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Posts posted by BillDaThrill

  1. Thanks for the replys guys.. and Vix., I'll keep u in mind if i get drunk and I drive. But i don't t hink i will make make this mistake again :(

    Pgiddy to answer your question. I didn't refuse the test. I don't even remember him giving me a choice. Althought my memory could be fubar that night. I was pulled over in fairfax county. One lawyer I called told me he will charge me $1500. And for that price he will check all the records, license papers etc.. to see if the cop made a mistake. If he did, I could get off on a technicality. But i wonder what the chances of that is. Hit me up about that lawyer.. I dont' want to make any mistakes. Lates

  2. I got a DWI coming home from 5 last saturday!! I am so piss. Now i need a good lawyer. Does anyone know of any good lawyers! please let me know. Thanks. And umm i wouldnt' recommend drinking and driving for NYE! I learn my lesson. one lawyer told me to expect to pay $10,000 in the long run!@#!@

  3. I think alot of big clubs serve food. Last NYE i went to Club Exit in NYC. They have a food there to eat too for VIP. That place was off the hook. So many people.. i was there til 7 in the morning. I heard alot of people tell me Dream was good.. so I'm defeintely going to be there. As for as Red goes.. its way to small. Smallest place I seen before.

  4. 5 is dead now... no one goes there. it gets emptier and emptier when i see it. I rememember when it first opened. it rock the house.. everyone went there. and there was long lines even til 3. now only weird people go there. 1223 is where its at!

  5. Its not really a secret society. First off, you will need previous exprience for what ever position u want. Second easiest way to get a job at the club is if u know someone there. You could always look in the paper. Cuz thats where they list openings if they have any. Or lastly you could just ask the people there if they have any openings. Working at clubs is okay, but you will have no life, since you work have to work nights and on the weekends.

  6. sgtfury is so right. When you are coming down and don't feel it anymore. Take a shot. It will bring your roll right back!! No kidding. Yeah mixing alcohol and e is not good. But if u do it with the right amounts than its okay. Just don't overdo it. Once I took E and took a bunch of shots. OMG i was sweating like a mofo. it looked like i jus steped out of a shower. Literally water was pouring down my face and not dripping. I Couldn't believe where all this water was coming from, like there was a hole in my head. Everyone was staring at me really funny like i was going to die. Not good. Becareful when mixing the two. Also I also drink after a roll to cuz it makes you fall asleep alot faster and longer than without it!

  7. Smoke + E is good. If you smoke before taking e. When u do take e, you will feel it hit u much faster. And when u take it after e when you are coming down it brings your roll back.. not only that it makes you so FAKING RELAX!!!! Its unbelivable. I remember driving home one time after that. I had my seat all the way back and was driving with one finger while the wind was blowing. I felt like I was floating on air.

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