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Posts posted by tizzah508


    Tomorrow is FRIDAY that means today is THURSDAY=START THE WEEKEND!!! i know i am sooo smart

    BRIAN1500: better be practicing is dance moves and rest those arms b/c your lifting all of us up :bounce:

    XXXXXXRap: did you get my pms computer messed up

    619'er: PLEASE MAKE UP YOUR MIND ummm NOW call me

    SPY: get the hair ready and thank goodness this week went by faster.....I think

    pizza mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    oh shoot what about my boys: naked and all there what is the deal tailgaten fools

  2. :bounce: glad I can help

    now just act all sweet/sensitive/caring/concerned/supportive (not like your not) and talk through things and you will hopefully have a great relationship if not it wasn't meant to be

    possibly by a good book and sign it inside

  3. Originally posted by liqidtouch

    ..the point that 1st came from my lips to them--

    i know what you mean totaly..

    also part of the question was-

    why so early in any relationship would someone be so bold to ask-

    well just to addd alittle info to it

    she (YES KOSTAP ITS A SHE you little freak)

    and dogkid shes HUMAN

    well anyway

    she didnt believe my answer- you know the drill-

    appearances make false impressions? right.

    so she thinks im hiding some numbers...

    no offense but it all seems immature to me ..... I agree with Latinaz and others here it really shouldn't matter (as long as you are careful) you are together now and should be worrying about where you guys are gonna do it or who your gonna dress up as....sorry i can't be serious today

    or maybe she might have been really hurt or cheated on and wants to be careful.....OR she might really really like you already and is thinking ahead....just be honest and up front

  4. Originally posted by calebos

    hurhur@"out that day in high school"

    k, and way to continuously not address my point.

    did I miss your point again....damn it!!

    actually I got it and that is between the two of you......

    as for me I would rather battle it out and not with words

  5. Originally posted by calebos

    First,good job on the the sarcasm, next time try harder.

    Second, what the eff does being gifted have to do with a degree? Please clarify this.

    Third, I'm not sure if you mean "beyond" or "behind," either I don't understand.

    Lastly, way to completely change the subject and miss the point. Next time, don't do that. Are we clear?

    FIRST: I will definately try harder ..... give me a chance please

    SECOND: I am sooo sorry it was miscommunication I thought you were implying that smart and gifted and stuff get it....oh maybe you were out that day in high school......

    THIRD: I meant behind....slip of the fingers I guess or possibly the brain goes faster than the fingers


  6. Originally posted by calebos

    Maybe, but that's not the point.

    He's obviously having a difficult time putting some words together.

    Anyway, we can't all be gifted.

    oh you are sooo right.....damn I wish I was as gifted as you.....where did you get your degree......

    Oh I wish i was gifted and can sit beyond the computer all day.....oh shit wait I am....!!!!

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