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Everything posted by cmb1975

  1. Im sure a large number of law makers felt the same way during WWII, so they rounded up all the Japenese Americans and imprisoned them. Looking back on it now, we know it was wrong. Like I said, there is no easy answer to any of this and NOTHING we do will ever make us completely safe. Feel lucky you live here and not in Israel or Northern Ireland or any of the other war-torn countries where suicide bombings, shootings and other vicious acts of terrorism are a daily occurance.
  2. I have a Green Card...Should I be deported as well? Or should we just start with the ones who came from certain countries? There are plenty of people here illegally, how do we get ahold of them? Its just not that simple. *sorry...I swear i was trying to let it die!!!!!
  3. I thought they did away with "cruising"? I didnt see it at all last summer.
  4. Sweet! More crap to occupy my time! My best...303 so far!
  5. You didn't offend me. And I applaud you for your passion, although somewhat misplaced. I too am afraid of what will happen tomorrow and the next day. I too am afraid of my neighbors and have found myself wondering about that guy or that guy just because they "fit the profile". That in itself scares me. I see I future looking similiar to our past and I dont think anyone wants to go back there! See you at Tempts!
  6. How you did that I will never know!!! And I still giggle just thinkin about it!
  7. Oh shit!!! I forgot about that!!! Ummm...Contrary to what spygirl might say, I dont flash EVERYONE! But then at least I dont fall off bars backwards!
  8. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness....for who? Just your race? Just your religion. And I never said I didn't think that muslim extremists weren't living among us, I said that not ALL muslims or middle easterners are extremists. You are right, this conversation could go on forever. I hope that one day, you will think back to this and be saddened that you could feel this way about someone because of their skin color or their religion.
  9. Don't sling insults at me because you don't agree with me. If you can't handle getting into an intelligent conversation about this, then don't respond. Of course I don't know the difference between the "good and the bad", nor does anyone else. So, you propose to kick them all out. What kind of solution is that! This country was founded on the differences of people and the freedom to show those differences whether they be religions, political or otherwise. Please refer back to your history book for what happened during WWII. Oh and while you are at it, have a look back at Hitler's beliefs. You arent far off. On September 11th, some people cheered in our streets, yes. But the majority of people, regardless of color, race or religion weeped for the loss of thousands.
  10. I beg to differ. I have friends that are middle eastern that DO NOT support any kind of terrorism. The muslim religion is one of piece, so not all muslims support terrorism. To say that "they" should all deported because of the actions of extremists is ridiculous and brings us back to where this country was 50 some years ago. i.e. Japanese Americans during WWII. And what of the American Terrorists. Those with white faces, that were born here and raised here, but because of the teachings of the extremists, kill innocent people. Where do we send them back to?
  11. Do you know anyone that is muslim? Middle Eastern? And RFKFREAK didnt start the drama on this thread. The first person to say we should deport all of the fuckers was the drama starter here. You cannot have a discussion about this topic, without there being some kind of drama. The difference is can we all discuss this without slinging insults at each other?
  12. You initially said to deport "every one of those fuckers". I assumed you meant everyone that fits the profile. Please tell me I'm wrong. If I am, clarify for me who we should be kicking out of "our" country.
  13. Like we did to the Japenese after Pearl Harbor? Great idea, lets strip people of their basic human rights because some idiot who has the same skin tone or hair color may or may not blow up a national landmark.
  14. Newschannel 4 last night had a map of Morris County, specificially Dover TOWN. Idiots.
  15. Amen! Or are we supposed to believe that the designer of the new $20 bill was actually trying to warn us?!?!?!?!
  16. Hey stranger! How the hell you been!?!?!
  17. Make sure you get there early though, there WILL be a line!
  18. I dont think thats being cheap at all. Its realizing that $50 could go towards alot more important things than admission into an overpacked, hot, club where you will spend a shitload more once you are inside. Priorities change as we get older.
  19. Its still there! In Hope, NJ (west bumfuck). I havent been in years but I think its alot better than when we all went. www.lomb.com
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