, sounds good. I assume you'll be hanging out in that back corner where we were suppose to meet-up for PVD. I'd tell you what I'm wearing but I honestly have no clue. Since it's the no dress code night I'll probably be dressed real casual. I'll just keep an eye out for a girl with a peach top, black pants, a tatoo on her back, and two guys and a girl.

    Oh ya, I was thinking about going to the Sundaze but now it's at that arena up in Lowell and I'm not sure how that will be.

    Well, hopefully I'll see you tonight.

  3. B2B would be the one. I just moved back here from Chicago, if you havent' met him yet then your in for some fun. He's absolutely crazy. But, it's starting to look like he might not be able to make it. He lost his passport and since he's not an American citizen he has to deal with the British passport agency, which he's having no luck with at all. I feel so bad for him. Hopefully he can work things out over the next two weeks. He applied for the new passport about three weeks ago but nothing yet.

    The rest of the weekend, not much. I was actually thinking about heading down to NYC to meet up with some friends and see Danny Howells at Vinyl. I've never seen him but all I hear is great things. It's an option, we'll see.

    I'll try to attach a picture to this post so you can see what I look like..... Screw it. I just went through my pics on my computer and every single one I appear thoroughly messed up, which of course that's because I am. I've got a bunch from Ibiza but it's just not pretty.

  4. Ya, there should be about 11 of us going tonight. We're all going pretty early just to make sure the crowds aren't too bad, you know it can get sometimes. I was in Ibiza from July 1-8th. I actually don't know the exact dates as my friends but I'm sure you'll be there the same time. One guy is this crazy Brit who's gone the last 7 years in a row, he knows everything about clubbing and he knows a lot of people there, he knows all the secrets and gets some really good hookups.

  5. Welcome back. I've got some friends heading to Ibiza in two weeks as well. I was there about 6 weeks ago and I'm still recovering, want to go back though. :( :(

  6. Sounds like a plan. I won't be on line at all on Thursday but I'll be back in my office on Friday so I'll be sure to catch up then and get everything figured out. I could probably find a pic and send it to you if that would make things easier. Let me know.


  7. So many DJ's, so little time. NYC has gotten some good talent hitting their city this weekend. I know Tenaglia is at Vinyl on Friday, Timo Maas at Centro-Fly on Saturday, and then Howell at Vinyl on Sunday. I've seen Maas and Tenaglia, both great great shows. Howell I haven't seen but all I hear is praise for this guy. Of course Micro is here on Friday so I guess I'll be seeing that. Timo Maas though, that leaves some room for thought. What to do, what to do??

  8. I regret to say I've never seen Tenaglia. Actually, I might have seen him at Tunnel quite awhile back but I didn't know who the DJ was and if it was him I wouldn't have recognized his name because I didn't know him yet. I know I had a good time though.

    If I could get some details about what everyone is doing, where they are staying, stuff like that it would be very helpful, and maybe someone could IM me some contact info. I have a feeling I won't know if I'm going until the day of.

  9. So what's this I read???? The Chicago crew is hitting NYC?? I need to keep myself up to date with current affairs. I was actually thinking about heading down there this weekend for Timo Maas, what day are you all gettign down there? Let me know the details, I would be very interested in possibly catching up with you guys.

    B2B, you get the passport situation straightened out or what?

  10. Originally posted by prplhz

    Hey bmitch1114, so you are going to Micro? He is so good, I was there when they recorded the CD and can't wait to go next friday. Do you maybe want to meet up?

    I'm always in the mood for a meet-up. I was actually at the PVD show along with a lot of my friends and we were hanging out in the back corner but unfortuantely I wasn't sure if anyone from clubplanet was there. I saw your pics but I have a bad memory and everyone looks different in the club. Anyways, Micro meet-up sounds like a good idea. I'll be there along with about 8 of my closest friends. Catch ya later.

  11. I'd be interested in that recipe. I used to smoke plenty but it seems my asthma has gotten much worse and the shit will slow me down for alteast a week now. I think the cooking form is my only alternative now.

  12. Originally posted by cgm

    He means no harm, dont ban him.. Im sure if he reads this post he will stay out of Boston.

    CGM, I agree with you when you say that, and I'm not even threatened by him. But there have to be approximately 30-40 posts that appear in random locations. It makes it very difficult to hold a consistent forum that people aren't turned off by due to a barage of useless posts.

  13. I understand your reluctance to bad k-hole from this board because the internet is just like anything else in the country, freedom of speech and opinion. But on the other hand it's ashame to try to use a board that is constantly interrupted by a lot of childish and pointless thoughts with the sole purpose of annyoing people and creating problems. I will try the ignore feature, I've never used it and quite honestly didn't know it existed. If this works then so be it, but if he does persist to be a nuisance then I would also be for having k-hole removed from this board.

  14. Only once was I in love like that, haven't felt something like that for quite sometime.

    Sad to say I've been plenty messed up plenty of times where the words just wouldn't come. I've actually got a really funny story about losing my thought mid sentence but it just wouldn't be as funny on here. If I ever meet some of you I can tell the story.

    I've been fairly lucky on this one. I dont think I've made a complete fool of myself, or atleast not that I remember or know of. I think I prefer to keep it that way too.

    I don't want to answer this one only because I dont' want to jonx myself.

    Been caught in the act of sex but never by the parents. My dad did walk in one time but he's kind of nieve and didn't even realize what was going on. Just asked me some question and then left. If he did know then he never let on. Nothing like the dad in American Pie.

  15. I will definitely be there along with all my friends. I didn't catch the recording party but my friends did and they said it was incredible. I definitely don't want to miss this.

    I've seen Carter a number of times in Chicago and he's pretty good. A lot of my friends like him too, he's pretty consistant and keeps a decent energy level going. As for Ibiza though? There's usually better talent than that. Since they are right next to each other I guess it's possible but that would mean dishing out around 70 in one night for clubs. Carter plays in the states a lot, go for the international talent first. Just my .02 cents.

  16. This is gonna take some thought, I'm not sure my memory goes that far back.

    1.) My first club experience was Venus D'Milo, that's what Karma was back in the day when I was 18.

    2.) I went there all the time with a bunch of college friends.

    3.) Lots and lots of alcohol. I'm not the same innocent young (nieve) lad that I was then.

    4.) I have no clue who was mixing, I was just there to get stupid.

    5.) I loved it back then right away, did it all the time. Eventually just stopped going. Graduated college and was just into the bar thing for awhile, then a friend of mine got me back into clubs and I've been going all the time ever since. Now I'm more interested in the DJ's and thier musical skills and styles.

  17. Mi casa su casa.

    Hey b2b, what's up with you? Keeping this board alive I see. You guys have blossomed. There's a bunch of new members that I don't recognize. You guys get anymore meetups organized lately?

  18. To answer the first question, I have no clue when I'll be there. It does appear I'll be living in Boston from now on, which truly sucks because I do love Chicago. I'm sure i'll be out many times to visit though. I'll make my moving weekend one big party weekend. How about that? That probably won't happen for another month or so but we'll see.

  19. Silente and BB.. I am kind of curious, do either of you work. I noticed both of you have something like 1500 posts. Didn't you just join Silente about 2 -3 months ago? Crazy shit I tell ya.

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