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Posts posted by dreams2

  1. thanks xpander. have a good night.

    im about to start calling random people that ihavent spoken to ina while. but then people might catch on to the fact that im desperate.. lol but seriously this sucks. and to make this all worse i am in such a bad mood. ive been crying all day and me sitting here by my lonesome is making me think about all the stuff that has been making me cry... AND I DONT WANT TO CRY anymore. ok enough of me complaining.

  2. yea i saw american pie 2 last night. i thought it was funnier than the first.. but um anyways... IM BORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is really sad. i really think im gonna end up in my car driving around listeing to bon jovi's greatest hits.. haha. or my freestyle cd's. at least they get me pumped. help meeeeeeeeeeeee

  3. im bored. and no one is around. plus im kinda poor. i already went to blockbuster and rented a movie - the mexican. i went earlier and got it but i already watched it and now im bored. (by the way i didnt really like the movie just incase anyone was wondering.. lol) :eek: so anyone want to keep me entertained. otherwise ill probably end up resorting to stalking my x... hmph:o


  4. mine would have to be bourbon st in hillsdale (its my family's place and i love it) or um i would have to say as sad as it is.... company b's in ramsey. ok well its not exactly a favorite place but its so close to home and cheap. so we always end up going there. yea i know im a big dork...

    so what local places does everyone go when their not up for a city night?

  5. awh sorry hun. and HAPPY BIRTHDAY. my birthday was in july and the same thing happened to me. i was going around trying to make all these crazy plans for so long and then the day of my bday no one even bothered to call to say they werent coming out. everyone just dicked. my one friend ended up going to a keg party... whooohoo. my other friend said she was coming out up until the end when she just never called me back only to have her call me 2 days later saying she was having family problems that night - when i found out she actually had a fight with her bf. and the same nonsense with other people.. but really just try to go out and have a great time. forget them. i wish i would have. instead i sat home the whole weekend crying my eyes out.

    but ive said it before... if anyone is in the north jersey area or wherever and ya want to meet up sometime to hang out def let me know. i got a new schedule now at work so it lets me go out more... woohoo!! im very excited. but seriously though... im here =)

  6. yea i completely hear you guys. my friends never want to do anything. i have gone to 2 clubs this summer. once to china and once to spa. woohoo. big deal. its like pulling teeth. they all have boyfriends/girlfriends so just spend 24/7 sitting around with them. and i dont have a bf to drag out with me. it really sucks. i really wasted the whole summer by doing nothing. i havent even gone down the shore... great now im getting depressed... :cry:

  7. ive read all of the posts and everyone has a different opinion on whether you can be in love with 2 people. i mean of course you can love more than one person at a time but to be IN love with 2 people.... im sure it can happen but it just seems so wrong to me. but maybe im wrong. ah i dont know. all i know is that my friend is miserable knowing that her and her bf both love each other but he also loves someone else so he doenst know what to do.... o well

    love can really make things suck sometimes.

  8. the first time i fell in love with club/house music was the first time i went to a city club - which was systems. i dont know what it was about the place but i just fell in love with clubs after that. i guess it was everyone just so cool and out to have a great time. the whole atmosphere was amazing to me.... i had some of the best nights of my life there... what can i say... systems made an amazing impression on me of the city...

    too bad that place still isnt around.

  9. ____________________

    1. what does it do ?


    um ... it KILLS YOU

    but honestly i know some girl that took a capful of that shit. and it made her extremely sick... puking for hours - and it made her choke on her tounge to the pt she was turing blue. so this one guy had to stick his fingers in her mouth to move her tounge so she could breath. she did this shit at a club and they all had to leave early and babysit her all night and day to make sure she wasnt going to die in her sleep. ummm.... yea so it sounds like a great drug..

  10. mine was a rolex (i think thats waht it is.. with the crown). it was nye about 4 years ago. no one really told me anything about the shit so we were in the car (my friend was driving) picking up people - so i was like ok well let me take this now so by the time we hit the party we were going to i would start to feel it. so itake the whole thing... we stopped at my friends house to pick up something and the 3 of us are sittingin her room...all of a sudden it hit me like ton of bricks. i couldnt move at all. i couldnt feel my legs. i was curled up in the fetal postion rocking back and forth on her bed. and we had to leave to get to this party. so i had to walk by her EXTREMELY christian family - who just at that moment decide to have a spiritual convo with me - when all i could do was stare at them and say to myself "ok try to feel your legs so you can walk out the door" over and over in my head.

