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Posts posted by jennEfer

  1. Old skool... if you consider 2000 old skool. There is a pic of myself, my boyfriend, and a slurry of CP people in an old issue of mixer magazine with the clubplanet promo table. I remember Twilo, Sexy parties at the Roxy as a precursor to the rest of the evening... ummm.... CP meetups in New Brunswick... the list goes on.

  2. I went to Crobar for Sasha and Digweed... it was actually the last time I have been out and about in the club scene in NYC. It seemed like a great venue, although it was very crowded and overpriced for S&D. It was probably because there were alot of old Twilo ppl there trying to re-live the old days. Boris is back, huh? Interesting... Didn't he used to be a resident at Sound Factory? Correct me if I am wrong...

  3. I have been a clubplanet member since the glory days of twilo, but I haven't been posting since before Exit was no longer Exit, Limelite became Avalon, and Crobar opened in NYC. So... who are the up-and coming DJ's, has Sprit opened in the new Twilo Space, and is Avalon really the new Exit? I want to get back into the scene, but would like the neccessary updates. Thx.

  4. I found the show to be very informative, but I do not think that Peter Jennings and ABC had any intention to promote use of the drug MDMA. They clearly used MDMA as an example for how the government uses false propaganda to alter America's opinions. The United States government has used a flawed and false scientific study on MDMA and its effects as the truth. As a society we tend to rely on scientific fact as being the truth, especially when it has a "government approved" label slapped on it, and our govenment has used this to thier full advantage.

    So maybee MDMA does not cause Parkinsons disease, does not eat holes in your brain, and does not cause long term brain damage. However, it is still a mind-altering drug that should be used with caution. Especially since when you buy any pills these days, they are never pure, and I personally find that a large deterrent.

    Additionally, I believe that MDMA should be legalized for medicinal purposes. Marijuana relieves pain in cancer patients, and who knows what MDMA could do for people with serious psychological conditions. More studies would have to be done, but unfortunately this will never happen due to the hasty decisions made by the DEA.

    On a lighter note.... did anyone else find that raver chick to be super annoying?

  5. Been there, done that.

    Its a large hotel, and it is THE college spring break hotel to be in. Do go with the all inclusive package, it is worth it.

    Be prepared to be drunk... the whole time... no exceptions.

    You will go home with residual alcoholism.

    There are more guys than girls... HOWEVER, most of the girls I saw came in groups, and as long as you are not a scared pussy like most of the guys down there and you go up and talk to them, you will have success. It was like a fuckin middle school dance sometimes.

    Tek: I remember spending hours in that pool by that bar.

  6. I was going to come out of the woodwork for this one. I haven't been out in a while... the scene has been dead. But guess what? Jenn STILL isn't 21 :mad:

    I have 2 months.... or if we want to get technical, I have 72 days until the big birthday.

    If anyone can help a girl out and sneak my 20 year old young ass in, that would be fucking awesome and I will love you forever.

    If not, I just have to be patient and throw the BIGGEST FUCKIN BIRTHDAY PARTY EVER when the time comes!

  7. Originally posted by sandman1130

    thank god no little kiddies here maybe this party will last for once... and other thing this isnt limelight anymore its avalon stop ur bitchign and get over it. bout time a real party is coming in now, fris and sats both 21 this is great...sorry kiddies no fun for you lol lol lol

    Being under twenty one does not make us "kiddies". I am twenty and on the brink of turning twenty one, and this bullshit pisses me off. I have been waiting for the scene to pick up again, for some new clubs to open up, and for some talent to flood NYC once again reminicent of the days of Twilo. And since I have a mere two months to go of being a "kiddie" I can't enter a venue where all I want to do is listen to a quality set. THAT is why I am bitching, and I am sure that there are plenty of others on this message board who share my sentiments.

  8. You've got to be fucking kidding me. First off, if you are aiming to impress your girls, don't go calling them hoes. Second, the only way you can be 18 and drink in a club in New York City is if you have an excellent fake id... which i highly doubt you have considering you are worried about bracelets. So if you're looking to get drunk with your "boys" and your "hoes", city clubs won't be your best bet.

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