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Posts posted by carabee

  1. Originally posted by translucent:

    Great movie!

    I love the part where they kick the shit out of that fax machine. I have a printer in my office that's on my "Death List"

    Tee hee...I fuckin love that part! Funny shit.

    P.S. How many pieces of Flair do you wear to work?


    we live together, we act on, and react to, one another; but always in all circumstances we are by ourselves.

    The martyrs go hand in hand into the arena; they are crucified alone.

    Embraced, the lovers desperately try to fuse their insulated ectasies into a single self-transcendence; in vain

    By it's very nature every embodied spirit is doomed to suffer and enjoy in solitude

    Sensations, feelings, insights, fancies- all these are private and except through symbols and second hand, incommunicable.

    We can pool information about experiences, but never the experiences themselves

    Aldous Huxley, Doors of Perception.



  2. Originally posted by mugwump:

    You still have yet to go to a Tsunami party with me Carabee..(Oh and YOU DO look like your sig character..he-he...mad cute!)

    Thanks Mug! BTW...Yur gal is very peeertty.



    She's got everything she needs/she's an artist/she done't look back/She'll take the dark out of the night time/and paint the daytime black.......DYLAN



  3. Originally posted by noiseboy:

    Sander Kleinenberg dropped the track about 3/4 way thru his set. . . had mad-ass drum samples. . . very reminiscent of plastic bucket drums, but fuller. . . break-y and fast as hell. . .

    i have to own it. . .

    i think it's called "Renegade Drums," but i have no idea if that's right, or who did it or what label it's on. . . cwm35.gif

    OMG!!! I know what yur talkin about. I just about crawled into histeria from that song...what is it...what's it called!!!


    She's got everything she needs/she's an artist/she done't look back/She'll take the dark out of the night time/and paint the daytime black.......DYLAN



  4. I was very disappointed with Warren. WOuldn't see him again and I've heard hes sucked live in the past. Sander was F*ing amazing! His beats were deep, dark and almost borderline Techy. I loved his style and they way he's bring it down and then back up and then down again and then wickedly back up. I hate when you have to stand there and wait till 8 in the morn for the DJ to finally reach the climax. Sander made me orgasm several times...thats the shit you want. He delivered. At one point..think around 6:30-ish he dropped this sick song...bangin like non-other. Powerpuff and I just looked at eachother, jumped up and went nuts...anybody remember this?? Do you know what song that was??

    to Mugwump...cool to meet ya...don't know what your talkin about though..I never stopped dancin for more than 10 minutes.

    Good to meet some other people. Mattyparsens...I'll remember ya...and Scottyscribs...nice to see ya.


    She's got everything she needs/she's an artist/she done't look back/She'll take the dark out of the night time/and paint the daytime black.......DYLAN



  5. I'm all for Crowe..

    Also think Ellen Byrnst should take best Actress. Requiem for a Dream was a sick, crazy movie. Her part was unbelievable for anybody who has seen it. Although I do tend to identify a tad too well with druggie movies.....

    Julia Roberts will get it though...its been long over due for her.


    She's got everything she needs/she's an artist/she done't look back/She'll take the dark out of the night time/and paint the daytime black.......DYLAN



  6. Q ON DRUGS....ever read it. Its a British Mag all about every drug you can imagine. And it features tons of Movie and rock stars who do them and die from them....its hilarius!

    For a chick mag...Elle is where its at.


    She's got everything she needs/she's an artist/she done't look back/She'll take the dark out of the night time/and paint the daytime black.......DYLAN



  7. Hiya baby!!!

    I figured you were real busy. Will I see you at Warren? I'll give you a call...I need my O hugs!! >KISSES<



    She's got everything she needs/she's an artist/she done't look back/She'll take the dark out of the night time/and paint the daytime black.......DYLAN



  8. Friends w/benefits = hot, spur of the moment, crazy sex w/out the guilt.

    X-Sex = enemies pretending they are friends having hot, spur of the moment, crazy sex with the guilt.

    Been there done it all......


    She's got everything she needs/she's an artist/she done't look back/She'll take the dark out of the night time/and paint the daytime black.......DYLAN



  9. LMAO!!!! From one shopaholic to another...that's shop-tastic!

    (I'm also cut off--its window shoppin for this gal...boo!)


    She's got everything she needs/she's an artist/she done't look back/She'll take the dark out of the night time/and paint the daytime black.......DYLAN



  10. I get Tori Amos...and thats cool, cuz she's my fave. One time I was walking into Carolines on Broadway and this chic totally thought I was her. She freaked out.


    She's got everything she needs/she's an artist/she done't look back/She'll take the dark out of the night time/and paint the daytime black.......DYLAN



  11. Originally posted by translucent:

    I think you mean "go-go" girl. Goo girls are in an entirely different industry all together.

    HEE HEE...just realizing that....goo goo..Ha!


    She's got everything she needs/she's an artist/she done't look back/She'll take the dark out of the night time/and paint the daytime black.......DYLAN



  12. Originally posted by korzo-:

    C, there's a new club that'll def hire you, it's called "James's Living Room". Let me know if you're interested and I'll pass it along.


    I'm down...but does this place have an all you can drink soco bar? And there must be a place this dancin girl can rest her eyes.....you know how I like to sleep. :-)


    She's got everything she needs/she's an artist/she done't look back/She'll take the dark out of the night time/and paint the daytime black.......DYLAN



  13. Originally posted by az-tec:

    Before you go to sleep you drink like 3 glasses of water Some fast food is usually good to settle yor stomach

    WATER definitley takes away the hangover blues. Usually I sit at my table (head resting on my arm) guzzling the shit trying to ride it out. I find a nice greasy burger soaks up the whiskey....and all is well usually by 5:00pm...ready to go again.


    She's got everything she needs/she's an artist/she done't look back/She'll take the dark out of the night time/and paint the daytime black.......DYLAN



  14. I've wondered the same thing.....I'd totally love to be a goo goo girl at a club....and get paid just to dance.

    I'd definitely cage dance too....just for one night.


    She's got everything she needs/she's an artist/she done't look back/She'll take the dark out of the night time/and paint the daytime black.......DYLAN



  15. Originally posted by tastyt:

    Yeah, Fiona Apple has the sexiest voice ever, when I'm bummed out over my man I like to listen to Tidal and just belt out my blues.

    Portishead, Bjork, Soul Coughing, all that good stuff.

    K-Rock's pretty cool, especially when they play early-90's grunge, and all these new grunge-style bands are great (Godsmack, Korn, Creed, etc.)

    Also there's this really great Jazz station, 82.9 or something like that.

    I love!!! love Fiona!! Have you picked up her latest?? God...every song is a work of art.....#4 off her newest....brings me to tears..

    I like soul coughing too (sniff sniff..no longer) U2, Sublime, Bobby Dylan, (goin way back), my girl Tori Amos, and lately LTG Bukem....good stuff.


    She's got everything she needs/she's an artist/she done't look back/She'll take the dark out of the night time/and paint the daytime black.......DYLAN



  16. Pulsedriver and I are goin...might check out Howell's afterwards.

    Can't wait for RONI!


    She's got everything she needs/she's an artist/she done't look back/She'll take the dark out of the night time/and paint the daytime black.......DYLAN



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