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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i did change my name; i dropped my last name and now my middle is my last. people rarely got my birth last name right, and it was ugly anyway. my middle name was also my grandma's maiden and it died with her, so this makes me the only living one in the family with her name. plus it has a really nice ring to it, which my birth name didn't.
  2. i have absolutely nothing of interest to put up on the board right now, but i'm gonna have a kickass saturday, so i'm getting in major mental gear!!!!!!!!!!! this is a practice i highly recommend (thinking about the next time you're going out and how hard it's gonna rock) - an incredibly fun activity when you're bummed about staying in. oooo myyyyyyyyy gggggggggoooooooodddddddddd
  3. i heard that everybody's cumming. [This message has been edited by weyes (edited 06-02-2001).]
  4. some co-workers and i discussed this over lunch one day and took way over our hour. we had to sneak back in; oops... well, for starters, we wouldn't discriminate on looks/dress at the door. we figure, if you came to have fun, you're welcome to come in! none of that velvet rope bullshit. your gum, candy, lipbalm, cigarettes, disposable cameras, and such will NOT be confiscated. we'd also have nights with strong enough themes so that each night at the club would be different - almost a different club every night. and there'd be three different rooms to choose from. big enough bathrooms with a loungey atmosphere, like ladies' rooms back in the day, with plush loveseaty things and big mirrors. girls are always trying to fix their running, sweaty makeup and it's hard to do in the bathrooms we have, and even harder to do in the clubs in which the attendants are yelling at us to leave. what's that about? (and yes, i have to mention that there'll always be toilet paper in our club.) i can't speak for what goes on in the men's rooms, but i'm sure we could improve on them somehow, too. water fountains! and a SHITLOAD of couches along the walls. PLEASE, there are never enough of those. and these are all just details. i can't even begin to go into the djs! this is just our laid-back, chill, no attitude, how it was meant to be club.
  5. well, weyes (new york native who went to school in l.a.) is moving back to la-la land on the morning of june 12th and is stoked as hell to be going back! but lord knows i've gotta WORK this town before i go. sooooooo, what should i hit? i'm mostly a trance person, but i can go for some house, too. i haven't really been to many clubs 'cause i'm a raver, and haven't had good club experiences (though my only two have been twilo on a pvd night and the roxy on that 25th anniversary @ twilo night when paul johnson didn't show ). the reason i haven't gone to clubs is 'cause i feel that the atmosphere is more of a "pick-up" kind of thing than a "dance-your-ass-off" thing. and i don't mean to start an argument with that, i'm just trying to paint a picture of the kind of thing i'm into, here. so what is it, kids? sf? vinyl? which nights? help a clueless, hungry girl out!
  6. oops [This message has been edited by weyes (edited 06-01-2001).]
  7. i'm there, and so is saigray. if we kick it "kind2" style, shit's gonna get RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaawwwwwwwwww yeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhh....... oh, and who's gonna get the meetup together, kids?
  8. it's always different, and that's why there's no one answer. let's all be glad of that.
  9. today i went outside to have lunch with two sweet, innocent girls from my work. we were trying to find a spot to sit and eat our lunch on this sunny lovely day. "we could eat in the park," jen said, "or, well, either of you guys have any other ideas?" "we could eat in the crack den," i said. the girls looked confused and said, simultaneously, "where's that?"
