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Posts posted by dreams2

  1. Leave it to me... last night i went to eat with family and on my way out of the resturant, i didnt hit the step right and compeletey fucked up my foot. i spent the rest of the night in the hospital.. ughhhh.. i ended up tearing all of the ligaments in the middle of my foot and by my ankle. which supposedly is the hardest spot to treat. so now my foot is in a soft cast kinda thing. if it doesnt start to heal within the next few days then i have to get a hard cast put on. (they didnt want to do that originally bc its summer and it sucks having a cast on in the summer) so it looks like i wont be going anywhere for a while.. sorry just needed to vent. cwm14.gifcwm14.gif


    *~*In 3 words I can sum up everything I have learned about life - IT GOES ON*~*

    *~*Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories*~*


  2. Originally posted by cathyo:

    The method is what really disturbs me. It's not a quick one. She had to hold them there while they fought for their lives. What was going through those poor babies minds?? That whole story just sickens me.

    ...this coming from a woman who named all of her kids after people in the Bible.

    thats exactly what i was saying.. of all methods to kill her kids she sat there and drowned them. that takes a hell of a lot of effort to do. especially to do it to 5 kids. and to have the oldest one come in and see his little sister dead and ask his mom what was wrong with her... only to have her chase him around the house and do the same to him.... SICK SICK SICK!!!!!!


    *~*In 3 words I can sum up everything I have learned about life - IT GOES ON*~*

    *~*Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories*~*


  3. No ive never been on a blind date- but i have been single so damn long that i would be up for it. so um if anyone knows of any single guys btw the ages of 22-26.... uhem uhem sorry didnt realize i was doing that outloud... cwm32.gifcwm38.gifcwm35.gif


    *~*In 3 words I can sum up everything I have learned about life - IT GOES ON*~*

    *~*Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories*~*


  4. I would say get a mercury cougar (even though its not a make you said you liked). i have a 2000 and love it. its nice and sporty and not everyone has them. and you can get a new one anywhere from 17,000-24,000 - depending on what you want. mines loaded and i have to say i love it. ive come across a few other people who have them and i havent heard one person really complain about the car. but thats just my opinion. cwm38.gif


    *~*In 3 words I can sum up everything I have learned about life - IT GOES ON*~*

    *~*Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories*~*


  5. no shit!!! Im NEVER ordering chicken again!! UGH

    (Mickey D's) Welcome to McDOnalds can I take your order?

    (customer) Yes I would like a chicken wing, thigh and head please.


    *~*In 3 words I can sum up everything I have learned about life - IT GOES ON*~*

    *~*Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories*~*


    [This message has been edited by dreams2 (edited 06-12-2001).]

  6. Originally posted by 4u2nv69:

    I mean it's so obvious that you are being phony. All of a sudden you feel like chillin' and I have to drop everything. Meanwhile, when I have wanted to hang out its all excuses. I cannot deal anymore with this insanity.

    Does anyone feel like this???

    I know EXACTLY what you mean! When it comes right down to it - people suck!!


    *~*In 3 words I can sum up everything I have learned about life - IT GOES ON*~*

    *~*Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories*~*


  7. thanks guys. well i think im gonna get it. I might as well. You only live once and it really is an amazing pic of a butterfly. I think im just gonna get it a little smaller than the pic i have. So where did everyone get their tats? i know a lot of people from jersey go to shotsies (did i spell that right) and all the people from rockland i know when to some guy in suffern who is supposedly world known. cwm38.gif


    *~*In 3 words I can sum up everything I have learned about life - IT GOES ON*~*

    *~*Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories*~*


  8. For the past few months I have seriously been considering getting a tat. I have this amazing pic of a butterfly -its kinda tribal - and i think i want to get it tattooed on my lower back (right in the middle closer to my ass) But Im not sure. Im not sure because of A) the pain factor and B)im scared i might regret it. I have a friend that got a tat and now she hates it so shes going to have it removed. I dont want to make that mistake. So who here has a tat - is the pain unbearable? Does anyone here regret theirs?


    *~*In 3 words I can sum up everything I have learned about life - IT GOES ON*~*

    *~*Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories*~*


  9. Originally posted by 4u2nv69:

    24....hey btw, how old do you think is too old or the age when you should stop clubbin'? does anyone think that 31 is too old to still be going strong with clubs? or is that okay in this day and age?

    I dont know. my 34 year old neighbor is still going to clubs. But she mostly goes to culture club and Illusions but - shes still out there. I think its kinda old but at the same time its not. Cause its just all about having fun. But I dont know - i have mixed feelings about it. cwm38.gif


    *~*In 3 words I can sum up everything I have learned about life - IT GOES ON*~*

    *~*Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories*~*


    [This message has been edited by dreams2 (edited 06-10-2001).]

