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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. You're not going to Diggerz at Centro or DT at Limelight???
  2. I think posting topics like this on a messageboard gives anyone reading it more ammunition to fire at our scene, saying how we are all druggies and that clubs are of no use save for their existence as ecstasy havens. Just great
  3. As if it's my fault that you still have email notification turned on? It's just your way of making sure that you know every time I've replied to any thread. Tracking device much? Why not just attach a little radar collar to my ankle? *sigh* the things I go through simply to defend myself from the postwhores of Britain as they chase me around clubplanet.....
  4. Starshaped has unfortunately had rather slim luck even at those places though. He just goes for the music, you know... like Sandstorm and a few Kylie Minogue radio edits...
  5. all of them by choice, too.... You love your !!!! *coughKaRiSmAcough*
  6. Hmmm no, I guess I wasn't quite feeling well. You know, I just wither when you're not around.... your absence takes such a heavy toll on my consciousness :D Where are you, Britain? In the shrubs outside my window? Cause uhm... I think you're stalking me
  7. They're all in DC except for Gua Rapo. 5 and 1223 are both at the intersection of 18th and Connecticut Avenues, on either side of the intersection, off DuPont Circle in midtown. Red is right around the corner from 5 on Jefferson St. Gua Rapo is on Wilson Blvd. in Courthouse in Arlington VA Also check out what's up in Adams Morgan (I think Shadygroove may still be DJ'ing at Felix but I'm really not sure) and maybe the Edge in SE....
  8. PGiddy likes K-Mart. His mom gets all his def threads for him from there. For special occasions, she prefers rummaging in the dumpsters behind the Salvation Army. That baby-puke orange leisure suit he always wears came from there, I hear...
  9. :rofl: No, he told me he's butt ugly...
  10. Well.... there is stuff to do here, but dan's right - now that buzz is closed, there's been a noticeable decline. Some of my suggestions are: Red Thursdays: DJ's Saeed and Tom B. alternate every-other thursday spots, and they're both great. Atmosphere is really chill - no dress code, minimal decor, basement venue, small and dark and well... red 1223 Fridays: Odessa spins the main floor and Dan Sampson spins 3rd floor VIP in "Spank". The party has been great for a while, I think it's declining in popularity now but the music's great, and Saeed & Palash, along with other yoshitoshi artists, DJ there now and again. 5 Saturdays: Tonite's Joeski & Onionz - M3 tends to bring in some good DJ's for this night. The club is really nice too, I like the atmosphere, it was just recently redone so everything looks nice in there. 5 Wednesdays: If you're looking to go out and have a drink on a Wednesday, I highly recommend it - really chill atmosphere, small regular crowd of people who really know the music and who are often DJ's themselves. Dan Soda spins this nite with a few others, he does a good job with it - spins some stuff that you won't hear otherwise 'cause the mainstream crowd wouldn't get it. Gua Rapo: All weekend - our very own CP talents including Buster and revaluation (nietzsche) spin here on various nites. Thursday thru Sunday they have DJ's on a rotating basis - it's on the VA side of the river in Courthouse. Hmm yeah I think that's my picks for the moment, I'm sure I'm leaving out some things because I'm experiencing that post-booze-binge haze that lingers all day even after the hangover's gone Anyways, welcome to the board, and to the area.
  11. LoL Ican't wait till I have to slag through thanksgiving dinner on zero hours of sleep, but I am determined to hit up both Diggers at Centro and Danny T at Limelight (god DAMn I miss it!) so that's just the way it'll have to be. And i'm finding some way to catch at least part of Garnier's set if it kills me!
  12. Oh, shove it.... go order some VW parts or something You just love it, you know it
  13. Look at you today! Such the little post whore! *pinches cheeks* I knew you'd be back!
  14. Just send them to my room... I recently acquired an unprecedented amount of french disco house at no cost... I love that shit!
  15. Mmmm nah, I'd have to say that there's no better place in the world than my bed (I would know, I spend a lot of time there) and no better person in the world than me (fact: I rule)
  16. Oh you own me? I think it's the other way around. You're the one that's calling my cell all night lookin' for a piece.... LoL
  17. Whatever bitch, I OWN YOU! And I don't think Chyna wants to be anywhere near your STANK ASSSSSSSSSSSS LoL
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