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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. Aight, I'm going to have to be the one to hold it down for hip hop in here. I love house and trance, but if I have the option of hip hop, that's usually where I'll be. When it comes to dancing in the cages or on the blocks at some of my clubs, though, I'd rather be hearing some trance... gives you more options of just how to move, ahd you can get more into it ------------------ "When you're feelin' good in somebody's spot, gettin' hot, don't stop, just don't think I'm not!" ~Candy
  2. Missing my birthday for NYC? For shame! JK -- you could take me along, though, it's been a while since I've had a weekend home ;o) Somehow I didn't think The Spot was your kind of place but should you want to end up there at any point when you're back in DC just let me know ------------------ "When you're feelin' good in somebody's spot, gettin' hot, don't stop, just don't think I'm not!" ~Candy
  3. Hey kids, coincidentally, I am having a birthday celebration at The Spot tonight up in VIP, of course you are all more than welcome to come. This is one of the clubs I promote for, so do send me a private message or something if you'd like discount cover, we'll set up some way to get you the passes. Also, you're more than welcome to join the fiesta up in VIP, so leave me a private message with at least your first name and last initial, and those of your friends so I can add you to the <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> ! Hope you'll all be there! ------------------ "When you're feelin' good in somebody's spot, gettin' hot, don't stop, just don't think I'm not!" ~Candy
  4. That sounds awesome, I'd love to! Just let me know when, and provided I'm not being shipped off to some crew races somewhere, I'm all there! Thanks! ------------------ "When you're feelin' good in somebody's spot, gettin' hot, don't stop, just don't think I'm not!" ~Candy
  5. Haha if there is ever an entire month in which Darryl doesn't disappear to some wonderful vacation spot at random for at least one weekend, I think I'd faint I think he needs to donate a few spare trips to the "I need a vacation but I'm a broke-ass college student" Fund. Do you still go to 5 on Thursdays? I was wondering if any of you still end up there, I asked Seth to tell me if you showed up but being the swiftie he is said "oh, I know who you mean but I don't remember her". *sigh* Always reliable! ) ------------------ "When you're feelin' good in somebody's spot, gettin' hot, don't stop, just don't think I'm not!" ~Candy
  6. Hey Egg, I hear rumor that the rankings are out for lacrosse: Terps 3rd and Hoyas 4th. I could be wrong but I think that might cause some tension up in here! I think the Hoyas are just going to have put themselves where they belong (at #1!) Can't wait to see 'em burn it up! How about you? ------------------ "When you're feelin' good in somebody's spot, gettin' hot, don't stop, just don't think I'm not!" ~Candy
  7. Millele, I was rolling on the floor when I read your post! I know exactly what Darryl was talking about -- what a creepy group! Although when I saw them, the guys were just kind of on the wall and watching what was happening (while consuming large amounts of alcohol). I really don't know what that was all about, but like I said before, that's such a red flag for the "I like teen porn sites" type. My friends kept referring to those men as "the paedophiles". Ick How is Darryl doing btw? I haven't seen anyone in a couple of weeks (crew team spring training kidnapped me! ) ------------------ "When you're feelin' good in somebody's spot, gettin' hot, don't stop, just don't think I'm not!" ~Candy
  8. Hey Scratch, if you're 19 that would make me the youngest one here, 'cause I'm still 18 for another 2 days . The funny thing is, I feel like I've been involved in the club scene forever, even though I've only been promoting since I got to school here. Either way, I wouldn't worry about what older clubbers are saying. I mean, they have no say in whether or not you have a good time, and as long as you're old enough to get through the door, you belong there. ------------------ "When you're feelin' good in somebody's spot, gettin' hot, don't stop, just don't think I'm not!" ~Candy
  9. I'm certainly not the oldest in here (turning 19 Thursday ) but I started clubbing when I was 17 at this place called Trilogy in NY. It was a pretty lame Long Island club but they let me in, so I didn't care. I promote mainly college parties down here, and I know my friends get really wierded out by the middle-aged people we sometimes get. I mean, we can't turn them away 'cause, hey, they're not underage, but really, over-40's at a college party? Those people walk in and immediately they're wearing a big red banner saying "I visit too many teen porn sites". They're creepy. I have no problem with older people at non-college oriented parties, though. I think what gets me more is these girls who look like they're 12 that are so obviously in on fake 18 ID's. They can't handle themselves. You can tell just by maturity level that they don't belong, and I can't for the life of me understand why the bouncers let them in anyway. It's not like they bring big alcohol revenue or something. Just my $0.02 ------------------ "When you're feelin' good in somebody's spot, gettin' hot, don't stop, just don't think I'm not!" ~Candy