  10. Originally posted by uknjx2:

    i've had mine for about 5 years now....it took about three years to heal completely....i know that sounds nuts but it's true! i don't think they look good on guys at all, too feminine for some reason....

    Mine took about that long to heal too. Its wierd. Every once in a while it will still bother me (like today) but now its finally healed for the most part. Thank god. For the longest time I was condidering taking mine out cause it never seemed to heal. But for some reason it just takes a while. I know someone who took theirs out and it took about 2 1/2 years for the hole to completely close.


    *~*In 3 words I can sum up everything I have learned about life - IT GOES ON*~*

  11. I know this thread has probably been done a million times before but i was just wondering how old everyone on here was. cause the more i keep reading some of these posts the more i keep thinking that there is A LOT of younger (as in ummm 18 and under) people on here.

    Well Im 21 - i'll be 22 next month. cwm38.gif


    *~*In 3 words I can sum up everything I have learned about life - IT GOES ON*~*

  12. Yea ive had mine for about 5 years. Just take care of it like any other piercing. Just keep it clean. And becareful when ur getting dressed in a hurry. ive gotten mine snagged a few times. I think a guy having one is gay. i know a guy that had it and it just didnt look right at all. Thumbs down on that. As far as what guys think - well most of the guys i know say that its sexy as long as its on the right person.


    *~*In 3 words I can sum up everything I have learned about life - IT GOES ON*~*

  13. Is there any song that when you hear it - it just makes you so hyper and pumped and ready to go out. or if your driving in your car you just turn it all the way and automatically get into a great mood? Mine are coro- fallen angel, shannon - give me tonight (remix) and fragma - i need a miracle. I dont know why but everytime i hear one of those songs i just get into a great mood. ti always play them when im on my way out to get me pumped. Anyone else have any. cwm35.gifcwm38.gif


    *~*In 3 words I can sum up everything I have learned about life - IT GOES ON*~*

  14. Originally posted by vixenfoxxy:

    Yeah could be worse.. you could be the big fucking loser like me who's home AND got dissed by a guy. Yeah... time to go drive aimlessly for a while I guess.

    Trust me that has been me a million times. My now x was famous for pulling that shit. he actually just did it thursday night. assholes! I used to do the same shit- i would then just get in my car and drive. Then i would feel like a bigger loser just driving to nowhere by myself. it sucks.I feel for ya.



    *~*In 3 words I can sum up everything I have learned about life - IT GOES ON*~*

  15. I havent done anything ALL weekend - except go to the gym. what fun. And im not going out tonight either. Ive had a horrible migrane for the past 5 days and Im broke. So im not doing anything. Am i the only one thats having a boring ass weekend. I hope im not the only loser home! cwm45.gif


    *~*In 3 words I can sum up everything I have learned about life - IT GOES ON*~*

  16. Originally posted by 4u2nv69:

    Don't they say that when you dream of someone dying that they will live a long life. I think that's what they say...

    I thought it was that when you dream of someone dying then your going to hear that someone in pregnant or gonna have a baby or something to that effect...


    *~*In 3 words I can sum up everything I have learned about life - IT GOES ON*~*

  17. Trust me I know what ur going through. I just gave my 2 weeks notice at my job last week (because it was really unbearable) and havent been able to find anything that A)pays me enough or B)that i am remotly interested in or C)that i am capable of doing even though i just got my associates last month. (not like you really get anywhere with that now a days anyway). And lets see i am about 10,000 in cc debt at the age of 21 plus i have a 25,000 car (35,000 w interest) sitting in my driveway that is going to be getting repoed if i dont find a new job SOON!!

    As far as relationships - yea right. Ive been single for about a year and a half if not longer. (why - i wish i knew) The only thing that came close to a relationship was a guy i was seeing for a few months only to find out i was just a rebound thing for him - and he was using me to try to piss his x off since her and I basically want to rip each others heads off. So trust me i know what ur going through. Well if you ever need someone to listen to ur problems - PM me. cwm38.gif


    *~*In 3 words I can sum up everything I have learned about life - IT GOES ON*~*

  18. A list for China club on the weekends? Does anyone know of anyone that can get me and possibly 4 people on a VIP list for one night this weekend or Monday Im not exactly sure what night it would be for. But if anyone has a list and can get me vip I would REALLY REALLY appreciate it! Thanks!! cwm38.gifcwm30.gifcwm38.gif


    *~*In 3 words I can sum up everything I have learned about life - IT GOES ON*~*

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