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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. OK here's the deal: 3rd floor isn't technically new - it was open for a while before, but then there was that fight where the dude fell out the window, and they didn't reopen it until this past friday. Saeed and Palash are playing there this Friday. I'm pretty sure I will be at the door this weekend, in which case, you know who to come see, and I'll stamp you for upstairs. However, just because I stamp you doesn't guarantee that you can get up there (or at least not right away) - it may entail some waiting by the ropes on the 2nd floor until the bouncer decides to let you in, and generally guys have to wait longer than the girls to get up there. Arriving early will help cut down on the time that you have to wait. I'll confirm about whether or not I'll be at the door or inside. As long as I'm out there it's all good, if I'm not then people will need to send either me or Omar at Soulstice a list of names. More laters
  2. Unfortunately, in many cases, it really is the promoter that fucks up. This industry is shady. Ask anyone in it. I'm not sure if you've worked in the scene or not, but it is positively incredible how quickly someone will turn on you, fuck you over, defect, refuse payments, smear reputations, etc. etc. (and for someone who is probably getting his intestines in a knot right now, relax, i making a general statement and referring to many people across the board). It's not fair of you to attack the DJ who may actually have legitimate concerns. We all deserve a voice, and this no time for mass-emailing-please-post-on-my-behalf board rallies. Let the guy speak - he obviously has something to say. If the promoter he is referring to has a defense, that should be heard as well, should said promoter want to voice it on the board. Fair's fair, and both DJ's and promoters are covered under the first amendment, so it's not very productive to try to repress what others want to say. Side note: If he is actually working to promote the real scene, the actual world in which music matters more than money and mutual respect wins out over personal agenda, then he DEFINITELY deserves the arena to set out that option.
  3. HaPpY BiRtHdAy ShAdY!!!! How many birthday punches do we get to give out? :punch:
  4. WORD! I just bought the Sennheisers the other day and I loooooove them!
  5. Well... coming from someone who just got into this a little over two months ago - just go buy some records and work with them. If you have some friends who DJ, ask them to teach you the basics. I picked up the main ideas of what I needed to do and how the equipment works by watching friends of mine and having them show me how to do things. It's a lot harder than it looks though, and it can be frustrating at times, especially when anyone who's been DJ'ing for a while seems to do it without even trying. But I find that spending some quality time with your records is the best way to learn. If you really want help, there are websites, videos and whatnot out there - you can ask at a record store to see what they have.. or you could go to a studio and get lessons. I don't know of any in NY, but in DC, metatrack studios does great work - you can check them out and maybe ask for a recommendation of someplace in NY that they know of - www.metatrackstudios.com hope that helps.
  6. :rofl: SHHHHHH! If you aren't careful the police will bust them and THEN where I am gonna purchase my small children with complimentary AK-47's???
  7. Kosta, I'll totally pay you if you hunt this shitbrick down and beat the living piss out of him... because THAT would be entertainment value!!!
  8. You know, I love how I try to be polite and talk to someone and everybody assumes I'm doing something stupid. Did you LOOK at who I was talking to? Cause if you did you'd know I was DEFINITELY just being polite. From now on, I'll just be a flaming bitch to everyone that talks to me and I won't have to be bothered... pffffft!
  9. I went too! But I was so tired from midterms that I could barely sit up straight. Revaluation eventually dragged me off my arse, and by that time Saeed was dropping some good stuff
  10. I am going to have to get there early cause then I have to be at 1223... but I think Revaluation will kick my arse if I don't show...
  11. How un-christian of you I think that Father O'Grady has given you a few too many whippings with that ruler...
  12. hewaaaaaa...you tell me, CATHOLIC SCHOOL BOY!
  13. Everyone go see Dan Sampson... my boy knows how to rock it LoL
  14. Hey buster, is the fox gonna go on a roadtrip to NY? Cause if you're driving, you may be able to settle a longstanding debate between me and my parents - I say that the vixenfox can make the drive to DC and back without a problem, my parents say it's too old and won't make it... so you'll have to let me know the results if u drive
  15. OK Donkeyboy I have to give you a point for this one - I laughed my ass off... this is cute. But I am still waiting for something to actually go down - I see all talk and no action here...
  16. that was such a Jersey comment! hahahahahahaha
  18. I like this girl!!! :clap: Welcome to the board You might be sorry you came, though, if you're used to NB, where people actually have something to say...
  19. Definitely two people. Who the hell can drive and have that kind of shot without crashing? And if the dude is stopping and parking to do this - he would have been seen by now, sitting around and/or driving away....
  20. Well, lucky for me, I get to go back to DC tomorrow! YaY! Hey guys, if I'm not picked off the subway platform outside the airport, I'll check in to let you know I made it... wtf else??? The NYPD would have this dude on lockdown by now. DC Metro blows nads, they're probably too busy arresting college kids in their own houses for underage drinking to go after this sniper....
  21. Really??? I wonder if I can get back to NY for that
  22. In the words of Tupac... "Hate to sound sleazy but teaaaaaase me.. I don't want it if it's that easy!" hehehehe Where's AvalonDingDong? Grrrr
  23. Well... in response to the original purpose of this thread: I'd really prefer to go home after a night of dancing and not reek like smoke. I think it would be great to drive home and close my eyes when I get into bed without having my eyes burning and stinging the whole time. This bill gets my OK!!!
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