  10. what exactly is the difference between a "raver" and a "trancehead"? i don't go to underground parties because i never hear about them; i go to raves because i hear about them. does that make me not a true trance lover and does my being a raver make me a sellout of some sort? i don't think that a party has to be underground to be good, and a lot of underground parties aren't. i used to go to mostly underground parties in california and they got broken up too often. it got to not be worth it to drive all the way out somewhere (usually to a far away and secluded spot) only to have to drive all the way home before you've gotten your night even started, not to mention the money you blow on entry, transportation, and everything else. and when the cops wanted to get nasty, they knew how to do it. the legal raves were just less of a hassle, and you guys have just gotta break down and admit that there's good music there, too. but i will say that the nyc scene sucks where the vibe is concerned, as compared to the SoCal scene, at least when i left it a few years ago. the hoods here in the east are wrecking it for the people who are partying for the music and, well, the party. the thugs who just hang out to get fucked up, fuck with people, and steal shit have to go. i'm moving back out to l.a. in june, in time for insomniac's massive "electric daisy carnival," so i'll tell you how that is. till then, i'll be getting my last few parties on out here. if there are any you think are important for me to make as my last nyc hurrahs, PLEASE let me know!
  11. brak from space ghost is r a n d o m like my taste so he would spin whatever however i feel at any given time how perfect! and as for location - whatever space i goest to [This message has been edited by weyes (edited 04-26-2001).]
  12. just wanted to point the liberties that cops take. almost every time i see a cop car drive by that DOESN'T have its lights going and ISN'T going fast (meaning that it's not going to a crime scene or on its way to stop a crime in progress) it's driving the wrong way on a one-way street. oh boy! it's so much fun to be a cop! they do shit like that just 'cause they can. nevermind that that's incredibly dangerous. *don't give me that "there are good cops, too, crap, 'cause i've heard enough of that bullshit to last me a lifetime.
  13. hmmm. go411, maybe it's just the way you're phrasing what you're trying to say - i can't understand what it is that you're saying. is it that: a) you don't like the music in nyc? you don't like the vibe that the promoters send out? c) you don't like the vibe that the crowd sends out? d) are you saying that most nyc trance lovers have a negative attitude? and what's a zippie? i really wanna understand what it is that you're upset about so that i can throw in my feelings, too, 'cause i happen to like trance and am finding a lot that i like these days.
  14. how could you not? orchid is the sweetest bloom on the board!
  15. hmmmmm... there must be something easier than whatever "encoding" entails; i'm pretty technologically backward and don't know what that means. i should try to check out napster, as trancend says, but i don't even know how to do that, let alone have a cd burner. yep, i'm pretty useless. i just figured that she must have something out there if she has a residency at limelight, for chrissakes. that's true, isn't it? am i just wrong about everything, here? anybody wanna adopt a poor lost girl who's amazed that she even got this far in cyberspace? i've had all my shots! all i wanted was some music... seriously, though, one last desperate cry for help on this one, guys.
  16. two-days-have-passed-bump somebody's gotta know!
  17. yeah, i was there, too. she was up on stage, doin' her thang, but she only played for exactly 20 minutes; that's what was sketchy. if you're implying that there was someone "behind a curtain" somewhere playing a recording of her stuff, i think that's a load of hooey. the short amount of time they gave her to play is really suspicious, but so was a lot of stuff at that party. david hollands spun for more than an hour and a half, and that's odd when s.g. was gaining a serious reputation as a to-be-watched up and comer. sandra collins didn't even show up... i dunno, go fig. but i still hold that space girl is legit. if you read her bio on her site, www.spacegirlmusic.com , you'll see that she's been a musician since she was a wee one, and needs no prerecorded anything to rock our asses on the dancefloor, the way she always does.
  18. i first saw dj heaven at kind 2 last friday and she was rockin' my world in a serious way. does anyone know if and where i can find any recordings of hers?
  19. my friend and i know it's been a while, but paul johnson didn't show up on 4/13 @ the roxy and the dj before armand van helden was good; we wanna know who it was. anyone?
  20. whatever! weyes has fun. besides, think of all the greats who did it before us: stop collaborate and listen ice is back with a brand new edition 'nuff said. word to your motha.
  21. hey, i met you! i had my hair in pigtails, was wearing army gear, and was bummed that i had missed you at "countdown." 'twas good to meet you and i hope that we find each other at a party sometime! weyes [This message has been edited by weyes (edited 04-23-2001).]
  22. none of you remembers me; that must mean you were just as gone!
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