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Posts posted by suedenyc

  1. Hey all. I'm a New Yorker and typically don't visit the Chicago board but I wanted to let you all know about a cool party coming up this weekend (April 13th). I work for a singer named "Gioia" from the 80s/90's dance group, Expose'. Gioia and freestyle king, George LaMond will be doing a show together at CHROMIUM on Lake St. this Sat, April 13. Fans are coming from all over and we are going to have one kick-ass show. If any of you are in the area, swing by and check it out.

    Hope to see you there!


    aka Webwizard@gioiabruno.com

    Here's a link to our site: http://www.gioiabruno.com

    Here's a link to a posting on the G-Board about the event:


    And here's the advertisement for it:


  2. Originally posted by clubkat

    tko!!! omg. . .haha "marrriaaaaa". . .

    i am there in a heart beat haha. . .

    coro and cynthia?! george lamond!? :eek:

    lovin the soooo old skoll and proud of it! :laugh:

    suede! u havent been around in years! :heart attack:

    Hey, thanks for writing. I pop in here and there....I'm never totally gone!!! Hope to see you there!

  3. Hey all. I know I don't visit much anymore but I just got info for a huge show (old skool freestyle) happening at "The World" on May 3rd. As some of you know, I work for and I'm lucky enough to be best friends with Gioia from the 80's/90's dance group Expose'. She and a bunch of other classic freestyle artists are having a huge show at The World. Here's the flyer...hope to see some of you there:


  4. Greetings from NYC. Just wanted to let you guys know that Gioia (from the 80's/90's girl group Expose') will be peforming at LEVEL in South Beach on Friday, Feb 15th. Showtime is approx 2am.

    For those of you who aren't familiar with Gioia and Expose'. They were behind the huge hits: Come Go With Me, Exposed To Love, Point Of No Return, Let Me Be The One, Seasons Change, What You Don't Know, I'll Never Get Over You Getting Over Me, etc...

    Gioia left the group after developing a throat tumor and the group broke up after that. Years later, her tumor dissolved on it's own and she's back solo...looking and sounding better than ever.

    Today she's back into dance music. She released a club track called "Free To Be" and today is working on her solo album featuring tons of big names including DJ Eddie Baez, Jonathan Peters and others.

    Anyway, Friday night's show is going to kick ass. If you're at LEVEL or not sure where to go Friday, check her out.

    Her website is: http://www.gioiabruno.com

    Here's the ad from LEVEL's website:


  5. Originally posted by korzo-

    A good time had by all, eh Rich? Greetings, it's been a while!

    Hey Superstar! Great to hear from you. Yeah, it was truly an amazing night. I hope to catch you soon...sometime...somewhere. Word has it there might be a "reunion" coming our way soon. I'll have to keep checking the board(s) out for more info.

    Stay super!


  6. One word to sum up the night-- AWESOME!!! It was advertised that Gioia would be performing at mindnight but although she was ready, the club wanted to wait until maximum capacity had been reached before "unleashing" G on them. Right before showtime, I came up from the dressing room to find wall-to-wall people and an exciting chant over the booming music "JOY-A, JOY-A, JOY-A, JOY-A". Things were heating up and there was definately an electric vibe in the air.

    All of a sudden a voice comes over the sound system and introduces the "former member of Expose; Gioia" and the crowd goes wild. Gioia climbs up a metal staircase and onto the stage wearing a tiny black sweater tied in the middle and a short Scottish kilt with zippers up her thighs. SHE LOOKED AMAZING. The crowd went nuts and then the synthesized metal-drum sound

    of "Come Go With Me" started ripping through the club. The crowd cheered and Gioia dropped the classic track as if it is and always was her voice on it.

