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Everything posted by D.Schwartz

  1. Kandyraver, you got your opinion and i got mine. ------------------
  2. It's a toss up between Ride the Trip and Funeral ------------------
  3. Exit. Dont even bother with Twilo, and if u have any doubts, draper will change ur mind. ------------------
  4. blah ------------------
  5. Queen, how old are you? ------------------
  6. 19 going on 20 and Loving every sec of it. ------------------
  7. Queen, you look familiar, what school do you attend? ------------------
  8. it's really just one guy named Sal Parm, Plasmic Honey is just a named he used for some reason. ------------------
  9. Not Parm's best work, and try to look for the 22mb version which is 224 bit rate, as compared to the 9mb 128 bit rate. The difference is clear and the song sounds much better if u are going to burn it onto a cd. ------------------
  10. What the point of posting those pictures? 10-01? part 3? second song? i'm in school right now, but when i get home, i'll take a look at it. I'm sure i know what it is. ------------------
  11. HBO is the best premium channel ever, their idea to make independent shows is a great success, OZ!!!! SOPRANOS!!! ------------------
  12. 2 weeks, any longer and i would collapse ------------------
  13. Sounds Like a good idea, usually it's behind draper ------------------
  14. are we playing scramble? ------------------
  15. That sounded like a fun night, as well as morning.. Dont over analyze and just go with the flow. It kinda takes away from the excitement of being with someone new when your constantly wondering what to do or what not to do. I suggest to be conservative and make the first move, but be calm and dont jump to sex right away, try to stimulate her senses and impress her a bit. Everyone loves to be impressed. I'm sure she wants to be assured that your an upstanding guy, whether it's just for sex or a relationship. ------------------
  16. It's very similar to Chariots of Fire. Sal Parms usually has good tracks, 99 percent of the time. Once in a while he make a lousy remix, But i think that he's one of the greatest dj's ever. Most of his tracks are banging. ------------------
  17. Cant wait.. I just know the only problem will be the amount of people and the packed dance floor. Future advice for all is not to bring jackets if possible. ------------------
  18. Not sure myself, I saw the vinyl in the stores for about a week now. ------------------
  19. Give me some Feed back on this song. I think it has really good vocals. ------------------
  20. You have the russenmafia mix? ------------------
  21. Thanks a lot, tranza always comes through.. ------------------
  22. Anyone Have the Russenmafia mix?cesomehow get it? I'll trade, whateva.. ------------------
  23. yeah it's unknown by unknown ------------------
  24. All i gotta say is SHUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAABUUUUUUUGGGGGGGAAAAAAA. I love that name ------------------
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