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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. Absolutely not. My car, a 1988 VW Fox (as in, the Jetta didn't exist yet) is a reflection of my financial status as a broke-ass college student, and that's about all. It has the lone redeeming qualities of a pretty sweet CD player and a license plate holder that says "NORTHPORT YACHT CLUB" with the little flags on it If my car were to reflect my personality it would be a Jaguar XK8 convertible (or an XJ220) in black or champagne, with a worked-out sound system and an optional back seat that folds down to provide a small dance floor in the back That is to say... fun, fast-moving, aesthetically attractive and all about the music And maybe with a splash of Nissan... DRIVEN. (yeah, i watch too many car commercials)
  2. First off, welcome to the board Secondly, you never noticed anything wrong with Draper's music 99% guaranteed because you have never heard better. When you have your Sweet 16, you don't criticize the wedding-DJ's mixes cause you don't know yet that you could be listening to much better dance music than "Hands up!". You figure it out over time. What other clubs have you gone to? Have you seen any other DJ's? I'm sure that all of us on the board would be more than happy to show you around the scene, refer you to guestlists wherever we know of them and suggest some really good DJ's you should see as we hear about them coming to town. Just ask if you're interested ~*Aly*~
  3. It must be such an honor to be compared to flies on shit hahahaha
  4. What does everyone think? What's better ~ Mistress Barbara and the like at One Nation, or Desyn Masiello, Sander K and them at Shelter? Anyone know which one they're going to yet?
  5. I would like to but I have to be at work at noon and i bet this is gonna go later than that. Codi ~ I better find u thereeeeee!!!
  6. No prob Like I said, the Glow staff itself says that sneakers and yada yada are okay, but I have found that the club staff itself (security) tends to be absolutely negative on that kind of thing, so just be forewarned. As for July 3rd, I am torn between One Nation for Mistress Barbara and Shelter for Sander Kleinenberg and Desyn Masiello. I'm supposed to be at Exit but... am I really gonna waste my time on Oakie if I could be with Sander, Desyn, or the Mistress instead?
  7. Miss youuuuuu *mwah* I'm gonna catch u online soon
  8. Just a heads up 'cause I've been working with this party (unfortunately) for way longer than I've wanted to now... 1) it's usually a promotion for girls 2) they say free before 11 then wait till 10:55 to open the door, let 3 girls in then wait five minutes and let the rest of the line in so everyone has to pay. My advice - don't bother. If you're looking to do something on a limited budget I would suggest Groovejet - it's $5 on the list and $10 regular featuring excellent underground producers and dj's minus all the crap.
  9. Yeah, like I said, they're fun on occasion if I'm feeling like being dressed up and inactive but generally I'd rather go elsewhere. and btw, for all the lurking Rizzo types, this has nothing to do with being able to get in, Ive never had a problem at any door... it just doesn't get my heart racing. (cause knowing this board, there's some tool that's gonna try that line)
  10. Yeah that's true. But it might be tricky this time around. I bought a new perfume 'cause Eau de Shit was getting kinda old. This one's a slight variation, it's called Brown Diamonds. Good luck
  11. Generally characterized by: Strict dress code - trendy, stylish expensive, or any combination of the three. Crowd type - Yuppies, models, spoiled drifters, celebrities, wannabes and husband-seeking gold digger types, pretty people and trendsters, 21+ drinkers. Venue - generally small to midsize clubs and lounges, plush, new-ish, someone's idea of "lavish" decor which may come in various interpretations. Door staff - often annoying, obnoxious, very selective or any combination of the three. Again, this is a generalization of the type, not all of them are like this, but that's the typical. They're fun if you're looking to dress up and really go out for a night on the town but I also find that you always encounter the same personality on everyone there, and the music isn't usually that great.
  12. That's what I mean... they pretend otherwise but just check with that bouncer that dressed like Michael Jackson and see what he thinks about letting you in wearing comfy clothing I guess there's nothing wrong with wearing a G-string to church. I used to wear booty shorts and a bikini top to church every week, in fact. ::coughcoughlimelightcough::
  13. Hmmm I would like to check this out - I missed That Kid Chris last time but from everything I've heard he's def. worth seeing. Thanks for the tip Snoozi, hopefully I will be there too!
  14. So uhm... how does a pool table become upscale? It is made by Tiffany, or does it live uptown for a while? Is it fed only on gourmet food? That second sentence I just had to quote cause it's so uncongruous with the "upscale" statement... I was just wondering if anyone else saw the irony in that. Anyway, pool isn't really my thing but good luck with it anyway, have fun spinning
  15. LMAO this is one of those wonderful little DCCP raunch diversion threads already! Anyways, I'll be at Vinyl and I haven't seen most of y'all in forever so hopefully I'll find you people - Are you going to join the greater-CP meetup at the club? (Hey Kuro I'll get a shirt that says boobookittyfuck on it so you can find me )
  16. LMAO yeah, according to Glow's messageboard, they make it sound like going to their club in UFO's, sneakers or the like is about as acceptable as going to church in a G-string. They will sometimes tell u that you can wear jeans or sneakers or whatever but it was always my experience that my heads who tried that got either hassled or turned away altogether. Just be forewarned. Other than that u should have a good time.
  17. *sigh* non-yachties hating on what they can't have....
  18. It seems like a really random move... did anyone else hear about this besides danwilson and where? any truth to the statement? *crosses fingers* maybe this means something good can be done with it ~*~*~*~*~
  19. Bass is almost as deep as your mom's buttcrack, dude... jk See ur ass this Saturday
  20. Agreed... last nite was really good. It was so damn hot on the dance floor though. I was feeling rather icky by the end of the night. Club looks 90% the same, I was expecting drastic changes but I'm kinda glad it's still similar to the original setup. More than anything I was hoping I'd they'd re-renovate that chillout room arcade thing in the back - I was so pissed when they took out all the couches and the carpet on those platform thingies back there, and removed all the colorful stuff. Now it reminds me of the place I had my third grade rollerskate party No score on that though, it's still monotone and hard and uncomfortable so the only place to find a good seat is VIP. Oh yeah, and the clothing booth really needs a credit card machine for those of us who like to run up debt Looking forward to headin' back there again Friday and Saturday
  21. Thanx everyone Highmay, I tried real hard to drown today but I kept floating. Maybe you can come throw bricks at me or something... or your mom. Something heavy jk jk
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