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Posts posted by roly99

  1. Yo al, I know your here at my house rihgt now, but I'm sorry bout that liquid coke that fuked you up completely...Yo, hope you had a great bday party, and I don't think you coulda taken any more drinks bro, I think you did you 21 max drinkout...Love you man, hope you had fun...Love ya...




  2. Seems to me like someone has to get off their ass and get a job...j/k you know I love you al, BUT GET A JOB. Hehe, Glad to see so many people sportin the images you made, at least I know that copy of photoshop 6 I gave you paid off.

    Keep the footers comin...



  3. Well, it all began when a couple of friends and I decided to smoke a couple blunts near the weehawken peers (overlooking NYC skyline).

    We were at a small table that belongs to the park rolling the blunts and I had a bottle of water that I left at the table. Then we decide to go near the railing, protecting the river, to smoke.

    After smoking a my friend and I are walking in front of a couple other friends, he turns to me and says " I'll race you for the water...", which was still on the table a good 30 feet away.

    I say "okay".

    He says "ready? GO!" he takes two steps and notices that I haven't moved yet, so he stops.

    He begins to say, "you're not gonna run", but before he can finnish the sentance I run like crazy grab the water bottle, couldn't stop, jumped on top of the seat near the table, did a 360 and landed right in the middle of a bush.

    Well, needless to say I won. I got up only to see that all my friends were on the floor dieing of laughter...

    I think that would have to be my most interesting experiance high ever, but I beat him!



  4. I must say that a I have had sexual relationships with most of my female friends, and because of this I believe that we are closer. I also hang out with several girls with whom I have had sexual relations, and there is not tension at all.

    I think that sex is something that can mean a lot, or mean nothing at all. Just because I had sex with them doesn't mean that I am devoted to them for the rest of my life.

    True if I tell someone I love them, then that's a different story. Although it hurts a lot to loose someone you love, you sometimes don't want to hurt that person by doing things that you might regret.

    I would say that even though I had sexual relations with my friends it doesn't affect us while we hang out, instead it makes us feel more open to share our feelings with one another and not hide our true feelings.

    I think it's perfectly healthy to go out and have sex every now and then, sometimes people go crazy if they don't have it. So far my relationships are perfectly fine, and I know that someday I will settle down and be with that one ideal person for me...



  5. Every day a bong is lost in the United States. I am very sorry to hear that today's tragic toll was taken on your Jerome Baker. It was a good bong, and it served us all well.

    I could only hope that someday you will find another bong, not to replace, but to help fill that void which is lurking in your soul as we speak. RIP Jerome, at this time I would like to have a moment of silence...

    ::silent for ten seconds::

    Sorry to hear of your tragic loss...



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