  10. Being that I live in Georgetown, I've been to Paper Moon for dinner numerous times, but I've never seen it used as a club/lounge. How are you setting that up and what time do you start that? ------------------ "When you're feelin' good in somebody's spot, gettin' hot, don't stop, just don't think I'm not!" ~Candy
  11. Pretty uneventful weekend for me... My parents came to visit so I missed promoting on Friday, probably lost a great deal of $$$ on that one Saturday I was going to go to Glow to see Fragma, but somehow I ended up at Space instead, but the party was pretty good, it is catching on. I spent some time in the cage, had a blast there Went to Zei for afterhours but not for very long. I wish I had done some more sleeping this weekend though... ------------------ "When you're feelin' good in somebody's spot, gettin' hot, don't stop, just don't think I'm not!" ~Candy
  12. The infamous "we" is ECI, Event Concepts Inc. It's a promotions and event admin company up here in NW, and we run several club parties around the city as well as oranizing private parties for numerous organizations. BTW, Young Urban Professional = Yuppie. There's nothing wrong with yuppies, I grew up in a yuppie town Sorry it's been taking me so long to get the exact details on this party, people are out of town right now. I'll pass stuff on as soon as I know, even tho it's a little late for this week ------------------ "When you're feelin' good in somebody's spot, gettin' hot, don't stop, just don't think I'm not!" ~Candy
  13. I'd agree, there's not too much I can think of that's really running hard on a Tuesday. I think we're running our usual party at 1223 though, which is always really nice. If you would like to hear more about it, post back to me and I will get exact details for you! ------------------ "When you're feelin' good in somebody's spot, gettin' hot, don't stop, just don't think I'm not!" ~Candy
  14. I had a few issues getting my own people together. I was supposed to take a pre-frosh prospectus for the dance team out to 5, but she and one of the other dancers went for a late dinner and didn't come back till 9:30. By the time I mobilized them it was a little after 10, so I just went to 5. It was quiet there until about 12 as always, I was sitting in the promoter section, but I didn't see anyone who matched the pictures online, so I figured you guys were coming later, and once it got extra crowded I just gave up. That sucks. Sorry guys! ------------------ "When you're feelin' good in somebody's spot, gettin' hot, don't stop, just don't think I'm not!" ~Candy
  15. Alright, I'm going to try to get there, I'll look for all of you. Min age at Lucky Bar is 21, yes? If you see me, do come grab me. I am tall with long blonde hair, I'd give you clothing but I have no idea what I'm wearing aside from a black pea coat (which is really not very unique). If I don't make it there, (I have friends in from out of town) come find me when you get to 5 -- when you get to that 1st floor, ask anyone in the first little booth of chairs (right next to that little bar) for Aly, and if they don't know who I am ask them for Josh, Seth or Mark, who do know me. Looking forward to finally meeting all of you! ------------------ "When you're feelin' good in somebody's spot, gettin' hot, don't stop, just don't think I'm not!" ~Candy
  16. OK, we need some concrete plans here. Where, when? Also, I assume Lucky Bar and Big Hunt both require ID for 21? I was considering bringing some of my friends but if that is the case they will just meet me later. Are we having dinner or just drinks, and who should I look for so I can actually find you guys? Lucky Bar seems to be a rather crowded establishment on Thursdays nights, so some clues to that effect might help! ------------------ "When you're feelin' good in somebody's spot, gettin' hot, don't stop, just don't think I'm not!" ~Candy
  17. OK I just found out that my friends are throwing a surprise dinner party for one of the girls on my floor (it's her birthday) on Thursday. Augh! However, they want to take her to this restaurant in DuPont, so I was thinking I would just go there and eat with them, then come find you and have dessert or drinks or something. What time do you plan to meet up? ------------------ "When you're feelin' good in somebody's spot, gettin' hot, don't stop, just don't think I'm not!" ~Candy
  18. Wow, does this post ever raise some questions! First off, the girl at the door, what does she look like? I think I know exactly who you are talking about, and yes, she is quite a biatch. Secondly, Millele, I think you were the one who said the promoters and bouncers didn't do anything about the low-class types: do you think that's something that promoters should do? I always felt that doing so would be kind of counterproductive. I mea, if I keep grabbing people by the collar every time they approach a member of the opposite sex, I kind of felt that would chase away business. Of course in extreme cases of people behaving poorly, we should probably be intervening. But I was never sure what my responsibility and obligation was in that kind of situation. Your opinions would be very helpful! And lastly, if you are having problems with this kind of thing, check out www.panoramai.com and go to their webboard. Post something attn:Antonis, he's a great guy, I'm sure he'd be interested to hear your feedback! ------------------ "When you're feelin' good in somebody's spot, gettin' hot, don't stop, just don't think I'm not!" ~Candy
