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Posts posted by dolcemimi

  1. BE FUNNY ! If you can make me laugh you got me !

    I don't like serious appraoches - " Yo let me talk to you for sec' - Alot of Spanish/black guys use that line ..

    I HATE IT WHEN guys give me their number and say 'It's up to you"

    I don't like guys who act cool - I like guys who act like idiots !

  2. A girl can have fake tits,tan, nail, hair, lips + etc

    A girl can also fake orgasms and any other sexual feelings she has for the guy or even pretend to care about him + etc.

    But guys are worse because he treats her like a princess and pretends to love her for the rest of her life when infact he has not one god damn intention of getting serious or having anything to do with her in the future !!!!


  3. Originally posted by jennifera

    Seriously.....what's everyone's problem with asains in the clubs? People are always complaining about it. Why? I just don't get it. Do you really care that much about someones race?


    I know seriosuly people talk about them like they have a roach problem ..lol

  4. Oh my god !!

    I know Speedy !! LOL

    He's the leader of the crew - Full Circle

    Rock-a-fella and her husband Kwikstep used to teach me how to dance when I was a young wannabe professional break dancer !! LOL

    Now - I don't go out to clubs any more. I don't feel music any more - I'm not real happy ever since I stopped dancing. I used to live for music and to dance now I sit at home like an old lady at 27.

    If I goto a club now - I stand around til 4 a.m. because that's how long it takes for me to feel the music . Around 5 a.m - that's when I start getting looose..lol

  5. I think you can get foams at Sam Ash stores right ?

    If you want to spend some $$$ and seriosuly float your floors - you should look in magazines - they got companies that do that shit.

    But unless you're buliding a professional studio - I wouldn;t spend that much

    You can put bass traps in your corners ..that might help

  6. ok - I always goto this Gourmet Italian Deli and the guy who works there has been flirting w/ me.

    Last week he would hold my hand and say "hi" - I told him u have rough hands . So today I went there to give him some hand cream and he kisses on the cheek twice .

    He asked me out to dinner and all. He lives in my town.

    The other day my mailman asked me out too ! I like deli man better - he's more fun.

    ANYWAYS - is dating your mailman, deliguy, dry cleaner man or your plumber a good idea ?

    if the date thing don't work out - you still have to go to them for mail, sandwich and toilet problems ....

    I like the deli man he's mad cool but ...I don't know if I should bang him because I still wanna eat there - the fodd there is SOOOO GOOD !!!

    And how can I still be friendly/flirty w/ my deli guy without giving him funny ideas ?

    Also the deli guy is from Europe ( Greek or Italian - his name is Telemon ??) HE seems like a REAL HORNY over affectionate European ..lol

    ANy help ?

  7. I'd take FUNNY over good looks anyday !!

    What about funny girls ? If a girl can make you laugh til u pee ur pants would you find her more attractive then a hot girl with no personality ??

    FUNNY GUYS RULE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. yes or no ?

    Would u date someone that's not your type lookswise /personality wise just to give them a fair chance ?

    Or to see " Maybe I'll really like that person ?"

    I only date very outgoing and funny guys I really don't like shy, quiet types - should I give this one guy a try ? hmmm


  9. She said " universal" not cultural.

    Yea - different cultures value different things but - I think Nympho's askin about UNIVERSAL - a beauty trait that can trenscend all boundaries + culture.

    And if you look at most famous faces of celebrities,models + etc-they have a general universal appeal.

  10. no but there are people that no matter what the race - everyone will see as good looking.

    Look at Antonio Sabato Jr , Halle Berry, J.Lo , Tyson Beckford and top supermodels -

    These people's face can be approved as attractive no matter what their race is.

    Infact - You know you are truly goodlookin when you can attract people of every race.

    Good symetry/looks appeal to everyone no matter what the race.

  11. WOW - I can't believe this many people thought of suicide and I seriously thought I was the only one when I was 16

    My teenage years were a real bitch. I had a tough time from 14 - 17

    I made 2 attempts. When I was 14 I took about 10 Sudafil (allergy medicine) had my tummy pumped. WEAk !!

    WHen I was 16 I got high and slashed my wrists because I "fell in love" with an older guy I couldn't have. I still have the stitch scars to prove it.

    Also - I kept cuttin up my arm and getting stitiches and still have the scars ..

    I WAS A VERY ANGRY + STUPID TEENAGER !! I only wished I had a true friend when I was young .

    I never really had good real friends when I was young and I still don't.

    LIFE is hard but it's 50 times harder without FRIENDS !!!!

    I don't have a single friend in the world. Sure I have "friends" but - they don't really get me. I thought I found a real friend but he disappeared.

    If it makes anyone feel better - Anna Nicole Smith said she wanted to commit suicide once !!! LOL


    Lorenezo Lamas is HOTTTtttt !!!!!

    I've noticed that fake looking women + all the overbuilt juiceheads got dissed !!


  13. I think to be a jealous hater - you had to be hated on first.

    I was hated on ..and sometimes I hate back and I don't like being a hater ...that's not who I want to be - I like to think I'm better than that. Jealousy is for losers and I feel like one when I get jealous.

    I hate it when I get jealous - it's like I'm another person.

    GIRLS - get jealous more because girls are more insecure so they hate more .. they hate themselves, they hate others + etc.

    I've noticed that girls that get hated on the most are ones that "stand out "- either they are real good looking or had tons of plastic surgery + etc ...

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