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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. Well looking at Teklord's list, i do believe i missed seeing like half the boards out last nite! You know what's funny, I swear I saw Ms. Menace last night but I wasn't sure, and this guy smacked into my arm really hard and spilled my drink down all down my leg, and when I went to give him a nasty look I was like "wow! that looks like Roha!"
  2. Just got home.. still tipsy.. so please excuse the typos. First off, I wanna thank everyone that showed up for my Final Fling party! Codica, Smokesum, Avalondon, Teklord, Wahoo, Mike Bugout, supposedly Highmay you were there but I didn't see yer ass, all my FaVoRiTeS from Reach, District and beyond... Thorin, Sev, Larry, Jordan, Eugene, Dominick, Andy, hey smiley steve were u there? Alex & Leo and Jabit, and all the rest of u that I'm too out of it to remember right now... Thank you all soooooo much for being there for my going-away party ~ I couldn't ask for a better crowd and I luv u all! Special thanks to T.A. and Sevvy for the bottle, you guys are the best Walked into the club and found myself in the middle of a deep, funky house track by our *fabulous* opening DJ John Michaels ( ) and didn't sit still the rest of the night.. Stephan was RIPPING IT UP from like 2 a.m. on... awesome awesome performance by the DJ's! Yes, T.A., Superchumbo ROCKED THE SHOW... a totally FRESH sound Oh yeah, and Stern, great job with the doors ~ thanks so much for taking care of everyone for me. Quote of the nite from my sister who almost never comes out: "This club has the lowest concentration of ugly people that I've ever seen. How do you guys do that? Everyone is really good looking! And this club is so nice, I definitely will come back here, the venue is great" Mmmmmhmmmmmm.... Road trippin' to start ASAP... lock your doors, I'm ready to go...
  3. Sorry but all awards tonight will belong to ME... I will be more messed up than all of you, partying harder than all of you, hell, I bet I'll steal all your chicks too! NYAH!
  4. Mags - u can bring cameras. I am! Come find me, I wanna meet u I will be the really wasted tall blonde... if that helps Cody - Stern may be cute but he's not worth your time... total player. Watch out for him, what a whore
  5. You haterz are all nizzut bags, yo...
  6. Why does it matter if you get mayo on your sandwich anyway... you know you're just going to go puke it up 10 seconds later anyway lest you gain a pound...
  7. OMG I'm so there for this hahahhahaha Alex and Leo make me hot... can I get their autographs too?*snicker* 21 + there correct?
  8. DG, maybe this is obvious but... TRY A DIFFERENT DELI NEXT TIME!!! duhhhhh airhead models...
  9. I didn't know this was possible! I somehow caught a cold in the middle of August (I'm not bitter, I swear...) and this morning, I woke up at 6 a.m. coughing uncontrollably, totally destroying my attempt to make up for barely sleeping in the hamptons this weekend. Nothing seemed to be working... chloroseptic didn't stop the coughing, so I took robitussin, and then had some throat losengers, then I took some CVS cold and flu tablets and a sudafed while I was filling up the humidifier and then under the cover of the humidifier, I found Actifed laying around in the cabinet so I took that too. About 5 minutes later I was OUT COLD, and 3 hrs later, I woke up drugged the f*** out, I feel like I'm on codeine or something.. everything's spinning and everything I touch makes my skin feel really squishy and soft I had noooo idea that cold medicine is actually effective!
  10. Mmm Thorin...? You forgot a slash.. "Disgrunted underpaid would-be corporate genius if not shoved into dark back corner all the time" One more slash baby ok? welcome to the jungle... That aside... let's get back to Tom Stephan shall we? I want to know who is coming is out for this incredibly talented DJ *and* the special record release party from Nervous Records in the Tapioca? Hmmmmm???
  11. Hahahaha quoth said "twig and berries"... that is entirely classic Keeping that for later use
  12. Awwwww poor baby:( Hope you feel better soon. But if you don't... those party tricks are ON!
  13. Kostaaaaaaa.... I've been mad busy ~ doing Centro-Fly Thursdays now, and some crap in the Hamptons, and lifeguarding - you should ditch the Jersey shore and come party in the Hamptons.. I promise I'll let you be the designated driver (heh heh) on the ride out there AND back BTW- my going-away party is this Thursday, before I go back to DC for another few months... I highly suggest you join the party
  14. Hey everyone.. very psyched for this weekend - I want to see some new faces at my party damnit! All you CP heads get your asses out and get ridiculous with us, we'd love to have you, and you do NOT want to miss Tom Stephan. Also, this Thursday is my Georgetown going-away party, year 3 *sniffle* So please, come find me, help me celebrate my last Thursday of this fabulous summer and help me finish off my bottle cause otherwise I'm going to puke all over my friend's car on the way home... I want to make this one memorable, god dammit! ~*Aly*~
  15. Uhm.. you really should go see a doctor. We had to go through a whole section on heat stroke for the lifeguarding course and the first thing they tell you to do is call 911 if someone has heat stroke... so git yer ass to the nearest doc please....
  16. Just ask for Vixen's list at my garage door
  17. It's a new underground venue... in my basement. My mom is spinning, she's damn good, gives johnny vicious a run for his ponytail... PM me to get on the VIP list...
  18. Damn... I think I missed an awesome party the other night However, everyone has to call in sick now and then, and I will be back for TOM STEPHAN next week! (it's also my Georgetown send-off party so I want to see all you clowns and then some at my table next thursday!)
  19. Uhm.. can someone repost that link? it says invalid link specified. What did it say????
  20. OMG OMG OMG SO roadtripping back for this if it KILLS me!!!
  21. I think wideskies hit the nail on the head...
  22. You're thinking of the south shore... and some mid-island areas. Don't rope us north shore types into that mmmkay?
  23. Hmm hey Lina did you install surveillance cameras in the bushes around your bedroom window cause i think u got a lil problem here
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