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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. Yugos turn me on.... Datsuns are pretty hot too...
  2. Holla Productions?! you must be kidding me!!! too good... *sniff*
  3. LoL yeah bring ur Johnny Vicious CD's hahah ------ Ante, I'm just not so sure you're special enough...
  4. Everyone that's making like they can't go to this event cause it's Thursday... You're just NOT TRYING HARD ENOUGH!!! Remember, one day worth 7 hours at work on less than enough sleep will not kill you, and for Satoshi, it's ENTIRELY worth the extra 3 cups of coffee! Everyone get your asses out to Centro-Fly and make me REALLY jealous!!! Satoshi's beats are deep enough to break walls down, he's awesome!!
  5. WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!! OK it's not like new new but it's new used! And for those of you who are familiar with my ancient VW Fox Ralphie, aka the Vixenfox, you know this is A BIG STEP UP!!! I am now the proud owner of a 1992 Subaru Impreza!! YAY! It's a blue one, with power everything (huge improvement from my manual-everything VW, that didn't even have power steering) and I'm REALLY EXCITED ABOUT IT!!! :clap2: HELL YEAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! :lickit:
  6. Murali this Friday is dnb, jungle and 2-step (currently a once-monthly, looking to go weekly) Red on Jefferson St. is one of my favorites... the music there is really good on Thurdays and Sundays and never a cheese crowd, but I haven't been on Friday or Saturday so I can't tell you how that is either way. However, it's usually not a packed house there either. I like Modern too.. same thing crowd-wise, but once again Thursdays and Sundays always good music, not sure about the merits of Friday or Saturday.
  7. you've had far better comments in the past... c'mon now, you can do it...
  8. uhm, I would certainly hope that was some tasteless attempt at a joke...
  9. Hey Kiyo! Nice to see you around these parts again!! Sounds like hawaii is *GrEaT*!! Good to know you're well
  10. EWWWWW hahahha i can't believe this thread came back!!
  11. :clap2: Remind me about this in case my blonde self forgets - I am so there! (and what a great excuse to go buy vinyl...)
  12. OMG hahahahahahha I miss you, toolface!!!
  13. ... this board has been recently inundated by the dregs of the earth from e************? I mean, no offense to Myke and Kyle but guys, how do you deal with having these tools on your board on a regular basis?
  14. This Johnny Vicious thing, especially on the drama board, too god damned funny I trentbeefpile (and what a SN!!)
  15. I don't think I've met anyone from the Jersey board yet.. I'm not sure though, I get drunk and forget Kosta and I are pretty tight though, right malaka?? I met a lot of the NY board people though. I'm usually at Centro-Fly, sometimes at Spa, looks like I'll be at Supper Club now and again... used to be at Exit when I worked there but thank god I've tossed that burden! you?
  16. Sorry donkey boy but I can't imagine why you'd specifically request to be known as an animal that is otherwise known as an "ass". That's a rather poor way to personify yourself. My vote goes with....
  17. Hi Yuki, welcome to the board. I would highly recommend going to see satoshi. Centro is not the type of place where you need to dress up or bring girls to get in. That's mainly at clubs for people who feel the need to dress in versace to make people like them.... Centro's dresscode is simply no athletic wear... if you can wear something and look neat in it, that's fine. A nice pair of jeans (i'd recommend against ratty old jeans that you just painted your house in) or whatever is perfectly acceptable. Centro-Fly is located at 45 W 21st St. in Chelsea, between 5th and 6th avenues. Guestlist is open from 10 pm to 3 am, and Satoshi will be spinning from 1 to 5. If you have any more questions, please feel free to email me at ReachProductions@aol.com and I'd be happy to help. ~*Aly*~
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