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Everything posted by joecrack13

  1. anyone got info yet?..theyve been trying to move it to vegas which would suck but since i havent heard anything about it yet i was getting alittle antsy....anyone with info let me know...ill be there if its in antartica...its americas ibiza..trust me ive been to both and its ibiza put into 1 week except europeans are much more crazy than americans...radio 1 party last year was great...hopefully they do it again at nikki beach for free....
  2. How do i get on that list for $15 and do u know what time roger sanchez goes on?
  3. Friday Im going to see Roger Sanchez...just want to know if theres a dress code...ive only been there once and i was basically incapacitated from drinking so I dont remember if u had to dress up....2nd i see this whole thing about Deep Dish and Limelight is getting alot of hype...can someone actually say whether it is true or not...according to the website at yoshitoshi it is but u cant always trust those things...usually there would be alot more hype if its opening up a month from now...but since limelight or whatever its going to be called is trying to probably be more underground/upscale like it was back in the day (instead of having an "exit" 15 year old crowd that wears sunglasses at night or white boys rockin throwback jerseys with bogus platinum chains) i would tend to think that may be why theres not going to be alot of talk until the time comes...just an opinion someone fill me in...ill take a walk by it tomorrow when im at work...for one thing though...i always walked past it throughout the year and saw massive construction so it may be a good sign
  4. I was an International Marketing major and law minor....go to nassau bar between classes...it was the best thing i ever did....bartenders in G-String and Bikinis and cheap drinks....me and my boy originated that place when we were juniors...noone else went there from pace before we did.
  5. I graduated Pace university in may 2001....its a hell of a school in lower manhattan in the financial district....for business its great...its liberal arts is emerging too.
  6. listen whiteboy...stop watchin rap videos and listening to these niggas talk...take off ur bogus platinum chain and ur throwback jersey...stop spending ur months pay on a bottle of krystal and speak english...nuff said...nothin against u personally since i dont know u but when u talk that ghetto slang its ridiculous...when i hear white kids screaming holla at ur boy or other nonsense i feel like throwing up on them.
  7. way out west (???) steve lawler (Arc Nov 16) sasha (roxy Oct 25) Deep Dish (Exit Nov 15) Carl Cox (Roxy Oct 31) Saeed and Palash (???) Dave Seaman (Centro Fly Oct 19) Unfortunately I wont be going to any of these shows that Ive been dying to see except the Deep Dish show at Exit.... the night Sasha plays Ill be at a halloween party the night Lawler play...well its Arc and I dont do drugs so thats basically out although I did have a sick time the last time he was there the night Seaman is at Centro i wont be there because I dont go to the same club 2 nights in a row...the night before Roger Sanchez is there so ill be there instead the night Carl Cox spins is a Thursday and why the hell have these clubs been getting these great DJs for weekday nights??...most people like myself have jobs that require us to wake up when their sets are just getting good I dont know when way out west or saeed and palash will be back...if anyone knows please reply
  8. I was there from July 26-Aug 3 so I caught just the essential selection cause we left saturday morning...UK people were great and man do Europeans know how to party...Americans are so tight-ass...i still remember my schedule for the nights...we would usually start the night off in San An and drink for cheap and then go out...the Saturday I got there we just walked around Ibiza town because there wasnt anything good going on that night plus it took us 14 hours to get there that morning cause from America theres no direct flights to the island cause were ass backwards when it comes to partying.. Sunday (how could u not be at Space)...Smokin Jo played a great set...Sunday night Judgement Sunday with Jules and Ferry Corsten...met some hot UK girls...turned out to be possibly the best clubbing night of my life but I was so drunk i barely remember Monday Manumission which i almost died at cause I was so dehydrated from the night before and almost fainted in there...way to crowded..was in bed by 2 am Tuesday Perfecto at Pacha with Pete Tong and Sander Kleinenberg..(my pic is on the website...www.pacha.com on Perfecto [30.7], picture #19) Wednesday Foam party (because we heard erick morillo was sick for the preparty so we didnt chance it)...foam party sucked overall until the foam dropped Thursday Cream with PVD and Tiesto....could have been the best night ever if u could move...that was another short night cause we couldnt bare the crowd Friday Radio 1 party Saturday back to America crying (haha) Next stop for me is the Winter Music Conference which is Americas 1-week Ibiza...I highly recommend u go...until then its listening to Pete Tong from my office on Fridays and Ministry of Sound radio everyday as they say in UK...cheers mate...by the way I met Roger Sanchez down there...i have a pic with him actually on my computer...he was at Pete Tongs birthday preparty at Mambo...got his autograph and everything...hes a mad cool guy...he actually grew up in Queens which is the borough right next to Brooklyn where I live (home of Danny Tenaglia)...he loved me and my boy cause we were representing NYC down there...were going to see him next weekend at Centro Fly in NYC actually as well...
