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Posts posted by blackjack

  1. A group of us (about 120) are hitting up Rubber in SD on May 5th and Vegas Memorial weekend....We were going to try to rent or take a charter bus, but it is sooo much cheaper the closer you get to filling the thing up....We live in the bay (South Bay), and looking for some heads to roll down for one or both events if interested......We have a mixed group (8 guys and 4 girls) I can give you some more detail if your interested...We have a web page with all our ventures over the past 6 months to Vegas/City/Reno/LA with tons of pictures...

    If you are interested email me directly:


  2. Anyone have any comments/experiences with alcohol while on E? I have tried going with no alcohol all night, with drinking while rolling, and while slowly drinking some RB and K1. And For me I think If i maybe drink one drink every 1-2 hours, works best for me....Anyone else have any experiences??


  3. I know alot of the pills are mainly in certain areas. So I have been pretty picky in what I try. So I really dont if I ever took a "GOOD" pill. I have only tried LifeSavers (practically 90%) of the time, and a Baby Tylonol (a few times). Im from CA, so Im not sure what is really good out here. Any comments on these two pills, or any experiences good/bad with any other CA based pills?


  4. I went to Vegas for the weekend, danced and partied maybe a total of 24 hours, took about 6 pills of E, (It was 3 each night), and I was fine. Until today at work, I got a few light headed feelings and some dizziness throughout the day. Im not sure if it is just coincidence or what. I have been taking e maybe once every 3 weeks (2 pills at that one time), and I have never experienced this before. I do what many suggest drink alot of OJ the days after, take my 5HTP the night after the morning after, and that night after as well. It was the same stuff I have been using the past 6 months (LifeSavers - CA). Can anyone give me some useful input on this situation? Thank you in advance...


  5. I have been using the same E for the past year, and I have been using 5HTP for the past 4 months.....I take:

    1) 100-200 mg the day of dropping (spread out throughout the day)

    2) 100 mg before I go to bed that night.

    3) 100 mg when I wake up the next morning.

    I can say that my "rolls" are noticeably better, and I feel NO ill effects the following day....

    This is just my experience, but have some friends that vouch that they roll harder on days when they take the 5HTP, then again I do have a few that say it doesnt do s#%t for them...


  6. E-Tarded is correct in that the best thing that Vitamin C can do for you is to help lower the risk of Neurotoxinity. It has not been proven yet, and it will not cut it out 100%, but for me, anything that can help, even if it is the slightest to help protect my brain, Ill do it.....

    I take a few 5HTP the night after I am coming down, and a VIT C pill...And Ill drink alot of OJ the next few days.....Hey if this helps even the slightest you cant go wrong..


  7. I have taken the 5HTP, VIT C, and VIT B6 but none of the others....I read that a while back there was a bad batch of tyrosine that was going around, so it really got a bad rep. Not sure about it at all, so ill have to look into it, but the quantities do seem to be quite large (500-1000mg), heck even with the 5HTP, to take up to 500 mg at one time will definately make your stomach very quizzy. I take about 200-300 mg spread out over a two hour period prior to taking the tab. And I never feel any stomach discomfort from that. But more importantly is to take 200mg or so when/and after you are coming down (Especially if you suffer from E-Depression). As for the other components I have never tried them, hell I dont even know what DLPA is? Can anyone expand on this vitamin?


  8. Blues in Mandalay bay place some good hip hop, also in Mandalay bay there is the Rum Jungle which I have only been there once (on a Monday Night) and was loving it....The place was filled, they played 30 min of pure hip hop then 30 min of progressive/hard house....

    That little room in Baby's isnt even worth going to...There is room for maybe 10 people on that little corner....Dont waste your time.

    Hmmm other than that, there are alot of clubs that play hip hop during the week, but weekends the majority of the clubs go to house

    I have heard that there is one off the strip club that plays hip hop every night, the atmosphere isnt the greatest though, so Im told.....

    I bit tired right now, so im not thinking 100%....


  9. Hey Plunky where U from?

    Anyways I only go there from FRI-MON most of the time (once a month)....