    The track listing was:

    "Come Go With Me"

    "From The Inside" (a new, unreleased track)

    "Let Me Be The One"

    "Free To Be" (The full 9.5 minue Liquid 360 Mix)

    "Point Of No Return"

    The sexually-charged "From The Inside" was a nice suprise for everyone including yours truly . "Come Go With Me" got everyone in a nostalgic mood however when the tribal-techno groove of "From The Inside" started, it was clear that this woman was here to put a new 2001 spin on things. "I want to feel you from the inside..." It was awesome.

    Gioia then introduced 2 model-esque body-builder guys in tighty shorts as her dancers and she worked the crowd with the help of these 2 guys and turned up the heat even more.

    "Let Me Be The One" got people grooving and sing/screaming along. "Free To Be" brought the energy up to a frenzy for both Gioia on stage and the crowd...it was pure energy!

    After that, Gioia climbed up some metal railings and threw CDs and 12" records out to the crowd as they went crazy for more.

    Gioia announced that it was getting hot up there and that she needed some cooling off.....all of a sudden, a backwall of water came down from the ceiling in a sheet of rain and she sang to "Point of No Return" while dancing in the "rain" and splashing the auidence with water.

    The show was now over and there was not one person who was not screaming at the top of their lungs. The wait was worth every second and by looks of everyone cheering on a Wednesday night past 2:00am, they would have stayed for more!

    After drying off and changing outfits, we arrived at Heaven to be greeted by a room full of people waiting for Gioia. The music stopped and everyone applauded her as she walked in. No one was left out of this event. Those that travelled far to meet her got to hang out with her, take pictures, get autographs, free CDs, and Gioia got to know each and every one of them. She kept telling me "I'm so happy you set this up....these people are so great...I can't wait to talk to everyone!!!" I think she was more excited to meet everyone face to face than they were.

    I will post some official pictures in "Gioia's photo album" under "Fun" on her website as they become available. Unfortunately, my digital camera's exposure (no pun intended) setting was off so most of my pictures were blurry. There are better ones on the way but this will give you an idea of what we saw.

    If you would've liked to see her but missed it, shows are in the works for Webster Hall and EXIT. Check out her website for the latest info: http://www.gioiabruno.com







    Two female-impersonators grab a hold of Gioia and pose for a picture at the meetup at HEAVEN.


  7. Originally posted by shugabooga

    hey!!! where can i find that song on cd???????

    hope you can come to the drink meetup!!!!!

    Hey there! Glad you wrote! I'm going to do my best to come to the drink meetup on the 10th at Fubar...I guess it's sort of a reunion!

    As far as the song, it's now #1 on the Billboard Club charts so I'm sure you can find it at most large places. Or you can download it off of one of the Napster rip-offs like WinMx ( http://www.winmx.com )

    :eek:Ooops, did I say that!!! :eek:

  8. Originally posted by stacychase

    my monday morning song of the week???? i have missed those and i have wondered were you have been... welome back, stranger. :)

    Hey honey!!! Glad to see I'm not totally forgotten. I've been off the board(s) for a while now. We were supposed to have a big "Coming Back" party at Twilo, then they closed the following week. Between ClubPlanet's board, Twilo's old board, and the other's that popped up, I got confused as to where everyone had gone so I gave up. When I came back to Clubplanet, I looked at the members and didn't know anyone. I hope all is well...how's Shuggabooga? Give her my best.

    "Ok, my Monday vocal pick of the week is: "Keep Control" by Sono. I know it's old and played but even without being under the influence of anything at all, it still gets me flying!!!:blank:

    Take care honey!

  9. After a string of sold out club dates all over Florida, her 1st New York City show is here! On August 1st at Midnight, she'll be singing Expose' classics like "Come Go With Me", "Point Of No Return", "Let Me Be The One" and her new club anthem; "Free To Be" and more.

    Gioia's website is at: http://www.gioiabruno.com

    Catch this landmark performance at:

    Splash Bar

    50 W.17th Street

    New York, NY



    Music by Milk's DJ T-Pro till 4am!!!

    I hope to see some of my old "Board Friends" (you know who you are) as well as a ton of new ones!

