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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. I think Vinyl will stay. It's part of the mystique of the DJ... everyone has CD's, but only DJ's still work with vinyl, it's like an art form. Yeah, airbrush and digital art and 3D and all these things are out but oil paintings and pen and inks and charcoal sketches will always be classic. Same with CD's vs. Vinyl
  2. LoL Benny u should organize a promotion - big-ass fight between you and scoobe on the main stage
  3. OMG if they brought The Price Is Right I would SO be there! I fuckin LOVE that show, grew up watching Bob Barker. Hellllllz yeah
  4. Ha!! Sorry Highmay - $5 on the magic guy in the funny hat....
  5. Jimi, if youhaven't seen Sopha's sparkley gold G-string yet, you should DeFiNiTeLy get to Tantara's next show.
  6. Okay first of all, let me just say that I no way advocate going after a very very touchy spot like this. Whatever quoth and his mom are going through I am sure it is hard enough as it is and I cannot condone Joe's response at all. I have to admit I'm still collecting my jaw off the floor. HOWEVER For those of you that think that fat jokes and whatnot are "just joking around"... they aren't. Gyro/Cannoli jokes and stuff like that, it's all targeted at lighthearted little funny crap, and no one is gonna get offended. But like Joe said, imagine how perhaps Spragga would react if he was walking down the street and someone yelled out "HEY! GET THE FUCK BACK IN YOUR CHAINS NIGGER!" (not to spotlight u ragga but I just need an example). See, i don't know of many people that are really insecure or ashamed about their nationality or their taste in music or the way they dance. However, when you're overweight, you're terribly insecure about it. I was a chubby kid in elementary school, not obese or anything but chunky, and I used to get RAILED ON for it. That kind of thing targets your weakest point and it hurts you to the core, and even if it's said just as a joke it still makes you go home and cry your eyes out because you hate yourself for the way you look. Our society is built on the thin, toned perception of beauty and ironically on fast food culture as well, and mix the two you are bound to have some victims. It's very insensitive of all of you to say that everything that Quoth, and shook and rizzo and everyone else who contributed said is just funny. Because it's not. And whether those contributing parties realize it or not, they are all guilty of inflicting torture upon that kid and my heart goes out to him. So while it was really fucked up to go after such a soft spot in Quoth's life.... keep in mind that Joe's been being stabbed in that same spot for MONTHS now. Think about that. Thanks.
  7. Fill your bathtub with ice and sit in it
  8. Sounds good! Hey Steve... I think you put too many e's in "saeed"
  9. OK well before this whole thing explodes... 18 + on Friday nites... Roxy on uhm... is it 18th and 8th? I forget... someone will know. 18th and 11th? something like that, somewhere around there? lol I know some kids with lists there. Exit at 610 W 56th St. (btwn 11th and 12th) I have a list there if you want. Sound Factory on 46th and 11th (right? am I off by a little?) Hope that helps.
  10. You should sell tickets to that event ::amusedbythismentalpicture::
  11. You better come see ME! (I'll PM you my cell # but even without that just ask Thorin where I am!) These little rumors also hint that a certain Mr. Highmay may be in attendance....? Lookin forward to seeing your whack ass out again
  12. Ewwwwww you guys SUCK I'm not goin ta see YOU GUYS ewwwwwww LoL whenever you get some dates set up after I move back to DC let me know, I'll come throw rotten tomatoes at you JK, I'll bring a whole lotta singles so I can slip them in your gold sparkley G-string
  13. I KNOW DT I KNOW DT! I THINK HE LOOKED AT ME ONE NIGHT WHEN HE WAS SPINNING! WE'RE SOOOO TIGHT! OMG listen to you people... everyone is this dude's best friend, everyone has been his boy since back in the day and everyone's got every track he ever dropped listed in a big fat fuckin pink fuzzy notebook on their nightstand. If DT wants to ban things, fine, whatever, that's his prerogative and if you want to enjoy his music then shut your piehole and comply. What kills me about this board is how many people would jump off the brooklyn bridge if DT said he recommended it. Zoe has a point - people here are trying so hard to sound like they know what they're talking about that they sound like the same assholes who trying to generalize our subculture and shut it down. Why don't you all just stop worrying about what the party used to be vs. what it is now, who's going and why and in what clothing with what accessories, and just enjoy the music? It would appear far more credible than the constant pontifications on this messageboard about who knows Danny and who doesn't
  14. Who is forming your musical void & why? Personally - I missed Carl Cox at the gigantic flood that was his last event and I'd love to catch him... highly considering a ticket to Area 2 as a result.
  15. Check out Spa... 76 E 13th St. downtown - Hip Hop, Retro, Dance classics... the house music (which I assume is what you mean by techno) is mostly mainstream stuff that you will know already, and there is a separate room that is all hip hop, in addition to that which is on the main floor. I have a guestlist there if you want it, just drop me a PM or reply, whatever, and I'll give you the details. Just dress nice, it's an upscale place.
  16. OK yeah, that could ruin your night...
  17. You people are really just the epitome of irony...
  18. John was spinning last week, but he didn't last night. He'll be back again soon though
  19. Always listen to your friendly neighborhood rats.
  20. OK this is gonna sound shady coming from me 'cause I was running the party, but I have to say it anyway, I'm on a little Centro-High. I had SO much fun last night, the place was positively throbbing. Downshift Radio's DJs all had this really unique sound, sooo funky and with this occasional latin flair that had everyone off the bar and onto the dance floor. Upstairs hip hop room was absolutely crazy - one of the best nights I've had all summer and I am still excited about it today lol OK I'm done - if you weren't there, y'alls missed out! Try again next week for Saeed & Palash
  21. Hey everyone... hope to see you all out tonight. I'm really excited for this - I think it's a great way to get some underground guys out there on the market, and if you come early there will be free CD's and Vinyl from FTL & Downshift And did I mention clubplanet has an excellent guestlist available for you all? Check the sticky for the details and IM me if you'll be joining us tonite!!
  22. Are either of these programs still on? When's baywatch on/what channel? lol i haven't watched that in ages! My favorite episode was when Cody came on the show... he is SO hot
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