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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. I better see you all there! (Early too, free CD's and Vinyl)
  2. Nope, no saves here. Certified lifeguard at a tiny little pool where, if anyone drowns, they could just stand up....
  3. btw, also a note to everyone with Nextel... I'm REALLY Jealous of you! I want direct connect (then again, I can dl ringtones....)
  4. Such as.... fire & replace the security staff and door turd at the white room entrance?
  5. Hey congrats Shady! That's great! Keep that up - I wanna come see u spin when I get back to DC
  6. Is that name meant to bite off Peter Gatien's Tunnel in New York?
  7. Stay tuned kids.... We're all skeptical, but it's nice to dream. Just curious - how would you all feel if the international DJ thing did come back? Thoughts? Opinions?
  8. Hey everyone, Thanks sooooo much for all your replies, I really appreciate it. I'm doing a little better now but it's still tough. At least Max is probably hanging out with Tek's poodle and with Timber right now. You know what they say, All Dogs Go To Heaven. I just hope he isn't mad at me and knows we didn't do it to be mean. I hope I can get a new dog soon but I might have to wait till I get my own place cause my parents claim to not want one. We will see though. Mugwump, I'm gonna drop you a PM about the shelters so when the time comes I can get a pup who needs a home! Thanks again everyone, and here's my beloved Heemie dog:
  9. Yes, it happens to me all the time and it's really irritating. Plus, I'm too damn nice to tell them to fuck off. What really kills me is when they ask for my phone number. I don't even give that to people I meet in person unless I have a good reason to. "Sure random dude, here's my phone number! And my address is yada yada yada, why dont' you come over now? I'll just tie myself up and wait for you to come over and rape me so it takes minimal effort" wtf is with people? oh and even worse is, u know these guys prob. can't talk to girls any other way
  10. nooooooo don't do that, you will sound like my ex bf and he, my friends, is a WANKER.
  11. OK so with a combination of leukemia, congestive heart failure, liver failure and lymphoma, my dog was finally to the point he couldn't breathe anymore and we decided (I barely managed to say yes) that we were going to put him to sleep. Everyone says it's peaceful and everything but it makes no difference. I feel really guilty and I want my dog back, I am really torn up about it and I don't know what to do. I don't even like looking in the direction of the corner of the yard where he is buried and I don't like being alone in the house, and I seriously feel like I did something wrong and killed my own dog. Has anyone else done this? What do I do now?
  12. Hey Dee & Jake, thanks for getting that tip out. It's good to know this kind of stuff in advance so we don't accidentally support some theiving bunghole that is unwilling to make himself a name and just feeds off someone else's talent instead. I hope Team Mauro nabs this jerk soon and sues him for all the money from his CD sales! Some help to the industry biting off names is
  13. Well Quoth, if I was fucking anyone right now that would be nice but I'm not, and it sucks, so unless you're planning to bring your penis over here and help out then shut yer yap Seriously though, I heard about this whole story and it just really irritated me, along with other shady things that keep happening, and I felt I should drop in my 1/5th of a dime in support of honesty.
  14. OK first off, congratulations to everyone who made the cut I think it's really great that you are all going to get some time on the main floor, and best of luck to all of you. Now, my $.02... Sorry, but no matter which way you slice it, it's just fawkin fishy that Rizzo just *had* to know who made that CD, esp when he calls up and finally talks to Chris and he says "Oh yeah, I had a feeling it was you..." hmm yeah I bet. Sorry guys but unless Justin, Mike and the other 2 winners want to come forward and tell us that Rizzo called them too, sorry but I'm not buying that shit as viable. Further, for those of you that are questioning Chris's talent, I'd just like to point out that he's been doing this for 13 years. What can most of you claim? 3 years? 5 years? maybe 7 years? If anyone else has been spinning longer than him I'll be very surprised. And it just seems to me that maybe, just maybe, after 13 years of spinning and making a name for himself on the west coast, it's just odd that he suddenly can't even win a DJ contest at the freakin' Roxy. Gimme a break Something is definitely wrong here and you can claim white all you want, we don't need to know what made the stains to know something's dirty.
  15. I think she's great... and those of you that are saying derogatory things can STFU cause none of you know her. I danced with her Friday night and she's a great girl so there's no need to get obnoxious. Does that make you feel cool or something?
  16. That would be *incredible* if they did but from what I hear, it's pretty impossible to nail either/both of those two for a residency because... well.. they kinda don't need one. Fingers crossed anywayz
  17. Gee Dan thanks for that morsel of wisdom. btw, he just played the opening of Groovejet DowntownUnderground very recently, and he did a great job. Guess you weren't invited Oh yeah, and you forgot to add that he's really hot. Hell, I'd do him. Two or three times over maybe. Who knows? *snicker*
  18. Heyyyyyyyy settle down killer I never said I was questioning your numbers. I simply said it seems suspiciously like a plug when you're quite silent on the other topics around here. N'ai mean?
  19. :D And being as how whether it's school or home we're always about 15 minutes away from each other, we had better!!!
  20. Go to Spa, it's always a lot of fun. If it's a birthday, PM me and I will set up something special for you guys with cover/table/bottles whatever
  21. Mr. Goldenman, I think it's a given that I want to meet u lolz Liteflyr, I'm gonna dress up like Jessica when I meet u hahaha
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