  10. Happy Birthday Princess Oo!!!! Sorry we won't be around for the festivities but I promise, we'll make it up to you when we get back.

    You're not only a terriffic girlie, but you're the best fairy princess we've ever had! I'm glad to have met you and even happier to be your friend.

    Happy Birthday honey and may you have many many more to come. Enjoy and have a drink for me!

    Love ya,



    Peace,Love & Hairgrease,

    Rich Suede


    AOL/AIM: SuedeNYC

    EMail: SuedeNYC@aol.com

  11. After a year and a half of doing absolutely nothing at work except showing up each day and shopping, this last month or two made up for it all. I've been working around the clock and so so so busy. I've also been doing promotional work for Gioia ( http://www.gioiabruno.com ) and that's kept me away also.

    I do miss you guys very much...I've had so much fun with so many of you these past 6 months...sorry I've been out of the loop so long (Even Sineminem whines to me every day about my being so distant).

    So the bottom line of this post is that my other-half Vic surprised me with a trip to Mykonos, Greece for our 4 year anniversary (which is actually in August but we couldn't wait until then to go away). So this weekend we leave for a week and a half to the Greek isles to completely explode and party with some relaxation in between. I'm hoping to see ya'll when I return at the end of the month.

    Hope all is well with you guys and that Vic and I will be joining you all soon on some dance floor somewhere!


    Stay well and please look out for my little Sineminem while I'm gone!!!



    P.S. Vic if you're reading this--I CAN'T WAIT!!!! Thank you so much, I love you!!! cwm38.gif

    Eeew! I'm so friggin' gay sometimes! cwm2.gif


    Peace,Love & Hairgrease,

    Rich Suede


    AOL/AIM: SuedeNYC

    EMail: SuedeNYC@aol.com

    [This message has been edited by suedenyc (edited 06-15-2001).]

  12. Originally posted by Crackorn:

    Rich, have the limo pick me up at 6. I'd like a bottle of Crystal chilled and if my father asks, we're GAY, I told him!!!! Don't be late! My make up boy will be here by 2 so you know I'll be ready. OOOOOPS!!! HE'S HERE!! GOTTA GO!!!!

    I can't wait to see you in drag! You're gonna be so fucking hot! No one has an ass and legs like yours! BTW, I bought a stunning coirsage for you to pin on your bossom--you'll be breathtaking!


    Peace,Love & Hairgrease,

    Rich Suede


    AOL/AIM: SuedeNYC

    EMail: SuedeNYC@aol.com

  13. Originally posted by petrol:

    Seems to me it's happening because folks don't always want to have to watch their backs during a night out and want to be surrounded by like minded people.

    Isn't that what we do whenever we meet up?

    Segregation is a part of existence.

    I agree with ya bro. Yes, people have one-track minds. People can be mean, people can be stupid. I'm not saying every straight person or straight event. But these kids didn't feel comfortable bringing same-sex dates to a predominantly straight prom. A lot of them aren't out to their school mates and parents and so this is a way for them to just have a great night out in a room full of people like themselves. From what I hear they've worked really hard to pull this thing off and now have over 200 gay/lesbian/transgender high school kids coming. There will be full media coverage and lots of surprises. Sure it's segregation but I don't think it's necessarily negative...straight students are more than welcome to attend.

    I'm still psyched and my girl Gioia is gonna tear it up!

    I'm taking digital pics and video so they'll be available on her website after the weekend for those of you interested.

    Have a great weekend everyone!



    Peace,Love & Hairgrease,

    Rich Suede


    AOL/AIM: SuedeNYC

    EMail: SuedeNYC@aol.com

  14. Hey board. Tomorrow night (Friday 6/7) there is going to be a gay prom out on Long Island in Sayville. My friend Gioia from the 80's/90's group Expose' is going to be peforming since they chose her new song "Free To Be" as their Prom Theme/Song. ABC, NBC, CBS, MTV and KTU are all going to be there for coverage since it's the first gay prom on Long Island. It's supposed to be a lot of fun. Anyway, Gioia is taking me and Vic along with her--I'm so psyched!!!!