    But its all about planning your evening....You probably waited to get into Dreis cause you left Baby's at 4 AM when they closed (not dissin you, just what I think happened with you), and most of the clubs close around that time, so where do they go, Drei's, SRO, Rhino's. So if you leave at closing time then hell yeah, in fact youll be lucky to get in at all there. But leave Baby's around 2 PM or so, maybe 2:30 at the latest (still pushing it though), then you should be able to get into Dreis' and SRO at minimal wait time....Forget Rhino's that place is lowwww class trash....And you can get in with minimal wait because it sucks....Why do you think SRO and Drei's have such long lines, cause thats the spot...They pump there music, and everyone in there is good looking, so you have that nice vibe going all night.....I do agree, the attitude there can get a bit bad sometimes at Drei's, but only a little compared to some other places...SRO is a little more laid back, but they really push out the progressive and hard house there, and its tough to get a place to sit if you get there after 3 AM....

    My suggestion....Go to Baby's (I would prefer Utopia, but its not the same when they carry it at the Drink), but they are reopening on DEC 30, so after that day, scratch out Baby's and go to Utopia, but you mentioned after XMAS, so Id hit up Baby's until around 2 PM, and then hit up either SRO or Drei's....SRO is better for dancing Drie's is better for the meeting of people (its a restaurant in the day, so its plush inside).....Let me know if you need anything else, there are many other smaller clubs that have smaller crowds if you dont want a place to be packed but pumps out good beats.....Have fun though...I just got back last night....Ohhhh tired 3 hrs sleep in 3 nights....cant wait to get home and sleep my ass off.......


  10. Just curious as to why you dislike Drei's?

    I go there every SAT night when I go to Vegas about once a month, and it is the only place to be for afterhours...Notice at the Hard Rock when everyone is gone by 2-3 AM, cause they all go to either SRO or Drei's.

    And for Progressive/Hard House you cant beat either SRO or Drei's...Though Utopia was tight too, and should be again once they reopen....But dont go to the Hard Rock (Baby's) if you are looking for that type of house....They play alot of Trance and that soft/mellow type house....Dont take me wrong, I go to Baby's on SAT night before I hit up Drei's or SRO, but once they open (now open around 1AM -2AM, its later Baby's and off to the places that will really get you pumpin....

    Thats just my opinion, but I was giving it based on your recomendation for progressive/hard house clubs.....But he was right, expect to pay BANK!!!! Hell I have been saving up for the past month just to beable to go to Vegas for the New Year......


  11. I have heard a few suggestions here and there from different posting treads about different things you can take to help minimize either or both neurotoxinity and/or side effects (negative) from taking E. Does any one have any suggestion or have heard of anything? I have heard the best is to take SSRI's (Zoloft, Prosac, etc)the night after you took your pill (same night, like before you go to bed). Also heard that taking 5HTP the same night before you go to bed, but never really heard how much you should take (mg?). And Other suggustions on this topic?


  12. Does anyone know if there are any extra dangers to someone with Diabetes to take E? My GF has Diabetes, and has been showing interest in taking E, but I would really like to find more out about combining the too before suggesting it....Any links or info would be greatly appriciated...


  13. Here is an article that my friend emailed me, sounds pretty interesting....Any comments/corrections/disputes are welcome:

    Allaying imbalance in your Neurochemistry

    There is some evidence that taking Melatonin can prep your neurochemistry

    before MDMA or reboot your brain after taking MDMA. There is also some

    practice of taking ONE SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor, e.g.

    Prozac, Zoloft, or Paxil) the morning after, for that's when the damage

    hits - the two days after ingestion. It stops the effects of MDMA in its

    tracks, but should prevent any neurotransmitter damage. But taking too much

    can result in a hypertensive crisis and a near fatal response. You're

    playing with fire, is it REALLY worth it?

    Pre-loading is an attempt to enhance the good effects of MDMA and reduce the

    negative ones. These vitamins and amino acids are all available from health

    food shops. Many people who have tried pre-loading say that it helps a

    great deal. The most important one to take is 5-HTP which is a precursor of

    serotonin. But 5HTP can make the experience so intense as to be more

    potentially damaging to vulnerable individuals.

