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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. It's like... nothing bad has happened yet, in fact, for all intensive purposes, it would be a great morning, except that there's this residue of shitty events left over from the night before and it's causing MISERY!!!! (Yes, I'm referring to the Exit meeting... 9 weeks. 9 weeks! HELLO!!!!! Good god you cannot PAY some people to TAKE A CLUE!!!!) ::goesofftobeatheadagainstthewall::
  2. Big to differ.... my daddy taught me to drive track... I could 99% guaranteed whup your ASS. (CP racing and motorcross day anyone???) <--Fierce :horns:
  3. I loved the water and anything to do with it - was a total summer junkie: boats, yacht club, swimteam, sunshine and beaches... that's what life was (IS!) all about hehehehe. I hated gym class and land sports, loved to draw - my art school was just awesome - and I would have KILLED to be as cool as PAULA ABDUL!!!!
  4. So who is DJ'ing on Thursday at Red? I think I am going to go, if any of you fine CP folks would like to join me (especially all you newbies!!! And yes, we can stop at Camelot first if you please). I need some good music and a laid back venue... red red red red!!! (can we tell i'm on crack tonight?)
  5. Yeah, likewise if the stupid kid hadn't taken the pills in the first place. BTW, following that line of reasoning, the parents would have to sue EVERY single patron there that night that also didn't call an ambulance.
  6. This is yet another classic case of "pay for my or my loved one's fuck up". The club owners didn't force the drugs down that kid's throat, ain't no way they're responsible for his overdosing. That's bullshit. As if any amount of money is gonna buy the kid's life back or something.
  7. QUOTH FOR PRESIDENT!! I mean... oh wait... Yeah, it was cancelled... see the sticky thread for details about that.
  8. This is a really inane thread but does anyone else LOVE this cereal as much as I do??? It comes with those little blueberries built right in... excellent idea!!! Makes a great dinner too lol
  9. omg did you say glowsticks hanging from your nipples? Want a job as a cage dancer??? Nipplestix... I love it
  10. OMG Sice knows it tooooo!!!! hehehe Holla!
  11. Jump Jump! A little higha... Jump Jump! Until ya get tired.... I'll HOUSE you! bwahahahah this just came on my playlist... I love this song. It should come with a warning label - ridiculously catchy lolz
  12. hahaha I know you're scared C'mon let's go - outside, you and me! I'll whup yo' ass
  13. Agapi Ipervolikiiiiiii hahahahahaha YESSSS! Shifter - I am waiting for Darryl to call me, i will IM you later
  14. Like I was saying..... PGiddy, what's up this weekend??????? IM me biatch
  15. Hey Muthafucka!!! I mean, uhm, muthafuckinhighmay Welcome back! Good to know u had a good time - hell just getting there is an accomplishment - congrats!
  16. No way, malaka! You totally told me already that you at one point were too tempted and you took a few flips with your komboloi so I was totally justified. So NYAH! Thanks Everyone for you exxxxxxxxcelent comments!
  17. Okay, can someone please explain what this whole princesslolita thing is about????
  18. ....my absolutely awesome favorite Georgetown Chica, SIALATER18!!!! :D Sia~ A quick important run-down of who to watch out for: Resident dillhole: PGiddy That should do it ~*KaLiNiChTa BoUsTiS*~
  19. bwahahaha nice one, Joe *high five* Boreese- You betta watch out what you say about us dancers or I might just have to dance you out of the club one night... for shame btw, you may notice that my original post said "good-size spaces" not "good cage dancers" lolz
  20. Now why would I do that when I could have a true Italian one?? btw, phatman, I learned how to play with komboloi this weekend - it took me a damn lot of effort but I got it
  21. Evvvvvverywhere! hahha I couldn't find the meetup worth a damn tho Don't worry, I'll be back the 19th Scot Project We must do some chillin then
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