    By any chance, is anyone of you going to be there as well?

    Gioia was on 105.1 this morning talking about it on the Jay Thomas morning show. You can hear all the details and the interview by clicking going to her website at http://www.gioiabruno.com You'll see this morning's interview under "Multimedia"..check it out.

    If anyone of you are going to the prom (it's open to the public now) email me at SuedeNYC@aol.com

    Take care, miss you all,



    Peace,Love & Hairgrease,

    Rich Suede


    AOL/AIM: SuedeNYC

    EMail: SuedeNYC@aol.com

  15. Hey all. I know it's been a long time. I do miss you all and will be back in the scene soon (after I get back from Mykonos, Greece of course).

    Anyway, rumor has it that Sasha is out and about somewhere but I don't know where. I've got some pals who are dying to check him out at his next venue but don't know where.

    Any of you know when/where Sasha will be next?




    Peace,Love & Hairgrease,

    Rich Suede


    AOL/AIM: SuedeNYC

    EMail: SuedeNYC@aol.com

  16. Shit, I'd love to but not enough notice. Sorry Zoya, enjoy your last lunch in our hood. Mario--next time give us some advanced notice ya big girl! cwm6.gif

    Have fun without me kiddies. Hope to see you soon.



    Peace,Love & Hairgrease,

    Rich Suede


    AOL/AIM: SuedeNYC

    EMail: SuedeNYC@aol.com

  17. So my singer friend from Expose', Gioia, is here in town and we've been doing stuff all week.

    Last night, Gioia was meeting with this new agent that's going to be working for her. He does bookings for clubs around the country. He booked Thelma Houston for last night and Jennifer Holiday for next Sunday at a gay club/bar called SPLASH in Chelsea. So Gioia calls me from a limo at midnight...

    She just finished having dinner with the agent and Jennifer Holiday and the 3 of them were in a limo going to pick up Thelma Houston for her show at Splash and they wanted me to come!!!

    It was already midnight...I was kicking myself but rationally thinking, I new I couldn't go. So Gioia is talking to me on the phone and I can hear Jennifer Holiday saying "He's the one that does her website?"

    So they picked up Thelman Houston and they all went to Splash to watch her perform.

    I missed it all! cwm10.gif


    Peace,Love & Hairgrease,

    Rich Suede


    AOL/AIM: SuedeNYC

    EMail: SuedeNYC@aol.com

  18. Hey board. It's 4:30am Sat morning. I'm suffering from a little bit of insomnia...and just remembered that you're all dancing your asses off while I lie here awake.

    Anyway, by complete accident I wondered onto this website and they were featuring a video by Kosheen (of "I'll Hide You" fame). So Myrlin, if you're out there, this is for you bud. It's called "(Slip and slide) Suicide"

    Here's the link, I think it works.



    Peace,Love & Hairgrease,

    Rich Suede


    AOL/AIM: SuedeNYC

    EMail: SuedeNYC@aol.com

  19. Originally posted by starcapone:

    SOUNDS off da hook..how much is it to get in and age??

    Don't know about weekends but it was free admission last night. And the angel pranced over to us and gave us each a free drink ticket too!

    As far as age-- I don't think they're strict about it during the week..again, don't know about weekends.


    Peace,Love & Hairgrease,

    Rich Suede


    AOL/AIM: SuedeNYC

    EMail: SuedeNYC@aol.com

  20. Happy Birthday baybee! Can't wait to celebrate on my new matress! Bring the bear trap again...I just repaired my scuba air tanks....this is gonna be a great birthday!!!

    Lovin' ya,



    Peace,Love & Hairgrease,

    Rich Suede


    AOL/AIM: SuedeNYC

    EMail: SuedeNYC@aol.com

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