  9. do u have the essential selection from August 2nd of this year from Ibiza?
  10. any Steve Lawler CD but Global Underground Lights Out which came out this summer is incredible...check out Satoshi Tomiie, Saeed and Palash, Deep Dish etc...If u have WinMX where u can download this stuff i suggest u download their liveset cause those are better than their CDs
  11. whats up bro...u can get it on WinMX...i have it already...just type in Roger Sanchez Essential Mix and it will come up with alot of results...WinMX is great...alotta live sets that u cant find anywhere else...only downside is that they take forever to get cause of the rarity of them and the fact that everyone wants them...im still looking for the essential selection that Pete Tong did from Ibiza this summer...I was there thats why I want it...if u can help me with that that would be cool....by the way are u from the UK?
  12. Wow Im so glad to see that other people think the same way as me...The reason that Sept 11 happened is cause of our 1-sidedness toward Israel...unfortunately people are forgetting that we are Americans....were not Israelis...were not Italians...were not Spanish...I got news for ya...I was in Europe for the first time this year and Ive never been so proud to be from America...sure these places are beautiful and u can have the time of ur life there...but we really have it all here especially living in NYC....we live in America the greatest damn country in the world...if anyone considers themselves something else then go back to ur fuckin country cause u wont live like u do here....be proud of ur past culture but unless ur not a citizen of this country ur an American....Arabs have a right to be pissed at us for the way we treat their countries....granted there are alot of scumbags there too but hey we got alotta people in this country that would do the same thing if they could...look at Timothy McVee...look at the Al Queda jerkoffs that are Americans like the ones they caught the other day in Oregon....Israelis are money hungry people...bottom line...I can honestly say Ive met 1 generous Israeli in my life...im not talking about them being nice people, im talking about wanting everything in the world..selfishness....their canivers and will screw ya over as soon as they see the glimmer of hope....if u go down Ocean Parkway in Brooklyn look how many American flags u see...NONE...why?...cause their alliance stays with Israel...this country got attacked alot worse than theirs did at one point in time (not overall)...I got news for ya...my grandpa came off the boat from Italy in the 20's...he went to fight WW2 voluntarily because he loved freedom and loved America...he went and fought his own people...fighting in his hometown that he left....my other grandpa did the same except he was born here but fought against his own family in Italy.....people get with it...i can go on and on but Ill stop...of course this in an opinion but I do feel strongly about this subject matter
  13. Im from Brooklyn NY...coming to Boston next weekend...what clubs or bars are good to go to and are there any big name DJ's in town next weekend?
