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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. :eek: Whoa, that's one heck of a crush! Between you and Sice I feel so WANTED *muahz*
  2. LMAO!!! :laugh: :laugh: How come mine won't do it? I wanna hear it! I feel so left out!!!
  3. OMG Gabo your avatar is HILARIOUS! Sorry that was completely off topic but my chin just hit the desk when i saw it! LMAO
  4. Intense picture Freakin' hilarious screenname. I kind of like manmeat too.
  5. I think it's pretty awful that everyone has such issues with gay people. That's pretty narrowminded and disgusting. Honestly, some of my favorite people that i have ever met are gay, and they are in no way deserving of any nasty attitudes just because they prefer to have relations with people that are of the same sex. I know this sounds really politically correct and trite but it just pisses me off when people get all nasty about being gay.
  6. Hahahaha i saw him at a club on L.I. and he screwed up the song, I started laughing and my friend told me that he saw him at another club the week before and he screwed up the same thing. And it wasn't even like he covered it up, he started singing in the wrong place and said "oh" and stopped. LMAO ohhhhh jeez:laugh:
  7. Yeah, I have to agree. These things make me want to scream. Can't there just be ad banners, like maybe a row of 3 across at the top instead of just one banner and 16 bazillion pop ups?
  8. vixenfoxxy

    Sex Farts.

    Yeah that happens from trapped air, excess lubrication and muscle contractions. A good way to avoid that -- when switching positions, make a point to do it slowly and stay inside 'cause if you slip out the air gets in and that's gonna happen. Also try not to take it out and re-enter, same issue there. Certain positions are worse than others for that stuff. But 95% probability is it's not a real fart just a "queef" lol
  9. :laugh: Sorry, I know I shouldn't laugh but... hehhehehehe
  10. whoa and here i thought it was only us chicks that shave it all. hmmmm....
  11. Yay! I made it! What do I win? What do I win? :D
  12. I actually like that reputation idea. Then again, I *am* Italian so maybe an offer he can't refuse is the way to go
  13. Well although I was fucked numerous times in NY too (not major like this but I knew it happened), this guy is one I worked with in D.C. and is now officially on my list of people who suck bigtime. And yes, most promoters *are* shady, although there are two I worked with that were really cool (and two out of how many(?) is a pretty small number). argh!
  14. OK so this asshole I'm promoting for totally dicked me over, knowing he is supposed to pay me $200 more than he has thus far (something he agreed to three weeks ago yet I haven't seen the pay from the last two weeks and he now he tells me he isn't giving it to me). Do I: 1) Approach this diplomatically, be nice about it, and offer to re-negotiate things for the future so that I'm not being told I'm gonna get money I won't (probably involves eating the $200) or 2) Go down there and tell this idiot that I'm not having this, and battle it out for my respect and my cash ??? Help!
  15. Did anyone try the chocolate ones yet? I've only had the strawberry and orange ones but they were excellent!
  16. Craft stores usually have thick yellow ribbon, just grab some of that and make loops around the center knot, leave the ends hanging. They might actually sell premade ones in the stores (if not yet they will soon). Also, take some smaller yellow ribbon and pin a little yellow onto yourself with a safety pin -- bring your spirit around with you
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