    i got to the party and i swear to god i thought i was dying. i was so sick but couldnt yack, i still couldnt move, i was freezing cold (when i had a million blankets on and was in front of a fireplace) and was just miserable. my friends never did it that night bc they were taking care of me. they all got too scared and were trying to get people at the party who had done the shit before to see if i was ok. after that night i swore i would never do it again.. but well in any event i waited a year and did it again. obviously i shouldnt have done the whole pill that night - which no one told me- and the pill was just not a great one. needless to say- that nye sucked

  11. ok.... have you ever been in love w/2 people at the same time? if so what did you do. my friends and her x have been on and off for a while. and he started seeing someone a few months ago. he told her this weekend that he was still in love with her but that he also loved the new chick. but things are rocky with them. so he didnt know if he should stay with the new chick and try to work things out or break up with her to be with my friend. i have never been in love with 2 people before so i dont know what to say to her.. cause she keeps wondering why if he still loves her (and she still loves him - which he knows) why hes w/someone else.

    so has anyone here been in love w/2 people at once.. what did you end up doing??

  12. yea i def still love all of the old 80's cheese. like when those informercials come on for the 80's.... i will sit there and watch them all night singing to them.... i have probably seen them all a million times... and the love songs ones.... i cry at all of those songs.

    but i love listeing to 100.7 - delilah. telling the listeners heart renching stories and then playing the mushy love songs and stuff. awh im gonna cry... you should def check her out at night.

    im such a loser.... lol

  13. yep i work... although i wish i didnt have to.. i work at verizon wireless. so basically i get to deal with FUCKING MORONS all day long. thank god i am not in customer service though - i would kill myself.

    but i still get retards like people who wonder why their phone doesnt ring -- ummm try turning it on. or people who call and say hi im not getting a dial tone on my phone. ummm... ur not supposed to. so i get to deal with the retards that are too stupid to own a cell phone.

    the only good thing is that i work with a lot of really cool people. and i get a phone for $5 a month

  14. will i go to spa. friday night a bunch of us went there and it SUCKED!!! We had always heard the same things about dressing up and whatever. so we all get dressed up and its a bunch of freaks in there. a bunch of goth people, people basically wearing their pj's, and just nasty ratty looking people. I have really met my fair share of freaks in my life but the people i met there friday night just took the cake. :horns:

    And the dj... WHERE THE FUCK DID THEY GET HIM FROM?!?! as i said in an earlier post one min he was playing hip hop and the next it was micheal jackson and then would go back to rap/hip hop and then he would play shit like that song i love rock and roll... ummmmm hello. :confused: i really wanted to leave 10 mins after i got there. :knife:

    the only decent thing about the place was the design. the one room was cool with it being all whiteish silver but besides that... it sucks.. do not waste your money there

  15. i have a ?.... is spa always that bad. friday night was my first time there and i would have to say i would NEVER go there again. the dj SUCKED. he would play like 4 hip hop/rap songs and then would go to micheal jackson then some 70's shit... what is up with that.. and the crowd... i have never seen/met bigger freaks in my life. and trust me when i say that i have really met some freaks.

    the only good thing about the club is the design of the one room. that was cool but thats it...

    so is it always that bad.... ????????

  16. I would def have to say Ohm and Spa. Ohm is just always dead.... so i cant say its the crowd... it just sucks

    last night i went to spa for the first time and let me just say the crowd SUCKED. i have met/seen some freaks in my life but the people there....WTF. and the dj.... WHO THE FUCK WAS HE?!?! one min hes playing biggie the next its micheal jackson and then 70's then he would play like 4 more hip hop/rap songs then go back to micheal jackson.... NEVER AGAIN .

  17. i am totally for abortions as long as its not your form of birth control. i have known people who have had 3,4,5 abortions and that is just sick.

    but i think that its always a womans choice to have a child or not. i have had a few friends go through abortion(s). and at the time it was def the right decisions for them. one of my freinds thinks a bout it almost everyday while the other made the decsion and never thought twice about it.

    it all comes down to the timing in peoples lives and overall whats right for them. no one can tell someone what is right or wrong for them to do. mistakes do happen and if its not the right time its not. but i just would just make sure that that mistake doesnt happen again.

    tell your friend to keep her head up. its not the worst thing in the world. it def could be a lot worse. and make sure ur friend knows that no matter what decsion she decides to make that she will def have a lot of friends and family supporting her.

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