  14. Please tell Tony Draper that I challenge his gay ass to a boxing match because I cant understand how anyone thinks hes a good DJ...nothing against the guy personally but i refuse to hear people say hes good....call me a hater call me whateva...they guy is garbage and the problem is that you have 15 year olds at exit on fridays who know nothing about mixing or good music...maybe ill sellout to myself and start spinning KTU music just to get paid but spinning songs like Stranger in my House is torturous even if ur getting paid to do it.,...if u want a list of DJ's to listen to please feel free to email me and Ill show everyone the light...i was in ibiza the first time this summer...if u think New Yorkers know whats up with clubs and DJ's then ur totally wrong...Europeans will bury us in all aspects...if u brought one of them to Exit they would piss on it....while I like exit as a club for setup and size, the crowd and residents are flat out wack
  15. Arc would be the greatest club in the world if they had liquor.....God Bless Twilo man...they really knew what the hell they were doing....I cant imagine so many people going there without liquor...i know people do drugs in there more than drinking but for someone like me who doesnt it really sucks...i try and get loaded before hand but if i stop drinking i get sleepy or i sober up....thank god roxy is getting the sickest lineup ive ever seen in a month span...the downside of that is that the 15 year olds will be in there wanting to hear songs like "I Turn To You" or other commercial KTU garbage....centro fly is getting some nice shows as well...now the downside to that is that alot of them are on Thursday which is another thing that ill never understand since most people like me work on Friday.....cant wait for limelight and crobar...thats gonna blow the roof off of NY
  16. www.balancepromote.com The man Steve Fuckin Lawler will be at vinyl on nov 16.....this is a great site i got from a chick in england who does DJ bookings for guys like lawler, sasha, way out west, etc
  17. got out of the train on 23rd and broadway and saw everyone looking up but i couldnt see why...then when i got a clear view i saw the trade center on fire...i figured it was like a gas explosion but i heard someone on a cellphone say it was a plane...i remmeber when we were at war with the Japs that a plane crashed into the empire state building back in the 40's so i figured it was an accident...got into my office on 27th and 5th and looked out the window and said "holy shit that planes going right for the trade center" and then a sick explosion...since i work right near the empire state building i got the hell out and walked downtown where i ran into a friend on the street and stayed in his apartment on E 11 and 1st Ave til a train opened up and went to my grandmas house in williamsburgh...theres alotta details i left out just to be short about it but the bottom line is this....GET THE FUCKIN TOWELHEADS OUTTA THIS COUNTRY...bottom line...u think the guy who works in ur bodega is hanging that American flag because he loves this country...BULLSHIT..he just wants ur business to support these scumbag terrorist so they can knock down more buildings....this government is too lax and worries about maintaining freedom and civil rights but when something happens theyre gonna sound like retards...we are at war with a new enemy people...open ur eyes and stop being blind...americans are not liked by most countries and new york city is filled wit foreigners from these places...theyre not here cause they like it, theyre here because its easy to make money..sorry to break the news to all the people out there who are trying to be sympathetic.
  18. Someone help me out and let me know when Steve Lawler is coming back to NYC...he was incredible at Vinyl in May and his Global Underground Lights Out CD is one of the best I own...those CD's usuallly sound nothing like the artist when they spin but this one is totally like a live set....ive been downloading alot of live sets from Lawler and I tell ya somethin he may be my favorite DJ out there right now...the funny thing about it was that I never heard his style before the Winter Music Conference...he spun at Billborad Live and everyone was raving about a guy named Steve Lawler...i heard of him but didnt know that so many people were into him...and wow u talk about a lineup at Billboard live...listen to this...Dave Seaman, Anthony Pappa, Nick Warren, Steve Lawler, Lee Burridge, Sander Kleinenberg etc...incredible...I wish i was more into their style then...the party went til 12 noon...cant wait for this year...I actually missed his set that night but I had to check him out at Vinyl when he came to NYC...and wow whatta show...I dont do drugs and I stayed all night
  19. Anyone have a clue who the special guest might be?
  20. u fuckin retards...u guys have so much time on ur hands to do all that bullshit and u think im gonna sit threw it and look for some stupid one liner in the middle?...why the hell cant u just write it plain and simple
  21. what the fuck is this retarded post and when the hell is underworld gonna be here cause thats all im interested in
  22. TrusttheDJ.com is playing carl cox's first live set of six that hes doing from Space in Ibiza...it is on now 8/21 at 1 til 3pm and again on saturday at the same times...check it out
  23. sorry to hear your from SI...were ur neighbor in brooklyn
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