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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. It was a setup. The real sniper is Jasontowns.
  2. LOL Great thread vic! You didn't pick me a costume though - come up with something good Here was mine from last year - I was a las vegas showgirl (photo courtesy of Royal and Jimi):
  3. Hahahahah! Nabuc thanks for the good wishes Haven't seen u around the boards lately - where have u been?
  4. Well actually, it would still be funny... simply because of the way he posts in particular. It's satirical. As for karma, it's a belief I subscribe to because I've seen it happen over and over and over again... whether that is due to an actual named force or just coincidence, I'm really not sure. However, the karma theory comes as close to being a workable label for the phenomenon as anything that I've found yet. I think it's also far more plausible than the general rubbish that is spoon-fed to people through most major religions. However, if it makes you feel better, let's look at this from the standpoint of some other philosophies, just to be sure: Deontology: Certain things are just always wrong. Wishing death on people... yeah, that falls into the "wrong" category because murder (as implied) or the infliction of harm is always wrong, according to strict deontological theory. Utilitarianism: Good is created when the amount of benefit outweighs amount of harm. Amount of benefit if two innocent people doing nothing evil except for taking people away from your party die: none. Harm done - obviously, considerable, particularly in the eyes of those close to the aforementioned persons. Golden Rule: Do unto others as you wish for others to do unto you. Would you like it if someone said you should die just because you work at a club that isn't their idea of a good time? no. Maybe that helps a little more. No matter which way you put it, what you said was just wrong. If you're on this board to try make Exit look good, or to show your support of the club, why don't you say something positive and try to convince us all through logical arguments?
  5. Nice! I'm right across the bridge from you I'm taking the shuttle though - sooooo quick and easy! I'll drop you a PM at some point
  6. I just have this hilarious mental picture of vicious face-whipping people then beating them down with his ponytail :laugh:
  7. You know, that is just an unacceptable thing to say about anyone. I'm a firm believer in Karma... so watch your ass when you start talking like that. How highly indicative of the level of class that is found among the exit supporters.... JoeG - LMAOOOOO I read your post and nearly fell off my chair!
  8. Heyyy me too lol... where in DC? Welcome to CP btw...
  9. I left harbor right around 2 to go check out afterhours - I was at the door till 1:30
  10. i haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about but anyways.... how's catholic school? still getting abused in the locker room?
  11. LoL! And drone giddy-up's outta there FAST! Please, you know you have Tiesto-logo underwear hidden deep in your drawer somewhere...
  12. I don't know them all but I know some of them... Now come down off your high horse and join the party - we're all here for the same reason you know
  13. Hey Highmay I have a better idea... let's have Laurent Garnier and Antoine Clamaran do a house party for us that night btw I picked up one of Antoine's tracks at yoshi the other day - SICK! I'm going to marry that record! LoL
  14. Provided my plane lands in time, I will be there! And Cody, this time, all bullshit is officially aside and *exists no more* I'm FREE!!! FiNaLLy!!! So I'll be in NY this weekend If I can't make centro we'll find another club to meet up at! Looking forward to seeing the rest of you all as well... I miss everyone!
  15. Desyn Masiello BECAUSE I MISSED HIM Misstress Barbara Richie Hawtin bonus picks: Carl Cox, Laurent Garnier and Steve Lawler I need to have a private party with AVB mmmmm
  16. If I'm not exhausted after dance practice I will check this out I need to go OUT dammit, the stress level is KiLLiNG Me!!!
  17. Good to see this diversifying! I will be in New York this weekend but best of luck with this! I'll drop in next week after 1223. Also, thanks for everything on Saturday! Much appreciated.
  18. Dammit Cody, why you gotta go throwing a stick in the mechanism here? Sooooo difficult..... *smack smack* LoL
  19. LoL I always consider pennies a non-useful item. Most of them are kind of gobbed together in the change tray thanks to a piece of juicy fruit that melted over the summer so I wouldn't even have that option lol "here mr. gas station attendant, this sticky gob of pennies is worth one gallon of gas, i swear!"
  20. I have to agree with Drunk on this one. I've seen Tiesto twice now and both times it's been the exact same set, half of which was I don't know, maybe it's just me, but he's not my bag. I wouldn't say he's worth $40, certainly not $50.
  21. Hi! Welcome to the board Any significance to the screen name?
  22. Dude I want all you downshift types to show up at Centro on Thursday - not taking no for an answer... tell your boy tank to bring me some presents for my radio show in DC Miss u guys!
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