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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. Only if you wear your gold sparkley GLOW thong... Vic ~ break out those corndogs! woot woot!
  2. You know, I caught the title of this thread out of the corner of my eye and I thought it said "Hand Job Interview Today"
  3. :rofl: that was one the best one-liners you've ever had
  4. And you're not aware because you're right and my dumb ass in my sleep-deprived stupor can't seem to type what is in my head lately scuse my incoherence ~ I think Andy told you what's up already with Orbital anyways
  5. Ahhhhh Vic & Velvet you guys are cracking me up! So uhm... Vic... wanna go out for some rubber-burned squirrel and a lil glue huffing?
  6. Mugz, Orbital is actually spinning... PM me for details on this okay?
  7. Okay so that makes YOU the LITTLE BITCH that is stealing all my drink tickets before they even get into my hands! Don't you worry about keys, I'm kicking you down the stairs in immediate succession following Thorin, and you can both stay there!
  8. Warning: These pictures also contain many shots of me being completely wasted, potted, tanked, etc. so no laughing
  9. I was 4 ... I didn't know what the hell happened to me till I got drunk again many years later. I was at this golden anniversary party for some relatives or other at a catering hall, and while everyone was up dancing, I was really thirsty and my parents weren't at the party (just my grandma and aunt) so I couldn't tell them I needed some juice or whatever. I didn't know where my aunt and grandma were so I just started drinking out of this stem glass that was on the table where i was sitting. The stupid waiter kept coming to refill it, I prob had about 2.5 glasses of champagne, and I just remember stumbling out of the catering hall all dizzy trying to run after my aunt lol...
  10. Dude! What pawn shops are you going to?!?! The ones I've seen all have like cheap ass costume jewelry and dusty 1970's tv's in them.
  11. Do any of you have good home remedies for depression? I can't seem to shake it lately but I'm not about to try to hawk a prescription for it either, cause I don't think it's that kind of depression. Are there certain foods that help (or ones that make it worse that i should avoid?) or herbal stuff that I could try? What works for you all?
  12. Here is this week's En-Soul Event - Clubplanet will have a guestlist set up so watch for the sticky that tells you about the deal
  13. Awwwww Highmay! I'm blushing!!! You da best *muah* (better enjoy that while it lasts cause i know ur gonna be smackin me around again next chance u get lolz)
  14. That's Vixen, with an "X" and actually, i'm pretty sure that referred to your penis. Thanks. I think I will.
  15. Dan, Centro-Fly is small that we don't have enough room for morons like yourself. I heard the door staff is now equipped with CATscan equipment so that the bouncers can screen for small brains and keep you out. Sorry. Have fun at Cheester Hall.
  16. Awwwww yeeeeahhhhhh!! Hahaha the best parties only occur with the best people - nice to meet ya!
  17. A POSITIVELY INCREDIBLE NIGHT.... One of the best parties I have been to all year. Hearing Saeed and Palash get filthy with those mixes was like a little return trip to DC! I absolutely love their sound and they DESTROYED that place last night. The crowd was incredible, everyone was having a great time at that party, and our list of special guests was impressive! Nice to see John Digweed, josh wink , todd terry , boris , mada and moody , richie santana , merrit , michael moog and iio out there partying with us last night!! Special thanks to everyone who came out and supported, to my wonderful partners Thorin Aiello, Sevan, Alex, Leo, Andy, Steve and all the rest, and thanks to you, Ms. Lainie, for helping me secure that booking - I really appreciate the cooperation from you and Mr. Nasseri, it was an absolute pleasure. I hope to see all of you fabulous CP heads out again, it is SO much fun partying with all of you, and it was great meeting Eddie and Cody FINALLY - also great to see Highmay, KingArtur, DJGyroStephen oops I mean JonStephen, and all you other heads who were out in full force last night!!
  18. And because you think so, I'm going to go kill myself Esp. because you didn't do it for me three days ago See ya tomorrow
  19. Hey does Tunnelbandit have the keys to your cage too?? And since your location is "fucking you in the ass".. could you get a little more to the left? I have a special spot right there. Night Night Fuckface
  20. No, my boobs really annoy me. For some reason, the boob fairy passed me by I'm a B but I would like to be a C, a nice full C. B is too small I think. Bah!
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