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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. Yo Bandit now that you're getting more and more juice over there at Webster, don't forget to hook a sista up with a dancing gig Too bad they don't have dancers in the rocknroll room.. that must be the best room in the damned club!
  2. OMG BWAHAHAHAH Toooo funny!!! Does anyone know where the Icy Hot Stuntaz hail from, btw? The pictures look suspicious like Lloyd Harbor on Long Island, which is like right on the other side of the harbor from me - and there are lots of tools like that in my town. Anyone know???
  3. If you didn't notice, "terror" is used by those groups and states that have no army of their own, have no power and no way to unify to create that, and so their only hope under their oppression in by guerrilla attacks (mind you, I'm not justifying 9/11, I don't feel that the Al Qaeda was at all an oppressed group, being as how they were quite well buddied with the ruling group in Afghanistan). For every suicide bomber there is, there are countless Palestinians being shot, burnt, massacred and otherwise destroyed by hypocritical israelites who claim "poor me! holocaust!" yet they go do the same to their neighbors (Once again, not justifying the holocaust and i think it was beyond awful, but it doesn't give anyone carte blanche either). also, their "leader" arafat... he ain't so much in control, if you didn't notice... Now if you'll excuse me, there is currently a large protest at Healy Circle so I'm going to go join in. One more voice of "FREE, FREE PALESTINE!!!" does more than a billion of these inane arguments on CP. PS- the protests are meant to be peaceful, nonviolent action. If anyone needs a clue about what that means, I'll explain. The "graphic posters" won't hurt you - they're reality. Unless, that is, you're afraid of reality....
  4. DCsGLOW!!!! You're ALIVE!!! What's up bro? Long time no see
  5. As if the Palestinians don't deserve their own state which btw was stolen from them? As if you'd be okay with someone taking your land away and then confining you to your house? As if it's just perfectly permissible to kill a sniper with a firebomb that *oops* destroys an entire building containing women and children and civilians at the same time? Kill yourself
  6. HAHAHAHAHAHA OMG Vic you are totally on a roll here!! PGiddy dude, I didn't know you knew how to dance... oh wait, nevermind
  7. 5. Vixen Lizard - come join our DCCP meetup!!! Woot Woot! DEATH TO DRAPER!!!!
  8. Bring back the Gatien clubs!!!! I still have the one-nation flier at home lol...nostalgia...
  9. HAhahaha YAY! Someone *finally* noticed that I changed it for like the first time EVER! rawk rawk rawk! Thanks!
  10. Whoa! an ARTIFACT!!! Sounds like DC used to have a sort of colorful scene at one point...
  11. Hey Tilly - I may have a few ideas, but do they have a website I can look at? I'd need more info on logistics, etc. Also - one of the spots might be a ways north of Manhattan - do you think people would drive for it? Lemme know
  12. CODY!!!! I am gonna be there for the 19th - We had BETTER meet up! I booked a DJ in the white room, he's spinning 2:30 to 7, so I should be up there pretty regularly, we should come up with a time and place to meet up there maybe, 'cause there will be fewer people to sift through.
  13. OK here's how things are looking this weekend: Tonight: Ozio then Red *or* (yikes) Dream if all my friends go.. Friday: Most likely Ty T at 1223, but maybe Buzz... maybe both... Saturday: Day off - my ass is sick and I need some sleeeeeep! Hm... or maybe a trip to New York Sunday: Sasha and Diggerzzzzzzzzzz
  14. I havne't tried it yet - I'll do that. OMG here's how cheesy I am - I bought Disney Magix cereal today. Like, the marshmellow turns-the-milk-blue kind? LMAO I'm such a 4 year old sometimes!
  15. Ragga - I have something better than fried chicken... WHEELCHAIR!!!!!
  16. I've been wandering elsewhere lately too (mainly living in new york and commuting to DC for school lolz) so I'd be down for another meetup. I know me and PGiddy were discussing Friday at 1223 'cause Ty T is spinning, if anyone's down for drinks and some deep slutty house music, I'm there!
  17. bwahahahaa Joe G to the rescue!! Ay yo u meatball, way ta do it up, eh? Hadayalikemenow????
  18. :laugh: hahahah omg "fucked by an elephant already" that is harsh... kinda makes u wonder, eh?
  19. Dammit phatman, it's all your fault! jk The after-effects of annoyance are still lingering. It's like it starts off the day and refuses to leave thereafter... finding the same phenomenon Sai? Quoth - Guinness shits hahahahahaha ewwwwwwwwwwww
  20. Hahaha yes, I think we all know what the reason is (even though I have to be cooperative and PC and not say nasty things about stupid people... ::oops!:
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