    Pre-loading with precursors of the neurotransmitters depleted by MDMA will

    give you a better roll and ease your comedown.

    Dr. Tom Oth writes (in the MDMA Clearinghouse Forum):

    1. 200-500mg 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP)

    2. 500-1000mg tyrosine

    3. 500-1500mg DLPA

    4. 2 grams glutamine

    5. 1 gram of vitamin C

    Take 1 hour before rolling with some grapefruit juice. The sugar will spike

    your insulin and help the aminos cross the blood brain barrier. You will be


    1-3 are amino acids, precursors of serotonin, dopamine & noradrenaline. 4 is

    another amino acid - it's like glucose for the brain.

    5 is required for neurotransmitter production and is a good antioxidant.

    5-HTP is the most important supplement so don't be tempted to skip it. If

    you don't want to neck all that lot then skip the Tyrosine & DLPA, although

    they do have a noticeable effect in most people. I would take it about an

    hour ahead of time and the juice does make a difference.

    The basic idea is that MDMA will deplete stores of the neurotransmitters in

    your brain. The MDMA experience is largely caused by your neurons firing

    rapidly and releasing Serotonin & Dopamine. Supplementing your diet with the

    precursors to these neurotransmitters will ensure that you get the maximum

    out of the MDMA. The supplements are not drugs themselves, they are


    Serotonin = empathy, contentment, bliss, love, head rushes

    Dopamine = energy, euphoria, body rushes ((the 'speedy' effect)

    5-HTP replaces Serotonin. Tyrosine & DLPA replace Dopamine. DLPA also has

    other functions but I'm not clear on them and they're not too important in

    this context. These aminos will circulate in the bloodstream and some will

    cross the Blood-Brain Barrier and be synthesised into the appropriate


    Take one hour before dropping your pill. Any fruit juice will do by the way.

    I usually take Cola anyway for the additional caffeine. You should not eat

    for 3-4 hours before you drop. If you get hungry eat foods containing no

    protein as proteins will break down into amino acids and reduce the effect

    of the pre-load. You should get a longer & stronger roll and not feel so

    fucked afterwards.

    Additional information contributed by Kallisti -Malaclypse the Youngst KSC

    (Mal-3) :

    Magnesium cuts down on jaw clenching. B6 is required for the conversion of

    5-HTP into 5HT so taking some Vitamin B6 might help. 5-HTP should be taken

    after, maybe with an SSRI (prozac, Zolaf, etc) to cut down on the axon

    trimming and serotonin depletion that occurs afterwards and creates

    tolerance and "Post-E Depression".

  14. Trying just to hear some peoples experiences from their best E trip......Describe the day, what you ate prior, how long prior to dropping did you eat....Did you take any 5HTP? If so how long before and what was the dosage (100mg or more)....How many tabs did you drop throughout the night...Where were you...dancing....just basically describe the entire day if you could...



  15. Does drinking orange juice at any point during your roll have any effects? I have heard some drink a glass when they feel the trip starting to come down, and it will bring you back up just for a short time....I then heard that someone drank some OJ, and it brought them right down.....Two experiences, two opposite effects, any input on this?


  16. I have heard so many different opinions as to drinking while "rolling". What are some peoples experiences with this. I usually drink the regular RedBull/Vodka, and have experienced different results....I think when I drink too heavily the alcohol buzz overtakes the E roll....But found that if I pace myself and drink only steadily throughout the night, that it actually inhances the feeling... NOTE: I also drink water while dancing throughout the night.....

    Any other drinks that people like sippin on while on E?

    Any drinks that adversely affect your e roll?


  17. I have heard from some people that by either chewing or breaking up the tab into smaller or even powder form, it will increase the potency of your roll......Any truth to this?

    They say that if you swallow the pill whole you body must work alot harder to break it down and get the chemicals into your system, and if you chew or use powder form, your body does not have to do as much work, and more of the chemical gets into your system....

    Any feedback on this???

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