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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. That's great! I want to go see this happen I'm sure SG will be spectacular. I assume doors are still open around 4 or so? How much is cover and does anyone have a list?
  2. Hey sweetie! Dix Hills NY eh? I'm from Huntington, and I hope you are ready to party 'cause you and I have to meet up! I am working as an independent promoter this year so I'll have my pick of a lot of awesome parties, you should def. join me for a few! (comps of course). How's UMD? PM me whenever you want to go out (it's so nice to have another NY native on the board! hehehehe) p.s. Watch out for PGiddy 'cause he's a real nutbag
  3. Aight, I've been here a week and already I'm getting worried. There's just nothing good going on here. Gotta get out of DC, at least for now. Can anyone suggest a good weekend within the next three to four weeks that I should head homeward? What's coming up at the clubs and are there any meetups planned?
  4. GW Meetup hm? Well, remind my hoya blue ass not to appear at that one! jk
  5. OK DC kids, it's time to have a meet-up! I need to meet all of you! I'm gonna leave the venue and event up to all of you, so give me some suggestions. But I'm thinking either the weekend after labor day (that's uhm... the 7th or something?) or the weekend after that. Who's down?
  6. I am Vixen, the non-autonomous being. I require PGiddy to make allllllllll my decisions for me. But I won't go anywhere without him, so if he leaves and goes to New York without me I will sit on my couch and do nothing till he says it's okay. Oh yeah, and I'll cry 'cause I miss NY.
  7. Still working on the dancing job but hopefully will take care of it tomorrow, but I already went out last night, not too bad. But PGIDDY YOU BETTER TAKE ME BACK TO NY WITH YOU!!!! I think we should have a little meet up down here sometime soon so I can finally put your lovely faces on all these screen names!!!
  8. Hey Everyone! I'm back in DC, and although I'm missing NY like it hurts, I am itching to get back into the scene down here too. And Pgiddy, I don't know where you're at but you better be done cleaning the cage! *rowr* What's new and exciting that I will want to check out down here?
  9. Aztec you GOTTA come visit!!! And Trancend, you KNOW I love you to little BITS and PIECES. Come visit too. PGiddy, if you ONLY knew what trouble you just got yourself into :horns: break out the rabbit cage!!
  10. OK all you clubplanet people, my fellow New Yorkers, the time has come and sadly enough, I have to say goodbye to NYC and head back to DC Oh man, back to promoting and dancing at clubs that think it's okay to play N*Sync remixes on the main floor ohhhhhh put me out of my misery! You all know I'll be back, I just can't resist. Special thanks to Neo, Thorin and Stan for all your help this summer! *mwah* Everyone keep in touch!
  11. Woohoo! Awesome news for you!! That's one of those moments that calls for a celebratory treat-yourself-to-something spending sprees -- Buy light blue UFO's so we can match at the next meetup
  12. HA! I wouldn't choose any of these cars. Nope, because I would SO much rather have my PIECE of CRAP 1988 VW FOX than any of these nice new cars that you people are talking about. I mean, the muffler is broken so it makes those cool "I am racing my lawnmower on the dragstrip" sounds whenever I accelerate, and that broken gear selector? I mean, what better test of a driver's skill than to have 1st where reverse should be, 2nd completely missing, 3rd where 1st should be and 4th anyone's choice of 2nd, 3rd, or 4th. (Oh did I mention that this car only has four gears? that's hot right?). Ooh Ooh! And to further prove one's manuevering magnificence, I don't even have power steering! How's that for a challenge eh? Yeeeeeahhhhh this car's excellent. And I swear, I'm not tryin' to make myself feel better about how it broke down 45 minutes away from home and I can't afford another... <--message to my car (Hey wait! Is there a career in used car sales for me???)
  13. OK so I'm going back to school tuesday but my friend was considering a trip to up to Factory on Saturday. I could hitch a ride back to NY with him if I want but I don't want to do that if it isn't gonna be a good night. Is anything special going on, and can someone give me a prediction on how good it might be? Thanxxxxx:tongue:
  14. Yeah that was awesome, I was headed to the platforms at 2 and there was the HUGE clump of clubplanet people! It was soooooo great meeting u all, we should definitely do that again (when I come back from school for some really great DJ perhaps?). I'm so glad everyone showed up, and any time anyone wants to meet up and go clubbing together drop me a PM! You guys are allllllll great and I'd love to hang out again!
  15. LOL yee haw! I've always wanted a private Jet!
  16. OK hi, dancer/promoter from LL with a few lil' clarifications. 1) No, we didn't know it was a goth night before anyone else did 2) that should not stop you from going to the party, they don't bite, and Scot Project is going to be wildly awesome and 3) Gueslists are still open as normal, reduced cover as always, use Glitter's List at the door and it's like $15 or $20 depending. NOW EVERYONE STOP WUSSIN AROUND AND WORRYING WHAT EVERYONE ELSE IS WEARIN, AND COME PARTY WITH DJSP!!!!! (Jeez, it's supposed to be about the music, isn't it?)
  17. Glitter Guestlist, and if you have 7 or more hit me back at glitterdn@lycos.com for a nice hook up There's a big meetup at 2 a.m. at the back bar in the main room, check the thread for Scot Project Meet up (it's around somewhere). If you miss that, find me -- platform dancer with blonde hair + blue outfit. See ya there!
  18. Consider them checked... hit me back the necessary information!
  19. Limelight was just sold this week to John Blair, but it is not closing. We are running DJ Scot Project Friday night and parties there continue. I'm happy for Peter that he got out of it, I mean he was positively miserable, but it's such a sad situation when the city has to get all over someone like that just so some politicians can look good. Well, let's hope that John can run a clean operation and keep the city off his back
  20. OK I'll be the one in the blue dancer outfit with the blonde and blue hair, i'm pretty sure if you're lost you won't be able to miss me!!
  21. Damn Trancend, everyone's likin' you now. You're becoming so played out. Forget it, you aren't my favorite anymore!
  22. Psyched for this 2 a.m. at the back bar underneath the DJ booth....
  23. ...ongoing issue in DC. I mean, don't get me wrong, i like hip hop and everything but I think the clubs should just pick one type of music if they aren't big enough to have rooms for each. hehe there's one "club" (aka shitty bar that tries to be a club once a week) here that switches the DJ's back and forth, so you have chase the house music from the main floor to the patio and back again alll night. That's always cute. But it's been our experience that in DC in particular, the major draw is for hip hop, and not house. So money wise, much as that sucks, it's sometimes only feasible to run a party if you're bringing in the hip hop, mainstream crowd. A few clubs fill that house niche and it's tough to get many more going... (something being worked on at the moment)
  24. My parents didn't want to put the house up as collateral on a loan for the limelight... DAMN! John Blair has it indeed, and there was a cute little story about it on the news where they showed these really early-90's looking people there.
  25. U gotta come meet up with us! Go to Exit early like 11, and come to LL at like 1 and find us a little later. C'mon, DJ Scot Project, the Clubplanet people, who needs Exit?!
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