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Everything posted by pipdaddy

  1. bar a.... who am i kidding. i practically live at djais on friday....the only question is will my train make it down in time to get me to happy hour?..and hopefully ONE of my friends will be sober enough to pick me up(not likely). if this market doesnt turn soon, i might be out looking for some new employment ideas any way. this sucks
  3. SHE SAID HANG.... :tongue: :tongue:
  4. thats the best thing i've seen all day.....i wish i knew how to post pics...
  5. YOU'RE NEVER GONNA BELIEVE IT.....you might wanna sit down for this.....but apparently teresa is a big fan of jose cuervo.....who woulda thunk it? no to soco and lime...no to crackhaus.....but she likes cuervo! its a rare woman that likes cuervo...we'll see this weekend....
  6. That's right. One can make all kinds of explosives using simple household items. If one were so inclined.
  7. oh my what is this world coming to....for the forst time in my life i agree with this deeek. "Did you know that if you mix equal parts of gasoline and equal parts frozen orange juice concentrate, you can make napalm?"
  8. HONEY.....you have no idea. what you DON'T know about me could fill a book.....im just that goddam mysterious.....
  9. if they're in front of me....i'll knock 'em down...downtown to chinatown...the only question is if they will stay down like a good little doggie or decide to come back for revenge later that night
  10. are ya kidding me? you are #1 on my list of CP people to buy shots for....buying a shot for teresa is essentially buying a shot for yourself.....HOW CAN YOU BEAT THAT? myself likes to buy myself shots.
  11. shiny disco ball shot? i think you are making that up. i dont remember that. i DO remember cuervo though.... tyco...that last post was sweet. i think im gonna go and have a good cry in the corner. when did you get so sensitive and emotional and stuff? just keep being a good cuervo partner and i'll love you forever...i think we might have a 3rd to add to the team.... team cuervo...
  12. yeah. you're right. i dont wish death upon him. just stop being so annoyingly geeky. i just remembered the funniest thing that happened sat. night...barry comes up to me all sneaky and says...hey i heard theres afterhours at your house. i was like hmmmmm. i guess. ok, but its in belmar so ya gotta all drive over.....he looked confused. i said who told you about afterhours.....he said laurie....then i said are you sure? then he realized it was a different phil.... sorry. i thought it was funny
  13. that's the best description of being wasted i have ever heard.....my problem is that my mouth gets waaaay ahead of my mind, so i say things i dont necessarily mean. crazy things.....crazy crazy things that get me in trouble every weekend. i dont like myself when i'm drunk.....
  14. i only love the ones i have met...especially spygirl notallthere can die for all i care. he's annoying
  15. is there some kind of newer slightly harder/faster mix to this? i know hex did one awhile back, but i think i heard one this weekend that was waaaaay different.....any of yous who know me know im the WORST at ids....be nice deeeeks
  16. HURLEY HURLEY HURLEY......he's #1 on my list of people to kill...and the worst part was that i had this in depth conversation in front of a pizza place on ocean ave with a REAL cop at 2 am friday night and he knew exactly the kid i was written up by....he even told me not to bother showing up to court because i'll wind up paying MORE $$$ after the court fees are charged and stuff
  17. EWWWW. be careful. i think it is actually 2 novos and you're S.O.L. my friends got one for their house mem. day weekend. then this past weekend the boys in blue came-a-knocking again.....they were "nice" enough to write it up on one of the guys individually - as opposed to the whole house because of that exact reason....so i guess they're not ALL bad guys...
  18. hahahaha. guys in dresses. i think i remember seeing that
  19. it seems to be a recurring theme this summer that my mouth gets ahead of my ass. he looked like jesse owens in berlin jumping hurdles to get to me. all i remember is looking back and seeing these flashlights moving all over the ground and thinking how i was going to be beaten by some punk beach cops... how far was i really going to stumble in my thong sandals? i still cant believe HE FREAKING CAME INTO MY HOUSE to watch me get my driver's license...what the f is that about? i think he violated my civil rights.....i think i tried to bribe him with cash too...hahaha.. too funny
  20. $105 for throwing a napkin? WOW. i can beat that. i would like to officially start a CP collection for the noise violation i got on thursday night. i still dont really know HOW it happened, or what i did to make it happen. all i remember is tyco and barker were there and thought it was the funniest thing ever. thanx. in exchange for $$ to cover my legal expenses, i will take shots or drinks or food.
  21. save the drama for yo momma. this post was intended for informational purposes only. the information being that i had fun. and the people i met were nice. music schmooozik. i woulda been happy if he looped rich luzzi all night....oh wait, that ws bar a on thursday.....
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