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Everything posted by pipdaddy

  1. your co-workers are tame.....it coulda been a lot worse
  2. ahhhh the rain. the sweet sweet rain. as if it wasnt humid enough in this godforsaken city...i wanna run outside, strip off my tie and frolick in the rain in nothing but my wife beater. right in the middle of park ave....
  3. the worst part of this whole freakin story is how many partners and contracts and everything else they deal with......this is going to trickle down to effect nearly every business in america. i want to
  4. this could pretty much be the worst news to ever come out regarding american financial markets. if the american public lacked confidence in our economy before.....can anyone STOCK MARKET CRASH????????? i hate my job.....lock the windows and strap in for a looooooooong day
  5. laurie, when are we gonna meet at the range and hit balls?
  6. if i was there i woulda kicked him in the balls. a guy tried to grope one of my friends at djais a few weeks ago and i told him to fuck off....he was probably about 6'5" 250. pretty much woulda killed me. he told me to stop acting tough or i was gonna get hit. i told him i've been beaten up by guys bigger than you and dont care. he walked away. geek
  7. haha. i was on the same beach. the best story i have is when a girl answered her cell and started talking to one of her friends....there were so many people that she was practically sharing my towel. sitting so close i heard everything...everything. and when i say everything, i mean everything.....needless to say, i was working on my back tan for awhile. i wasnt about to tell her to be quiet
  8. kirk's a feg anyone who cares...im going to tradewinds tonight..calling out sick tomorrow, and not gonna be sober until monday.......viva colombia
  10. ehhh. i think im gonna stay in and read a book
  11. wow. dont hold back. you tell all those fake italians whats up. do real italians like to bang?
  12. WOW. look at me causing all sorts of drama. i usually try to stay away from it......but this is fun. is it sauce or gravy in the perns household?
  13. i must have been thinking of someone else from argentina. as for the flag, its an inside joke you're not privvy to...but really, are you that upset about losing a soccer game?
  14. WELL WELL WELL. I usually dont like to correct people and make them feel little, but i'll make an exception for you. 1) i'll give you a point for picking up on the colombian reference, but i'm far from being colombian. not that i have anything against colombians. i just put the flag up for reasons other than i care to mention. 2) as for the coffee, there's a great little place near my office here on 46th and park that makes a sweeet little cup of joegio....and coffee is their #2 export anyway. but you already knew that.... 3) shakira is from argentina. 4) im not related to either juan valdez, or the donkey. sorry to disappoint i was referring to "stupid italians" as anyone quoted in that article agreeing with his dismissal. i guess i can include you in it as well if you want? touche.
  15. i know i'm gonna take heat for this one, but cmon....this guy makes ted turner look like a genius. ___________________________________________________ ROME -- Italian soccer club Perugia has cut ties with South Korea's Ahn Jung-hwan after he scored the overtime goal that knocked Italy out of the World Cup, Perugia's chairman said in media reports Wednesday. "That gentleman will never set foot in Perugia again," Luciano Gaucci told sports' daily La Gazzetta dello Sport. Italy has been furious about Tuesday's 2-1 loss to South Korea, accusing the referee and soccer's ruling body FIFA of fixing the match. Back home, the Italian media were livid. "Thieves -- the killer referee hounds the Azzurri out of the World Cup," the Rome-daily Corriere dello Sport said on its front-page. "Shame! The scandalous Ecuadorean referee -- Italy is out of the World Cup," said the country's top-selling sports daily, Milan's La Gazzetta dello Sport. Ahn, who missed a penalty earlier in the match, was hailed as a national hero when he headed home the golden goal winner in the 116th minute. But his goal was viewed in a different light at Perugia in central Italy, where he has been viewed as an underachiever during his stay with the club. "He was a phenomenon only when he played against Italy. I am a nationalist and I regard such behavior not only as an affront to Italian pride but also an offense to a country which two years ago opened its doors to him," Gaucci was quoted as saying. "I have no intention of paying a salary to someone who has ruined Italian soccer." Ahn joined Perugia on loan from the South Korean team Pusan I.cons in the summer of 2000. He scored five goals in 29 appearances. A Perugia spokesman said Wednesday the club had virtually decided to release Ahn even before the World Cup tie. Information from Reuters and The Associated Press was used in this report.
  16. HMMMM. 12 is def. too late. 10 might be a little early. why dont we meet in between and call it 11? i could probably handle that.
  17. i might bite you so watch out. SSB rules the street. the best thing you have going is that your boss has a cool last name....
  18. send me your resume and i'll forward it to my hr peeps. hit me on aol im. ps. merrill sucks
  19. lets just start selling advert space, buy up some servers, relocate to the caymans, and run our own little napster file sharing thing. except when bertelsmann/vivendi comes along to offer us some $$, we will sell out and retire. then we can buy the mavericks and die young fat and rich
  21. south korea wins! all you can eat dog tonight!
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