  19. One of the Thursdays sounds like a plan but I'm thinking that Thursday is not a good one. My sorry ass has a econ exam on Friday and so I really should study for that... another C in econ and my parents will be up my -- well you get the idea But at any rate, I'm up for next Thursday. Oh, and just a little correction on 5 Thursdays: we allow guys 18 and over as well on Thursday as part of our college night deal. ------------------ "When you're feelin' good in somebody's spot, gettin' hot, don't stop, just don't think I'm not!" ~Candy
  20. Benvenuti, scratchapella! Glad you are enjoying our board and our city! I might also suggest 5 on Thursdays (corner or 18th and Connecticut). There's a post about somewhere on the board if you want the details ------------------ "When you're feelin' good in somebody's spot, gettin' hot, don't stop, just don't think I'm not!" ~Candy
  21. Hey everyone! A while ago there was talk of another meet-up somewhere but it doesn't look like anything happened. I want to meet all of you though! So I am going to throw out the possibility of Tuesday, February 13th at 1223. I know that's kind of a random night, but I've been looking at the possibility of working with a party there on Tuesdays, so I will probably go check it out anyway. Is anyone else up for this? ------------------ "When you're feelin' good in somebody's spot, gettin' hot, don't stop, just don't think I'm not!" ~Candy
  22. Well, the asshole that messed around with me is someone I've never before last night, but he seems to be very good friends with lots of people through the company, and I would assume he'll be sticking around as a result. I doubt he'll try anything again but I don't think it's fair that I had to deal with that. As for Darryl and what he spins, I will definitely suggest that he play more house/trance and less commercial junk. I agree that, with Trencher spinning upstairs, it should be no problem to play less mainstream stuff. Also, the reaction to the music in the beginning of the night was very positive. No one hesitated to get there and enjoy it, so I don't think there will be an issue of non-receptiveness there. I'm glad you enjoyed at least the first part of the night, and I'll definitely work to tailor it a little in the coming weeks. We should really have a meet-up sometime soon though, that way we won't pass each other by again! And of course, there is Saturday afternoon (see "Outside the club scene" or some topic like that below for details), you will definitely be able to find me then. OK, off to class I go (ugh). Have a good time tonight (I will promoting another club so I'm gonna miss it, tell me how they are!) ------------------ "When you're feelin' good in somebody's spot, gettin' hot, don't stop, just don't think I'm not!" ~Candy
  23. Hey! I got your message a little too late respond to yesterday. I was there for a while, but as of 11 pm it was still very quiet, then by 11:30 the whole place just filled up. I was up in the DJ booth for a while with Darryl, trying to see if anyone particularly stood out from the crowd as the Clubplanet People, but no such luck. Maybe you saw where I was: when you walk into the door on the main floor there are those little lounge area things with the chairs? I was sitting in the first one right next to the bar, but I was farthest away from the bar. I probably looked straight at ya as you came in without realizing it. I had a very unfortunate experience with a friend of my promotions manager who tried to take things way too far (and by means of coercion no less), and I was very upset So unfortunately, I left early (around 12:30) but I felt very threatened and I was very angry so I think it was better to do so at that point. However, I'd love to hear your feedback on this party. I know things got a little mainstream for a while there: Darryl was spinning some excellent house and trance early in the night but the only people there to hear it were the promoters ------------------ "When you're feelin' good in somebody's spot, gettin' hot, don't stop, just don't think I'm not!" ~Candy
  24. Hey everyone, this has not so much to do with the club scene at the moment, but I figured I'd pass it along anyway: it's something that I think is worth checking out As previously mentioned, I'm on the GU Kickline/Danceteam, and we're performing this weekend at MCI Center, Saturday at 12 noon. We'd really love it if you came to check it out, so for all those of you who are just finishing up your post-afterhours breakfasts, come see it! Also, if you're there, do come introduce yourself! I'll be down by the court with the team, so just stroll on down there and ask the kick girls for Lexie (And in the picture of our lovely dance, I'm on the far left, just so ya know who you're looking for). Hope to see you there!! ------------------ "When you're feelin' good in somebody's spot, gettin' hot, don't stop, just don't think I'm not!" ~Candy
  25. Yes, I am absolutely positive that DJ Guido was spinning last Friday 'cause I did the promotions for it, but needless to say one of the clubs I promote, the one where Guido was spinning, is one which I don't think certain of you would care to visit (in fact, it was just re-arranged in a way that greatly decreased any interest in the Trance room, which is kind of sad. Moutso was spinning some great stuff the other night but there was no one in there to enjoy it. I wish we could get the scene back in there). But yeah, he was here Friday. Nice stuff ~Vix ------------------ "When you're feelin' good in somebody's spot, gettin' hot, don't stop, just don't think I'm not!" ~Candy
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