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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. Dan looks like a Georgetown boy Joe Hoyasssss in the hizzouse.... lolz
  2. That has to be THE best screen name I have EVER seen in my life!!! :rofl:
  3. Does anyone know if Mindcircus is still available on vinyl, or have the vinyl and is willing to sell it??
  4. I want to go I want to go! Have another meetup for Seb Fontaine's CD release party on the 19th, I am going to be in NY for that!!!
  5. JERSEY SUCKS CAUSE KOSTA IS THERE!!!! And he never comes to visit New York....
  6. According to mommy, the HR professional : Do a little research into the company or, in this case, the court system and/or department you're interviewing for, and have some particular reasons ready why you want to work there over say, the Michigan court system. Have things ready like - there's a renowned professional that you'd be working under, your past experience in DC relates to the new job because...., yada yada... so you'll look like you're really interested in that job in particular, rather than just any job
  7. English accents are an aphrodesiac, lol... Check out Roxy Friday (on 18th St. near 11th ave if I remember correctly) then head to Arc (6 Hubert St. downtown) for Danny Tenaglia afterhours. Saturday check out Arc again... most other places are 21+ on Saturdays. There are a few more places, you can email me if you want to know more ReachProductions@aol.com
  8. I may actually fly to NY for this... cause a certain someone *coughcoughrussellcough* is holding it against me that I haven't been to Area 51 yet... but I promised I would sometime...
  9. OK just a quick question, being as how I've run into red tape with this kind of thing with my dance team at Georgetown... how did you get permission to run an outside-promoted, door charge event on school property? Is it a fundraiser or something? (btw if it is a fundraiser for GU stuff I'll drop in for ya )
  10. I think that was only confined to the Jersey shore... Hey Wreck, thanks for the suggestions Obviously Mr. Shady and Mr. Vicman are NOT SO MUCH HELPFUL!
  11. Centro-Flyyyyyyy without a doubt. If you want hip hop, Centro has that in the Tapioca room, you won't regret joining us PM me if you need a list (or just ask for Aly's list at the door)
  12. Thanks Vic, and can I borrow your Life-size George Acosta poster to hang in front of my decks to inspire me when I spin? I want to be just like him one day... roly poly and all washed up!
  13. LoL thanks but... no. I don't really want to groom myself for a Glow residency just kidding
  14. ...That's right everyone, it's meeee!!! I seem to have finagled the temporary but mostly exclusive use of a brandie new pair of technics along with complete set up to practice stacking some trains on... I can't wait to see how awful I sound! But I'm now in the process of collecting a decent sized vinyl collection, and I WANT YOU to help me choose some tracks I'm planning on spinning deep house, vocals, tribal... so anything in that realm is great, and if I can get it at ever-so-conveniently-located Yoshitoshi, that's even better (but it doesn't have to be there). Any suggestions?????
  15. BWAHAHAHAHHAHA Yeah, you greek people all SMELL and you're WEIRD too!
  16. Hey, welcome back Haven't seen you around in forever!
  17. Sounds like someone got snubbed by a Long Island girl and is a little bitter about it?
  18. This thread now contains *entirely* too much information Although I agree with Shady 100% about the stance.
  19. Mr. Capello.... I do believe you are not qualified to discuss anything regarding bouncing... hahahhahahahahahahah
  20. Won't be T.A. You're hittin up the wrong medicine cabinet, sicky
  21. boooooooo you too ~ you got to stay in NY nyahhhh Go do something fun with urself!
  22. I wish I was gonna be there Those are gonna be great parties... have fun out there!
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