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Posts posted by pmway2slow

  1. Originally posted by Crackorn

    man, I haven't seen you here in a while. I actually know who you are because pmway2slow used to be your sig! I won't tell anyone


    as the late great Marvin Gaye once said...

    ...what's goin on?


    friends don't let friends send PM's

  2. Thats not the first time Diggs has dropped "Elements". It's been in his repetoir for years. It was on his first Global Undergroud, and I personally have heard him play it at Twilo numerous over the past four years. He played it during his encore set in October of last year (right before he dropped "Hide U"). Why is that surprising? They're styles are very similar and they play a lot of the same tracks.


    PM way too slow! Write message on paper airplane and throw really hard.

  3. Hey DJ Mikey DR:

    Why are you posting under your alias "starbrite"? Why don't you use your real name "apotheosis"? I thought you hated impostors!

    If you want to talk about it, send message via carrier pigeon cause PM way too slow!


    PM way too slow! Send Federal Express.

    [This message has been edited by pmway2slow (edited 01-26-2001).]

  4. Originally posted by fartful:

    Pardon Me, I just have a ?.

    Who is dating Rob; Brandie or msoprano13. Or is it one of those "open" relationships. I would really enjoy one of those, but I think someone always fells left out.


    They have to post personal messages on the board because PM way too slow!!!

    I'm feelin them on this here.


    PM way to slow! Use morse code.

  5. Originally posted by filthy_slag:

    do you like apotheosis?

    I was gonna ask u the same thing about Brandie (always and forever). I never met that appropriate thesis guy but his stance on the PM's intrigue me as it concurs with mine.

    We can chat about this later. Just yell into the Maxwell House Coffee can on a rope. PM way too slow!


    Could the PM's BE any slower?

  6. Originally posted by trippintrance64:

    Okay. Here's my $0.02--

    Frank definatley makes sense in the things that he said. This week i have felt a really weird deadness on this board, and i know that everyone feels the same.

    I think, in my opinion of course, that the #1 reason for it are the impostors. Why? Well, think about it. These people have absolutley no lives, and they insist on attempting to be that bully that everyone knew as a small grade-school child. And that, ironically enough, is how they are still acting.....like children. We being human beings do not like to be made fun of, so we answer them back, or curse them out or whatever. Doing this we are fueling thier fire...and making them want to do it more. Now, this seems to have evolved into a HUGE repetative cycle, which in my opinion is slowly destroying what we once had. When i went to my first meetup i was thrilled to meet everyone, cause the board was all about people interacting with eachother. Now its petty childish bullshit. And i dont want to lose the board over it.

    Frank- I want to say one thing tho. Yes there are a number of Bullshit threads where people carry one personal convo's etc. But these threads have always existed. And they always will. They are basically the replys and topics that keep the board moving during the day. Complaining about them is by far not a solution. I would be a lying if i said that i have never participated in any of these threads, or even started one of my own. And you would be lying yourself if u said the same. the fact of the matter is we are all guilty of it. Is there something wrong with that? NOT AT ALL. The reason that i love this board so much is because i am able to see what peoples views and opinions are....from Clubs, to Music, and yes...even thongs to clothes to sneekers. as silly as it sounds, think about it. All it is, is human interaction, with one another. YES there will be somethings that you find stupid.....but it will interest some people a little, and some alot. see where im coming from? Like i said in a post a while back....if it doesnt interest you....just back out of the page...and go to something else. That right there avoids uneeded drama. ITS A MESSAGEBOARD FOR GOD'S SAKE.....its not life. however, as you know, there are alot of good people on here, with really good hearts and minds.

    On that note. Charlie, I'll tell you now that you are a good guy. You are very chill to hang out with. And when i say it i mean it. Im not "being a kissass".....when i say that there there are alot of good people on here, with really good hearts and minds, i fucking mean it. I'm not out to kiss anyones ass. I just enjoy every fucking second that i spend with the people that i do hang out with from here. and if i want to say that so and so is a cool guy/girl, or that they are awesome people all together....why should that be seen as kissing ass? The best thing about you charlie is that you dont give a fuck what people think, and you express your opinion no matter what. And what i said is mine. so, please, respect it, as i respect yours. Also, what you may think is Bullshit is someone else's opinion or though. If you are so big on people respecting what you have to say, no matter what it is....respect what they say, no matter what it is. And yes, you make a totally valid point in what you said about advertising ourselves too much. and i will admit in saying that i was the one with the skyliner at twilo 4 weeks ago, and i do realize my fault, and apologize whole heartedly. Either way, i lost it that night so you wont have to worry. smile.gif

    This board is not my life. However, i have met a HUGE number of individuals that have become part of my life. Some closer than others. It really sucks that its falling apart over such petty bullshit. Im hoping that this "deadness" is due to the time of year (final exams, shopping, end of the year numbers etc.)....b/c it would really suck if it just died.

    These are just my thoughts. Thanks for listening.

    -Al cwm12.gif


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